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Research Methods in Context Sociology as
Model Answer– Participant Observation One strength of using participant observation to investigate
the idea that ethnic minorities are treated differently within the education system is that it allows the
researcher to join in. They will be placed in the same situation that teachers find themselves in
routinely, which will allow them to see things through the teachers eyes. This means that the
researcher will be able to see things from the same perspective as teachers. This would allow the
researcher to create a close bond with the teacher/s and this would mean that they would be more
likely to confide. This is particularly important as this is a sensitive subject area. Teachers may only
show their true feelings, opinions and ... Show more content on ...
It is conducted in real life and the researcher becomes part of this, so it can be generalised to the
outside world.
When investigating teachers there are a number of practical issues that need to be taken into
consideration. Teachers may feel that they do not have the time to commit to taking part in a piece
of research. Teachers may also need permission from their line manager or more senior management
to take part in any piece of research.
There are also a number of ethical issues that need to be taken into account when researching
teachers. As participant observation the researcher will have access to the staff room. Teachers in the
staff room will feel like they are in a safe environment to express their feelings. The researcher may
hear things from teachers who have not given consent to take part in the research. Does the
researcher use this or remain ethical and ignore it?
There are also a number of theoretical issues to consider when researching teachers. The issue of
teachers behaving uncharacteristically because they have an observer in the classroom has already
been discussed. In addition to this, any teaching staff who take part may have been selected by
senior members of staff to show the school in the best possible light. This would make the findings
unrepresentative and would mean that the findings would not be able to be generalised to other
educational settings.
This type of approach would be favoured by interpretivists.
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Institutional Review Boards: A Key Objectives Of Irbs
An institutional review board is an advisory group that has been formally assigned to endorse,
screen, and survey biomedical and behavioral exploration including people. They regularly direct
some type of risk advantage study in an attempt to figure out or not which exploration must be
completed. The reason for the audit procedure is to guarantee, both ahead of time and by
intermittent survey, that proper steps are taken to secure the rights and welfare of people taking an
interest as subjects in an exploration study. A key objective of IRBs is to shield human subjects from
physical or mental damage, which they endeavor to do by looking into examination conventions and
related materials. The convention audit surveys the morals of the examination and its routines,
advances completely educated and willful cooperation by planned subjects equipped for settling on
such decisions (or, if that is unrealistic, educated consent given by a suitable intermediary), and
looks to expand the security of subjects. ... Show more content on ...
IRBs are in charge of basic oversight capacities for exploration led on human subjects that are
experimental, moral, and administrative. IRBs are most normally utilized for studies as a part of the
fields of wellbeing and the sociologies, including human studies, human science, and brain research.
Such studies may be clinical trials of new medications or gadgets, investigations of individual or
social conduct, conclusions or states of mind, or investigations of how human services is conveyed
and may be
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A Research Study Of Sociology
Scientists have been looking over groups and societies and observing them for many years. In doing
this they were examining individuals of different social classes along with statuses and observing
their role in humankind this they labeled as the study of sociology. This evolved into a form of study
beginning in the 19th century as scientists began to observe and study differences in social classes
among people. The way people communicate together, the way they act, and the way they work
together as groups of people is the sole base for this type of science. By looking at these traits,
sociologists were able to decide how and why people behave or react in the ways that they do. They
are able to observe patterns of behavior which can predict potential models of growth or change, and
they can use these analyses to try and give solutions to problems in society. One such analyses is
that of anomie, anomie, also spelled anomy , is in societies or individuals, it is a condition of
instability resulting from a breakdown of standards and values or from a lack of purpose or ideals
within said individual or society. (Kendall, 2014) The term was first introduced by the French
sociologist Emile Durkheim in his study of suicide. Durkheim was born in the mid–19th century in
France, where he was the son of a Jewish rabbi. He was very keen on behavioral studies, religion,
and educational methods growing up and began teaching at a college when he was a young man. He
later wrote several
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Suppose Your Sociology Instructor Has Asked You to Do a...
Suppose your sociology instructor has asked you to do a study of homelessness. Which research
technique (survey, observation, experiment, existing sources) would you find the most useful? How
would you use that technique to complete your assignment?
If my sociology instructor has asked me to do a study of homelessness, I will choose the observation
research technique because I think this method is the most useful to me. In definition, observation
means collecting information through direct participation and/or by watching a group or community
engaged, which means, this is a technique which researchers observe carefully the behaviors of
people involved in their hypothesis.
Although there are various types of observational research ... Show more content on
3. How has being homeless affected them? (difficulties in all aspects)
4. What are the main causes of people becoming homeless?
5. What should the government do to help the homeless people? 6. The link between being homeless
and having social diseases (HIV, syphilis...) 7. Where do the homelessness rates have the
highest/lowest percentage? What are the differences in these areas?
These 5 questions are the basic information that I have to find the answers by asking directly
through normal conversations, by observing, by listening... Besides, I think I can conclude some
other useful results so as to have a general overview to support for my study thank to the time I'm
being homeless. My conclusion will include these data: 1. Trends in homelessness recently. 2.
