Data science governance : what and how

Andy Petrella Há 6 anos

Scalable Genome Analysis With ADAM

fnothaft Há 9 anos

Tachyon and Apache Spark

rhatr Há 9 anos

Design for Scalability in ADAM

fnothaft Há 9 anos

Spark devoxx2014

Andy Petrella Há 9 anos

What is GIS?

Daniel Demonceau Há 9 anos

Linux Performance Tools

Brendan Gregg Há 9 anos

OLAP with Cassandra and Spark

Evan Chan Há 9 anos

Software Crafted And Libraries Available

Andy Petrella Há 9 anos

Spark the next top compute model

Dean Wampler Há 10 anos

Possible Visions for Mahout 1.0

Ted Dunning Há 10 anos

Open data eindhoven datadays

Rosseau Bart Há 10 anos

Visualize Big Graph Data

Mathieu Bastian Há 11 anos

Which Algorithms Really Matter

Ted Dunning Há 10 anos

Get Started Building YARN Applications

Hortonworks Há 10 anos

Impact Analysis using Graph DB

Ignaz Wanders Há 10 anos