MOOCs: still a viable business model?

UPMC - Sorbonne Universities Há 8 anos

Personalized Learning Osseo - Minnesota 2015

Brian Housand Há 8 anos

The Creative Classroom

John Spencer Há 8 anos

Creating a Transformative Culture of Learning

LinkedIn Learning Solutions Há 8 anos

MOOCs and pedagogy: where are we heading?

UPMC - Sorbonne Universities Há 8 anos

Openness in HE: Choosing our paths

Catherine Cronin Há 8 anos

9 Resume Fonts Designers Love

Donna Svei, Executive Resume Writer Há 8 anos

Saving The World With UX

Wijs Há 8 anos

Small Screen Navigation (Ben Callahan)

Future Insights Há 8 anos

5 Slides Design Tips

Uri Nativ Há 8 anos

Design is invisible UX Sofia 2015

Lutz Schmitt Há 8 anos

Style Guide Best Practices

Brad Frost Há 8 anos