Characteristics of persons experiencing homelessness 3. Causes of homelessness 4. Effect of
homelessness. 5. Homeless policy initiatives 6. How different places have different rate of
homelessness. Reasons? Solutions (If I can) 7. Outlook for the future (solutions)
Finally, I'll finish the final step: developing the conclusion base on the data I have to support or
redefine the
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Racial Perceptions Shaped Societal Interactions Essay
When we think of race, what do we think of? Generally if you ask this question, the idea of what
race is delegates different explanations or answers. What if there was validation that race does not
exist; that we only think it does. The motivation behind my research is the interest in showing that
we are all genetically the same, no matter the difference between our physical appearance,
especially having a high interest in the evidence(s) within Sociology. I had a professor who was very
thorough with her evidence, as well as explanations. It got me thinking: "what can I prove to other's
who may disbelieve, or have a hard time understanding?" That is when the ideas of what I've always
had in mind formed, and I created the I–Search question as: "How Valid is Race Scientifically and
How Have Racial Perceptions Shaped Societal Interactions?" I knew what race was––there was
none as Sociology taught me. I knew that we are all 99.9% genetically coded the same; however, I
wanted to know "why." Why are we no different than the people we walk past every day, but we
motivate one another towards racism, discrimination and the ideas that because we look different,
we are different? Knowing that we have the information to validate such circumstances, why do we
still believe in only one way? The motivation behind this topic is to not force people to believe what
they should or shouldn't, but to open their mind's to the capacity of information and knowledge that
they may have not known.
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Evaluating Research Bias
Evaluating Bias in Research
Robert Manning Randi Fass
SOC 100
Introduction To Sociology 1/25/2015
Evaluating Bias in Research The student's guide to research expounds on the practical steps that
students should follow when conducting their research and the effective ways of presenting the
research findings. Research entails the search for new knowledge, which makes it distinct from the
routine application of the known results. The goals of research include addition of human
knowledge to the previously known truths or findings. The research process involves extensive
interaction with the internal and external environment. The university provides the setting in which,
such apprenticeship occurs. When conducting research, the student should begin with finding the
purpose to write. The first step of research involves finding a topic and formulating a question about
which to write. The question formulated arises from the curiosity about particular topic and the need
to explore it. However, not everyone finds the choice of the question equally easy. In our case, the
question focuses on the drug industry where there exist assumptions and bias underlying the drug
research. The ... Show more content on ...
There exists an assumption where the drug companies fund the experiments with the aim to
subsidize the consumer's need for cures. However, some drug companies fund the experiments with
the aim to make profits when the government approves the drugs. The bias exists when the company
executives designs incorrect research with the aim to create a good brand image that promote their
drugs. The company executives can select academics with the same minds to perform the
experiments. Such academics comes up with positive results that promote the drugs and request for
further exploration when there arise troubling signs of the
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Advantages And Disadvantages Of Observation Methods
The observation method is the most commonly used method especially in studies relating to
behavioral sciences. Under the observation method, the information is sought by way of
investigator's own direct observation without asking from the respondent. The main advantage of
this method is that subjective bias is eliminated, if observation is done accurately. Secondly, the
information obtained under this method relates to what is currently happening; it is not complicated
by either the past behavior or future intentions or attitudes. Thirdly, this method is independent of
respondents' willingness to respond and as such is relatively less demanding of active cooperation
on the part of respondents as happens to be the case in the interview or the ... Show more content on ...
The results are then to be interpreted for drawing the inference from the experiment. Another
important thing in the observation is that this is a critical role player in any experiment or research.
The surveys in the research need to be observed minutely and they are to be interpreted by statistical
or theoretical means.
Observation thus is a vital role player in any research as these parts make or procure the data
available from different surveys like questionnaires or interviews to make the data converted to
information. This information is the player for justifying a hypothesis or making the research
informative and result oriented. Not only that, the observation also is concerned about the historical
part of the research or research field or topic. The topic or field on which the research is based is to
be justified by the previous researcher's view and view point and that is best done by the observation
part. Thus observation starts from the collection of data and interpreting them on the basis of the
historical research on the topic and also on the analysis of the participants and the participant's
research elements on the topic at earlier
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Qualitative Research Sociology
A better understanding of a community helps define the variations of healthcare interrelated
concerns that exist in that community. Therefore, it is important that when conducting a research,
the studied should be on predominant problem or an environment and the conditions should be the
subject of the research. A research may include both qualitative and quantitative approaches that
have strategical and empirical investigation, exploring the distinctive evidence, from multiple
sources of indication, and from preceding development of theoretic claims (Ennals, 2009).
As it is, the comprehension of the complexities of the seniors and their barriers to health and health
care services, necessity exploration with logical approaches capable to apprehend ... Show more
content on ...
Additionally, it allows communication, establish partnerships and create networks between the
researcher, enabling the flow of essential information and such teamwork is valuable for new
approaches and resources for change. Subsequently, to have values in changing the health care
system for the seniors, it is imperative to work with policy–makers, health administrators, private
and government health organization, public health officials, the community in which the research is
being conducted and other entities, for the reason that it is only through collaborative practice that
can instigate a change in practices that transpires and gets
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Sociology Of Immigration Research Paper
Migration is not a new phenomenon throughout the history of human, but the issue of migration has
become more of a problem since the emerging of modern states. The distinction between immigrants
and local citizens has become official with the emergence of nation–state authority and the ideas of
sovereignty, citizenship and nationality. From the 19th century, the control of passport and visa has
made the borders between immigrants and citizens even clearer and more identified. Today, as there
are more restrictions on entering a country, states have to deal with regulating policies for
immigration to control the influx of people
In a more liberal and democratic country, the immigration issue is greater with 'unwanted
migrations'. For example, ... Show more content on ...
Some of pioneers in this field are Hollifield, Freeman, and Kesstler. In their study of immigration in
political economic perspective, Kessler and Freeman argue that immigration is more likely to
increase the benefits for receiving economy and the local people rather than harming them (year).
