Mindfulness im Business

Stefan Spiecker Há 6 anos


Tim O'Reilly Há 7 anos

Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning

Mykola Dobrochynskyy Há 6 anos

LEGO Serious Play / Service Design Drinks Berlin

Service Design Berlin Há 7 anos

Coaching im System Projekt

Olaf Hinz Há 7 anos

Consumption economics master deck

Greg Hopper Há 9 anos

Scaling agile Principles and Practices

Josef Scherer Há 9 anos

Organisations-Coaching Mentale Stärken 2014

isb GmbH Systemische Professionalität Há 9 anos

Führung in bewegten Zeiten

Marcus Raitner Há 8 anos

Fuehrung in Extremsituationen

Hinz.Wirkt! Há 11 anos

USP-D Entwicklungspsychologische Perspektive

USP-D Deutschland Consulting GmbH Há 11 anos

Crossing the Chasm - What's New, What's Not

Geoffrey Moore Há 10 anos