Greece : On learning from one’s mistakes

Dominique Strauss-Kahn Há 8 anos

Activate Tech and Media Outlook 2016

Activate Há 8 anos

26 Time Management Hacks I Wish I'd Known at 20

Étienne Garbugli Há 11 anos

Taking Charge of Your Brain

Deepak Chopra MD (official) Há 9 anos


praveensureshpai Há 10 anos

7 Myths of Startup Financing

Reid Hoffman Há 9 anos

38 gestures of body language

melodeepop Há 11 anos

Persuasive Language Techniques

mmcdonald2 Há 10 anos

Body language ppt

Rashmi Shahu Há 10 anos

Theories of Learning

santiniescolini Há 10 anos

How Long Does it Take to Create Learning?

Chapman Alliance Há 13 anos

Jean Piaget's Theory of Cognitive Development

Kelly McGrail Há 12 anos

Basic Photography Lesson

hweeling Há 15 anos

Learning While Earning: The New Normal

CEW Georgetown Há 8 anos