Even though the cheap labor of the immigrants may make wages decrease for some jobs that the
they participate in, it increases the productivity of labor as a whole and it increases the benefits of
the owners of business that choose to hire immigrants. Also usually the immigrants work in low–
levels jobs that the locals don't want to do, so they help fulfil the shortage of low–skilled labor
without increasing the competition for other jobs that the locals prefer. However, if the immigrants
pay less tax (because of governmental support or because of illegal immigration) than the citizens,
the tax payers would feel resentful and want to oppose immigration, and therefore would make it
problematic for the government. Ideally, according to Kessler and Freeman (year), the interest of
state when making policies for immigration is maximizing the economic revenue that the
immigrants can bring in while minimizing their consumptions of public benefits. Most of the states
are driven by economic incentives when they adjust
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Adoption in Sociology Research paper
Sociology Research Paper
Abstract The purpose of this paper is to inform the reader of the sociological studies on how adopted
children are prejudged and how they can fit into society. It also discusses the difference within the
family dynamic. It presents facts and statistics or our current adoption system and suggests ways on
which to fix it.
Adoption I decided on adoption as my topic because it's a topic that's very close to me. Being
adopted, this research paper gave me the perfect opportunity to learn about the sociological effects
adoption has on children and their adoptive/birth parents. The problem is, there is not enough
adoptive parents for the parentless children. This is because regulations ... Show more content on ...
Overall, adoption has been considered to be the second best family.
Uncommon to popular belief, a study done in 1994 showed that adopted kids have the same, if not
better, attachment to their parents as biological kids do. Adopted children scored higher on identity
measures, such as self esteem, than there non–adopted peers.
A study done in 2008 called The Power of Adoption: BIRTHright or birthright says, "Adoption
involves symbols, not biology. Symboled adoption can't extensively, directly influence biological
factors but can have a significant impact upon the meaning of biology. Symboled factors can have a
significant indirect influence. The impact of meaning is illustrated in birthright patterns in which the
consequences stem for the "rights" not directly from the birth."
Community attitudes toward adoption have been shaped by the social stigmatism of children born
out of wed lock, their biological parents, and derogative attitudes towards infertility. Fortunately, the
social acceptance of out of wed lock births has increased since the 1960's and the attitudes toward
unwed mothers have become more lenient.
Statistics and Micro/Macro Analysis
Sadly, the number of adoptions has declined since 1970. About 100,000 children go unadopted each
year. The number of foreign children adopted by Americans has also dropped for the third year in a
row. Figures for the 2007 fiscal year, provided by the State
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Research in Sociology Essay
1. If you were the experimenter in charge, would you have done this study? Would you have
terminated it earlier? Would you have conducted a follow–up study? Why or why not? If I were the
experimenter in charge, I would not have done this study. While the initial question posed in both
cases is intriguing, (if given specific orders, would a person follow them when under normal
circumstances they would not) it is not a humane experiment. All of the people in this study could
have potential lasting emotional and/or physical scars that may never heal. For instance, when
Prisoner 8612 "began suffering from an acute emotional disturbance, disorganized thinking,
uncontrollable crying, and rage" after only 36 hours into the experiment. How can ... Show more
content on ...
Just like one of the guards states in the video, "...I was shocked, dismayed even...that I could act in a
manner so absolutely unaccustomed to anything I would ever really dream of doing..." 3. If you
were a prisoner, would you have been able to endure the experience? What would you have done
differently than the actual subjects did? For instance, if you were imprisoned in a real prison for five
years or more, could you take it? No if I were a prisoner I do not think I would have been able to
endure the experience. The level of psychological assault on the mind is too much for almost any
person to bear. There are of course exceptions to this rule, like the prisoner they called "Sarge"
because he obeyed the guards' commands with such a precision without question. The slideshow
states that similar to Sarge, other prisoners coped with their sentence by being "good prisoners",
doing what the guards wanted. I think this is the kind of prisoner I would have been. I feel that
rebelling and fighting every day would take a greater toll on the mind and body than just abiding by
the rules. I think that if I were imprisoned in a real prison for 5 years or more, I would hope that I
could survive it by using this strategy, but realistically I think that would only go so far. I think the
feelings of powerlessness and frustration would be overpowering. As the slideshow also states, the
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Research Methods Essay
Sociology Research Methods Essay Assignment
"Bringing Home the Bacon: Marital Allocation of Income–Earning Responsibility, Job Shifts and
Men 's Wages" By: Gorman, Elizabeth H. 1999
Research Question
The research question addressed in the article "Bringing Home the Bacon: Marital Allocation of
Income–Earning Responsibility, Job Shifts and Men 's Wages" discusses the issue of marriage and
how it impacts men 's job shift patterns and how job shifting also influences men 's wages. The
research question was presented clearly and the reader knew exactly what the researchers wanted to
investigate. The research question could have been more effectively presented to the reader earlier
on in the piece instead of at the bottom of the ... Show more content on ...
Their plan of attack of what could be understood when they were describing their research methods
followed a logical sequence and was for the most part served to answer their question.
Relevance The researchers did a good job of displaying the relevance of their question and how it
tied into other topics. They showed how the three theoretical approaches of the relationship between
wages and married men related to the idea of wage growth and job shifts. It study discovered why
married men make more money than single men and how being married affects the likelihood of
your job shifts and lifestyle. This topic becomes important as it helps us understand the motives and
reasons to why society values married men more than those that are single. This contribution adds to
the theoretical approach to the study as it further explains as to why married men get wage increases
and job shifts compared to single men. The idea being that the attitude of those of the employee and
employer has systematically changed due to the fact that they have more responsibility which is
recognized by the public.
