ING Nederland Há 8 anos

Digital, Social & Mobile in 2015

We Are Social Singapore Há 9 anos

When Digital becomes Human

Steven Van Belleghem Há 9 anos

The future of the Customer Relationship

Steven Van Belleghem Há 9 anos

Van social media naar social business @ING

ING Nederland Há 9 anos

Social Media Engagement is Not a Strategy

Mark Schaefer Há 9 anos

How to Determine the ROI of Anything

Gary Vaynerchuk Há 9 anos

Re-Invent the Future

Steven Van Belleghem Há 10 anos

Digital Strategy for dummies

Bart De Waele Há 10 anos

Prepare for Impact - Disruptive Technologies

Paulus Veltman Há 10 anos

A Framework for Social Analytics

Susan Etlinger Há 12 anos

Introductie social media (algemeen) v201909

Coen Göebel Há 10 anos

Explain Digital Strategy To Your Mum

Amber Horsburgh Há 10 anos