21st c classroom

Cristina Costa Há 10 anos

Hacking the Creative Brain

Denise Jacobs Há 10 anos

Making Assessment Meaningful

Dean Shareski Há 10 anos

Digital Storytelling

Lyn Hilt Há 10 anos

Take Another Look Around

Silvia Rosenthal Tolisano Há 10 anos

Using Social Media for Professional Learning

Chris Kennedy Há 11 anos

Leading an Innovative Culture

George Couros Há 11 anos

The Networked Leader #CPVPA

George Couros Há 11 anos

Education I Wish I Had

Jackie Gerstein, Ed.D Há 11 anos

Why Networks Matter in Teaching & Learning

Alec Couros Há 11 anos

Beyond Googling: Structuring Inquiry

Chris Lehmann Há 11 anos

Open Scholarship & Connected Learning

Alec Couros Há 12 anos

Driving Innovation in Public Education

Chris Kennedy Há 12 anos

Meaningful Play. Getting »Gamification« Right.

Sebastian Deterding Há 13 anos

Deep learning in the Age of Distraction

Alec Couros Há 12 anos

Think Visual (teaching mathematics)

Darren Kuropatwa Há 12 anos