Review of Literature The review of literature in this investigation was relevant and was reviewed
thoroughly. The study draws on three theoretical approaches on the allocation of work in house
holds and begins to identify the behavior mechanism that link and men 's wages.
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Sociology : The Six Steps Of Social Research
sociology, there are three different variables. Variables are the categories or factors that are being
examined in an experiment. One of these three variables is the independent variable. The
independent variable is the variable that the experimenter changes with the intention of studying it
through the experiment. Another one of the three variables is the dependent variable. The dependent
variable is what happens in response to the independent variable. This is because the dependent
variable is dependent upon the independent variable. The last of the variables is the control
variable(s). The control variable is the variable that the experimenter keeps constant, in order to
measure the results of the independent variable. In social research, there are six steps that should be
followed in order for the research to be productive. The six steps of social research are deciding on a
topic, reviewing the literature, developing a hypothesis, collecting data, analyzing the results, and
publish the results. The first of the six steps of social research is deciding on a topic. When deciding
on a topic, a sociologist should identify what they want to study, and come up with questions that
will be answered throughout the study. The topic of study can be a new topic, or it can be a
continuation of another study. The next step is to summarize/review the literature. In order to
familiarize yourself with the topic, you want to read what other researchers have to say about that
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Sociology Career Research Paper
The history of how society came about is very old but short, only emerging during the 19th century.
Therefore, it is one of the youngest as well as one of the oldest of the social sciences. According to
the American Sociological Association sociology is the study of social life, social change, and the
social causes and consequences of human behavior. Sociologists investigate the structure of groups,
organizations, and societies, and how people interact within these contexts. In comparison to other
majors, sociology has a broad scope with relevance to research, theory, and application of
knowledge. Sociology provides many distinctive perspectives on the world, generating new ideas
and critiquing the old. Because sociology addresses the most ... Show more content on ...
in sociology. However, sociology is a major that prepares students for a number of different entry–
level jobs as alternatives to graduate school. The goal is to enhance your chances of finding
meaningful employment after graduation. First, decide what you want to do. A clear career goal is
the essential first step of any career search. It doesn't have to be a lifetime goal, just a plan of action
for now. The Career Services Center has many services available to help you identify an occupation
you'd like to pursue. There are workshops and information sessions focusing on specific
occupational areas, computerized career guidance programs, printed resources on various
occupations, videotapes, and helpful advisers who can assist you in putting all the information
together. Next get practical, work–related experience. For students who enter the job market, studies
have shown that part–time practical experience is a significant factor of their college years that
helped them to achieve success. Graduates who had such experience consistently show a lower
unemployment rate, higher salaries, and better career potential for their jobs than those without it.
Even if you decide to go on to graduate or professional school, admissions committees for advanced
degrees favor candidates with such experience. In addition, practical experience can help you decide
what you might like to do in the work force. By testing an occupation before committing to a full–
time career, you can see if it suits you. Lastly, as you begin your job search it is important to
remember that not all methods work equally well for all types of
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Personal Statement . It Was In The Spring Of 2013, In A
Personal Statement
It was in the Spring of 2013, in a remote village in Malaysia, when I realized that I want to pursue a
meaningful career in the field of energy access and human development. I spent around 10 days in
the pristine forests, rivers and mountains of Buayan village, as part of my master's course "Energy
and Poverty Solutions" field trip. The objective of our trip was to conduct field assessments and
explore solutions to improve the energy access situation in the village. Buayan had a micro–hydro
energy system that had broken down and stayed idle for months, leaving many in the community
without electricity. Some of the locals adapted to the new situation, while others operated loud and
polluting generators that relied on ... Show more content on ...
The PhD in science studies at the department of Sociology of the University of Lancaster, a
distinguished program in a top 10 university fits well into these ambitions of mine – and hopefully it
will enable me to acquire the knowledge to continue uncovering the complexities between the two
I believe that my education, research, work and volunteering experience – spanning across the fields
of systems engineering, renewable energy, energy policy, energy access and development – also
align with these goals and have prepared me well to undertake the challenges of a PhD.
I hold a research Master's Degree in Engineering Systems and Management from Masdar Institute
of Science and Technology in Abu Dhabi, UAE, a graduate university established in collaboration
with MIT that focuses on issues of sustainability. During my degree, I have worked as a research
assistant at the Research Center for Renewable Energy Mapping at Masdar Institute. My thesis
focused on modelling the economic viability of utility solar photovoltaic power plants in Abu Dhabi
through a spatial–techno assessment. Alongside my master 's studies and research, I was also a
teaching assistant on three courses.
During my
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I Have Two Distinct Lives : The Student Athlete And The...
I used to think I had two distinct lives: the student–athlete and the critic. By day, a diligent student
in class and a scientific researcher that engaged in intensive studies. As an athlete, I was an
aggressive barracuda, aiming to kick harder at each flip turn in the pool. Then, by night, the critic
emerged, with sometimes overwhelming doubt that triggered episodic anxiety and depression. Until
recently, I thought these versions of myself should remain in completely different the lanes, but
through my academic and personal life experiences a passion to become a counselor has resulted in
my intersectionality.
