How Google Works

Eric Schmidt Há 9 anos

OpenStack Introduction

openstackindia Há 11 anos

Software-Defined Networking SDN - A Brief Introduction

Jason TC HOU (侯宗成) Há 11 anos

OpenStack Framework Introduction

Jason TC HOU (侯宗成) Há 11 anos

Introduction to Gamification (Whitepaper)

Piet van den Boer Há 10 anos

AWS 101 Lunch and Learn | London

Amazon Web Services Há 11 anos

Gamification Intro for Content Strategy

Corinne Schmid, MBA, ECMm Há 12 anos

OpenStack 101 update

Kamesh Pemmaraju Há 10 anos

Introduction to Cloud Data Center and Network Issues

Jason TC HOU (侯宗成) Há 11 anos

Tools and Platforms for OpenFlow/SDN

Umesh Krishnaswamy Há 10 anos