Shall we play a game?

Maciej Lasyk Há 10 anos

LUMA's State of the State 2015 at DMS 15

LUMA Partners Há 8 anos

Life Beyond the Illusion of Present

Jonas Bonér Há 8 anos

The Creative Classroom

John Spencer Há 8 anos

MOOCs and pedagogy: where are we heading?

UPMC - Sorbonne Universities Há 8 anos

Creating a Transformative Culture of Learning

LinkedIn Learning Solutions Há 8 anos

Would the real Mary Poppins please stand up?

Sebastian Deterding Há 8 anos

10 Ways to Generate Leads Online

Brian Downard Há 8 anos

5 Questions That Lead To Brand Innovation

Jeremiah Gardner Há 8 anos

A Marketer's Guide to Going Mobile

Marketo Há 8 anos

The Internet of Everything: Informed Airports

Samsung Business USA Há 8 anos