While studying Psychology and Sociology as an undergraduate at Howard University, I realized
how impactful one's environment can be for their physical and psychological well–being. This
awareness prompted my ambition of becoming a competent mental health provider, assisting a
diverse clientele while remaining perceptive to the covert factors that impact behaviors. Upon
obtaining my Masters in Counseling, I will have the capability to create a true transformation in
client's lives by nurturing their capacity to approach and manage the difficulties of life.
Although juggling my obligations as a full–time student, Division One athlete, and research
assistant could be perplexing, these experiences molded me into the meticulous individual I am
today. Time management, team building, leadership, long–term goal setting, and sacrifice are just
some of the attributes being a
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Leadership Alliance
Dear Leadership Alliance Admissions Committee,
I am writing to you in support Jacelyn Omusi and her desire to pursue and develop her research
ambitions in The Leadership Alliance's Summer Research Early Identification Program. As the
Director of Academic and Research Programs and the McNair Research Scholars Program at the
Academic Advancement Program at the University of California, Los Angeles, I work with many
students who possess interest in research and desire to attend graduate school to obtain their PhD.
Jacelyn, however, has displayed recognizable fiery passion and immense potential in her research
interests, thereby motivating me to recommend her for your program.
I first met Jacelyn Omusi when she was selected to be apart of UCLA's ... Show more content on ...
In addition to tutoring and mentoring the children in the community, Jacelyn also holds the position
as Volunteer and Outreach Coordination, requiring her recruit, organize, and oversee student
volunteers in the project. In addition, due to financial constraints in her family, Jacelyn also has an
off–campus job that requires her to work many late nights and weekends. This ability to manage two
jobs, a research assistant position, and consistent participation in community service while
maintaining her exceptional GPA at an academically rigorous institution like UCLA demonstrates
her admirable character, work ethic, and time management, valuable skills found in few students.
Jacelyn is destined to be a leader beyond the scope of UCLA and is an excellent candidate for your
summer research program. I highly recommend that you consider her application, as she will be a
great asset and benefactor of your program. Once admitted, I expect that you will find her to be the
high–quality, multidisciplinary scholar with colossal potential that your program is searching
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Sociological Research: The Ethical Use Of Human Experiments
The use of human experiments in sociology is controversial for many reasons, mainly due to ethical
concerns. Human experimentation, as done in the 1960s and earlier was highly unethical and at most
times presented some form of danger to the test subjects. During that time and before the thirst for
knowledge about human behavior superseded the concern for safety. Sociologists and researchers
then would often subject the participants to harmful variables that had lasting physical or mental
effects. Other times participants were not made fully aware of the experiment or the researcher's'
true motives. Many of these experiments violated basic human rights. For example, the study done
Stanford University. Participants were subjected to unnecessary
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The Sociology Research Methods Questionnaire
The Sociology Research Methods Questionnaire is an example of a badly designed survey. You
could improve several questions merely by separating them into 2 questions or narrowing the scope
of the question. Also the title would lead you to believe that it had something to do with research
methods in sociology, however, upon reading through the survey you soon realize that if there is an
objective to this survey it is not clear. The order of the question and answer in some parts of the
survey are not succinct and further add to the confusion created by the lack of subject matter. Finally
there are many questions as that could have been answered by the research through additional steps.
Several of the questions could be rewritten to gain clarity; however doing so would not eliminate the
lack of subject matter for this survey. Question # 35, which asks about respondent's level of comfort
with homosexuals; the answers offered are long, extensive and cannot be true all the time for
everyone; the answers should be more concise. For example the options could be as simple as:
 Extremely comfortable
 Comfortable
 Not comfortable at all
Question # 37 which requests responded stance or support of feminism, this first issue with this
question is the order in which the answers are offered, they are not in order, typically answer should
be in ascending or descending order of support not in random order. Also several of the answers are
compound thoughts, for example the first answer
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Sociology Career Research Paper
I love sociology because it is a field that is endless. Meaning, there are so many career paths one can
go in with this degree and one is never limited to one career choice. I have friends that have a
sociology degree that are working in the DFACS office that deal with human resources. My friend
went to Albany State, and graduated with a sociology degree and does case work at a local DFACs
office in town. She said it didn't take long for her to find a job and plans on getting her master
degree in a couple of months. One of my high school teachers had a master's degree in sociology
and before settling in with teaching she did different things like working in the advising and
admissions office at her old college. Sociology, is the study of the
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Graduation Speech : Senior Honors Program
1. I would like to enroll in the Senior Honors Program, because I think it will be an excellent way to
complete my experience as a sociology undergraduate student at UC Berkeley. Since transferring to
UC Berkeley in the Fall of 2015, many of the courses I have taken have focused on research and its
importance to the field of sociology. The continued exposure to the diverse topics of sociological
research, as well as the varied methods researchers use to collect their data, has shown me that many
of questions I ask about the social world on a daily basis are potential sociological research projects.
I find this fact to be inspiring as opposed to overwhelming, and I believe that the questions that I
continually ask warrant further academic exploration. I want to participate in this program, because
it will place me in an environment where I will be able to find academic answers to the questions
that cross my mind regularly, and ultimately mold me into a more insightful and capable student.
