Algorithmic Music Recommendations at Spotify

Chris Johnson Há 10 anos

Composable and streamable Play apps

Yevgeniy Brikman Há 10 anos

Linux Performance Tools

Brendan Gregg Há 9 anos

Music Recommendations at Scale with Spark

Chris Johnson Há 9 anos

The Network Effects Bible

NFX Há 6 anos


Yevgeniy Brikman Há 11 anos

Rapid prototyping

Yevgeniy Brikman Há 10 anos

The Why and How of Scala at Twitter

Alex Payne Há 14 anos

Micro Service Architecture

Eduards Sizovs Há 10 anos

Attention mechanisms with tensorflow

Keon Kim Há 7 anos

Dropwizard Spring - the perfect Java REST server stack

Jacek Furmankiewicz Há 11 anos

Event-sourced architectures with Akka

Sander Mak (@Sander_Mak) Há 9 anos

Recommendations as a Conversation with the User

Daniel Tunkelang Há 12 anos