26 Time Management Hacks I Wish I'd Known at 20

Étienne Garbugli Há 11 anos

Why Zsh is Cooler than Your Shell

jaguardesignstudio Há 11 anos

Culture (Original 2009 version)

Reed Hastings Há 12 anos

Start-up of You, Visual Summary

Reid Hoffman Há 11 anos

Slides That Rock

Slides That Rock Há 12 anos

Dropbox Startup Lessons Learned

gueste94e4c Há 14 anos

SlideShare Zeitgeist 2013

SlideShare Há 10 anos

NoSQL Databases: Why, what and when

Lorenzo Alberton Há 13 anos

Our Best Practices Are Killing Us

Nicole Sullivan Há 13 anos

Reset the Web

yiibu Há 12 anos

Coding Culture

Sven Peters Há 9 anos

The Zen of Scrum

Jurgen Appelo Há 15 anos

19 Signs of a Disengaged Employee

Achievers Há 10 anos

Dockercon State of the Art in Microservices

Adrian Cockcroft Há 9 anos

Less is beautiful

Marc Heleven Há 10 anos