Participating in the this program is not only important for my undergraduate education, but is also
crucial to the pursuit of my future endeavors. After completing my undergraduate education, my
ultimate goal is to attend graduate school and obtain my Ph.D. in sociology. I believe that successful
completion of the Senior Honors Program will allow me to assess if graduate school is truly the
right path, while also having the added effect of showing sociology graduate programs that I am
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A Research Study On Sociology
Sociology is a study that requires detailed scrutiny and exploration. Comparatively, it is as
meticulous as science in that it demands that those who aspire to publish a theory research, research,
and research again. The same results must be calculated repeatedly and every thought must be
correlated and consistent. A sociologist who was remarkably successful at doing such was George
Herbert Mead. It was said of his thoroughness at his death by Professor John Dewey that, "he threw
himself completely into whatever he had to do in all the circumstances and relations which life
brought to him" (Dewey 309). Likewise, in the same setting, Professor Dewey speaks of his thought
process stating that "his ideas were always genuinely original; they started one thinking in directions
where it had never occurred to one that it was worthwhile even to look" (Dewey 311). Consequently,
Mead is responsible for creating a whole branch in sociology called symbolic interactionism. This
branch brought attention to the symbols in society and the correlations between them in ways that
sociologist had yet to address. Though it is primarily rooted in American thought, the life of George
Herbert Mead and his work has revolutionized how sociologist and psychologist consider symbols
and their effect on society around the world.
The life of George Herbert Mead began in February of 1863. His childhood was molded by a
Puritan father and many of his mannerisms later in life stemmed from this.
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Literature Review on Tesco and Impact of Recession
'A study to analyse whether recession has left its impact on TESCO – UK
Mogal Shabana Parveen
Edgehill University
The literature review that is being discussed includes the philosophies and the strategies adopted and
the data collection methods used in order to carry out the research that is based on TESCO and
whether it has an impact of recession or not. When required research into Tesco's annual financial
figures, customer's, manager's stems from a wide variety of different methodological approaches. In
general, the study discussed in this review consists of a variety of approaches wherein they each
have their own limitations and biases.
Included in this review a sound research, that has its ... Show more content on ...
Irrespective of whatever the strategy that is being adopted, it is essential to provide some form of the
empirical evidence for the data. (reference) Exploratory research strategy is applicable to this study,
which constitutes the use of case study technique. (Bryman & Bell, 2006) This enables the
researcher to study and understand the organization that is to be investigated. This strategy is used in
market research that enables in formulating and generating the hypothesis. Here the problem and its
nature must be clarified and indicated clearly. There involves the use of pilot studies. Exploratory
research is cited here for utilisation mainly because it helps to formulate or develop hypothesis when
the researcher knows little about the issue. Also helps to gain new ideas and insights so as to
construct a new approach with respect to the problem. (Ivythesis 2010) It also helps and enables the
researcher to look into the problem in an exploratory and descriptive manner. Hence exploratory
research is being adopted for this study that involves the use of case study and survey strategies.
Case study is used and adopted during the execution of this research study that enables to determine
and to study the complexity of a single case. It determines the current situation of the organization
that can be achieved through
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Sociology Research Paper
Immigration and the Economy i Immigration and the Economy i
How and Does Immigration Affect the American Economy?
A Review of the Literature
Joshua Kashani, Ahmad Khalil, JD Lindayag, Francis Ignacio
Sociology 4
Professor Hoshiar
October 3, 2012
Immigration and the Economy ii
Immigration and the Economy ii
Does Immigration Affect the U.S Economy?
A Review of the Literature In this day of age, many Americans are having a hard time looking for
jobs due to the economy. The area of concern that we are researching is the effects of immigration
on U.S. job employment rates and whether it's heavily affecting US citizens or not. There are four
conflicts which we decided to cover, which are, wages, education, ... Show more content on ...
The total earnings of natives without a highs school degree are roughly thirteen–billion dollars lower
due to immigration and the total earnings of those with a high school degree are roughly nineteen
billions dollars higher, which is a total gain of six billion dollars (Caramota, 2005). Most of the
money that the natives without a high school degree lose is in occupations where they have the
largest immigration arrival (Caramota, 2004). This also means that these areas are where there is the
highest unemployment rates occur in the native job market. There is also a direct correlation with
the unemployment of natives and the employment of immigrants (Caramota, 2004). From 2000 to
2004," the number of unemployed adult natives increased by 2.3 million, while the number of
employed adult immigrants increased by 2.3 million"(Caramota, 2004, para. 2). There is clear
empirical evidence that immigrants are stealing wages from natives based on this study (Caramota,
Immigration and the Economy iv
Immigration and the Economy iv
Education Issues Immigration is seen by many American citizens as a plague to the American
economy. They feel that these immigrants are taking jobs away from American citizens, which can
help Americans with the now struggling economy. Although many people feel that immigrants affect
all workers, it doesn't. Immigrants mostly focus on and take the unskilled labor jobs that are often
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Participant Observation In Sociological Research
The two different methods that can be used in observation is with participant observation and visual
sociology. The participant observation is an observation of people being studied. This method is not
often successful, sociologists are needed to participate in the participant's daily life that is being
observed. The people that will help with this method will be people in their social group ( family,
friends, professors, coworkers etc.) This method is needed for the sociologists be objective
observers and be the actual participants in the social of their study. The observers record their
observations in notes, which will be useful for examination of the study. In the visual sociology, the
techniques that are being used here are photography and videotape. These techniques are methods
for interviewing.
Experiment– Experiment has three different methods. The first method is controlled experiments. In
controlled experiments, researchers have a dependent variable that lets them ... Show more content
on ...
