Jesse Desjardins - @jessedee Há 13 anos

How to Have Difficult Conversations

Mattan Griffel Há 8 anos

IQ Work Hacks - Motivation

InterQuest Group Há 8 anos

What the F**k is Social Media NOW?

Martafy! Há 13 anos

Getting Information through HTML Forms

Mike Crabb Há 8 anos

The Science of Happy Design - SXSW 2015

Pamela Pavliscak Há 9 anos

The ABC’s of Living a Healthy Life

Dr. Omer Hameed Há 8 anos

The Sketchnote Mini-Workshop

Mike Rohde Há 8 anos

12 Time Management Techniques Há 8 anos

Paris ML meetup

Yves Raimond Há 8 anos

Your Complete Snapchat Playbook

Todd Brison Há 8 anos

IQ Work Hacks - Productivity

InterQuest Group Há 8 anos

Poor Self-esteem: Just Beat It! Há 8 anos