The return on_people_e_book

Chris Willis Há 10 anos

Artof Engagement Ppt

Robin Wooddall Klein Há 13 anos

Why Upworthy Has Won the Internet

Marketo Há 10 anos

#daretoshare: SXSWEdu14 EdtechWomen talk

Amy Burvall Há 10 anos

HR Software Buyers Guide

Sage HRMS Há 10 anos

Building an Integrated Content Strategy

Jonathon Colman Há 10 anos

Pushing Through Failure (Quickly)

Jeremy Johnson Há 10 anos

Service Design: an introduction

Gretchen Thomas Há 10 anos

8 Tips for an Awesome Powerpoint Presentation

Slides | Presentation Design Agency Há 10 anos

Masters of SlideShare

Kapost Há 10 anos