There is five different methods for survey research. The first one is national censuses, this surveys
are used in market research, election polling, opinion polling, television ratings. This method is the
most used in sociological surveys. The second method is sample surveys, in this sample researchers
gather demographic and ecological facts about people they are researching. The third method is
opinion polls, this method has marketing polls that help corporations to make decisions about their
products. The fourth method is sampling error , this is part of the opinions palls. This important
information for someone who reads and interprets the data, which it is a statistical analysis. The fifth
method is questionnaire design. This method requires a lot of attention and many details at the same
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Unit 6 Research Sociology
Unit 6 DB 1
For this assignment we were asked to read two articles and describe the theses or hypotheses that
would guide our research. This learner chose to use the following articles for this purposes which
are Hackett 's 2011 article, "Domestic Violence Against Women: Statistical Analysis of Crimes
Across India, and Hunter and Graham–Bermann 's 2013 article, "Intimate Partner Violence and
Child Adjustment: Moderation by Father Contact?".
Domestic Violence Against Women: Statistical Analysis of Crimes Across India
The hypotheses for "Domestic Violence Against Women: Statistical Analysis of Crimes Across
India" article was developed by reviewing obtainable writings on wife–beating in India and the
efforts to conceptualize ... Show more content on ...
Previous research findings theorized that the children who were exposed to recurring Intimate
Partner Violence (IPV) and without regular father contact will more than likely have a higher level
of internalizing and externalizing difficulties more so than those who are exposed to less frequent
Intimate Partner Violence (IPV). Also, children in an Intimate Partner Violence (IPV) family may
not have the "best relationships with their fathers, as they are found to have more conflict,
resentment, and disappointment with their fathers" (Hunter & Graham–Bermann 's 2013).
Aspect of the papers that might be unanticipated (unforeseen or unforeseen)
The unanticipated part for the research on Domestic Violence Against Women: Statistical Analysis
of Crimes Across India for this learner was how the women are treated in India. One would think
that the women would be treated much better, but to this learner they are treated as animal, they
have no rights, and if the owner (the husband)
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Karl Marx's Contribution To Sociology Research Paper
Discussion forum unit 1 sociology
Question: what do you make of Karl Marx's contributions to sociology? What perceptions of Marx
have you been exposed to in your society, and how do those perceptions influence your views.
I thought the concept of sociology referred to how people socialize in communities. Little did I
know that sociology study all aspects of life, including how society and people affect each other
positively or negatively. I also did not know that sociology looks at what makes people exhibit
behaviours that may deviate from the set norms and values of society.
What do you make of Karl Marx's contributions to sociology?
Marx was an economist and viewed social events from a materialistic or economic perspective. ...
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He exposed the injustice and corrupt system characterised by capitalistic economies where the
motives and intentions are to maximise profits at the expense of workers. The result was an income
gap between the 'haves' and the 'have not'. The gap grew wider as the owners of the factories became
richer and the workers grew poorer, even though the workers were directly involved in the
production of goods and services. Even today, this inequality results in social instability and
conflicts in our society because of the uneven distributions of resources.
Feminism theory .
This is another sociological theory that addresses the emancipation among women because most
socities look at women as objects of abuse.
According to women sociologist Martineau, feminist sociology has focused on power relationships
and inequalities between men and women.How can the condition faced by women be addressed,
(Little, 2014, p .31). Marx's critique of capitalism and the feminist of patriarchy for example led to
very interesting insights into how structures of power and inequality work, but from a point of view
that sees only the most revolutionary transformation of society as a solution,(Little, 2014 , p. 32).
What perception of Marx have I been exposed to in my
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Sociology Underclass Research Paper
For Gans (1991), the term "underclass" contains little intellectual substance. The term itself can
hardly be agreed upon by anyone in the media or by social scientists. Naturally, the term is also used
often for homeless people and all people living in poverty. It is ultimately a value–laden and
pejorative buzzword for the "undeserving poor". The meaning behind the term "underclass" has
shifted over the years to refer to different things and ideas. For example, we have the term being
used in the 1960's to refer to an almost genetic "paradigm" under the term "culture of poverty," first
coined by Oscar Lewis, where the term covers a generational form of poverty that is passed on to
the children of poor parents. Gans is adamant in denying this ... Show more content on ...
112). Wilson seems to be able to minimize the impact of the usage of such terms such as the
"underclass," or "have nots," "ghetto poverty," etc., in the process of fundamentally disagreeing with
Gan's position on such term usage. Wilson uses quantifiable numbers taken from census tracts based
on a poor, black neighborhood called "Woodlawn." In his study, he drew evidence from census
tracts for Chicago, in which over the course of a few decades, the more residents left the
neighborhood, and the more the neighborhood deteriorated and was condemned to struggle in a
seemingly perpetual economic slump. The overall message I seem to get from Wilson's study is that
if there is indeed economic disparity in a certain class or even race of people, then people should not
be afraid to point this out, so long as certain terms as well as the context of such studies are
researched and defined sufficiently and are thoroughly sound without
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A Research Study On Anthropology And Sociology
Ethnography is a strategy of analysis coming from anthropology and sociology where the researcher
studies the common forms of a person's actions,vocabulary, and movements of a complete social
cluster in an ordinary location over a lengthy period of time. Documents gathering often includes
clarifications and dialogues(Creswell, 2014).A qualitative researcher uses ordinary locations, they
are the main mechanism, collects numerous origin of evidence, uses inductive and deductive
statistics study, put emphasis on contributors' significance, has a developing strategy, reflexivity, and
develop a complete explanation. The researcher's role in qualitative research is to gather information
in the arena at the location where contributors practice the matter or difficult under revision. They
do not bring persons into a laboratory with (an unnatural condition), nor do they characteristically
refer out devices for persons to complete (Creswell, 2014). This up close evidence collected by
actually speaking straight to individuals and seeing them conduct them self and performance inside
their situation is a chief representative of qualitative research. In the normal location, the researchers
have direct communication, frequently over a period.
Qualitative researchers are the main mechanism of the research. They gather information themselves
over investigative brochures, detecting performance, or questioning contributors. They might use a
procedure for gathering
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Sociology Of Immigration Research Paper
The true evangelical revival that U.S experienced many years ago went out of their borders and
transforms many lives around the globe. Many people were saved knowing the true of the gospel
and the work of the church were extended too many remotes areas of the planet and this was the
beginning of something greater that it came from God. Many know the true liberty that the only the
gospel brings and many of them cannot worship in their own countries due to the rising of a dark
force call persecution. They pray and they decided to come to the nation that one day it sends
missionaries to their countries, many of they arrive by legal means, some of them illegally, but that
was not the obstacle to build churches and start changing many of their ... Show more content on ...
314) These attitudes in some way will maintain their cultural ties to their own culture or will work in
developing new ties to the new culture form which they are learning. The future generations of
young immigrants will have a better understanding of their communities issues "Immigration issues
also resonate with Latinos because discrimination has always been closely tied to how immigration
policies are understood by Latinos" (Pedraza, 2014, p. 889) It cannot be ignored the many negative
problems among Hispanics, especially those that it have something to do with crime "Problem
behavior among Hispanics has frequently been examined within the context of the acculturation
process. Defined as the process wherein two cultures come into contact resulting in significant
change in one or both, acculturation has been linked to a number of social, behavioral, and health–
related outcomes such as school dropout" (HollyVentura Miller, Chris L. Gibson, 2011, p.
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The Four Types Of Research In Sociology
The use of research in the field of sociology has led to many breakthroughs in us as humans
understanding both ourselves and our culture around us. As we as society continue working to
develop a better understanding of how and why we act and interact with our surroundings we need
to continue completing research to answer these questions. Research in sociology has created a
better understanding of society and will continue to provide clues into the human mind. However,
research must be completed properly and ethically along with proper research methods. Without
proper procedures of completing research we as society may receive wrong information or biased
answers about questions we want answered. There are four types of research that sociology uses to
give us answers about our society and careful consideration must be taken to follow the rules of
these research types.
The first type of research that is used in the field of sociology is experiment research. Experiment
research involves creating an experiment based off an hypothesis to answer an question. The
scientific method is used to keep the experiment on track and follow a set of guidelines. This
experiment is done in a controlled setting in which the design of the experiment is to answer the
hypothesis. Data is gathered based on what the participants do or act during the experiment. The
data gathered is quantitative, in which the data gathered is expressed in numbers. There are both
benefits and limitations of
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Hmong History Paper
Even though I am a Hmong person, I still need to do more research about the Hmong Population in
Minnesota. At the University of Minnesota, Morris, I took a class called Southeast Asian's history,
which the professor went over a brief history of Hmong people. In this class we had to do a
presentation and write a paper at the end, so I chose to do my research on Hmong people. By doing
this research I learned about their history and why they came to the United States. In addition, I
learned about other Southeast Asian's history from the dominant groups to the minority groups. At
ILCM, I was not working with Hmong clients only, I helped other immigrants coming from Africa
to Asia. "Minnesota is home to more than 400,000 immigrants and refugee" ... Show more content
on ...
My supervisor asked me to do this research because she was working with a client from this country,
and she wanted to know more about the unrest side of this country. I focused my research on sex
slaves, how children are treated, women, and human trafficking. When doing my research, I used
the Morris library website to search for journal articles. However, my supervisor suggested that I
start my research by going to U.S. Department of State website. As I finished with my research, I
emailed it to her to look over because she had a client who was from this country, and she wanted to
know how DRC deals with these topics. Another research that my supervisor asked me to work on is
researching about the government of Ethiopia. Recently, journalists were put in prisons because of
the articles that they wrote, and the government cannot control the people ("Ethiopia", 2015). I did a
quick research by reading articles that she suggested to me, or I will go to the Morris library page to
get started. A class that I took at U of M, Morris that really helped me doing my research was
Research Method in Sociology. Every time I started a research paper, I always think about the
process to researching. I had to gather journal articles or went on government websites to read the
reports there. When reading a research article, I thought about the possible flaws that that article has,
especially in a survey,
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Northwestern Personal Statement
My excitement for Northwestern can be embodied in the words of Professors Julio Ottino and Gary
Saul Morson, "It is in the augmentation of possibilities–the things we never knew–where remarkable
opportunities exist at the intersection of engineering and humanities." I learned first–hand the value
of such collaboration across disciplines to solving global issues like HIV, working on my research at
USC. The unique opportunity to combine the best of a Weinberg and McCormick education–one
that emphasizes a broader definition of computer science to leverage the school's other amazing
departments, including Economics, Sociology, Kellogg, and even Journalism is extremely
appealing. There, I can explore connections between these fields and discover new ones by pursuing
unique courses like Social Network Analysis or Technology and Human Interaction and research at
the renowned Northwestern Institute on Complex Systems. I've been corresponding with Professor
Noshir Contractor, and I would be very excited to join his research team in investigating the
dynamics of online social and knowledge networks. ... Show more content on ...
In addition to the excellent academic programs in Computer Science, Statistics and Cognitive
Science–my areas of interest, I hope to take advantage of the extensive research opportunities
Northwestern offers; learning from professors whose interests I share, like Alok Choudhary, who
specializes in the application of large–scale data analytics to healthcare, social media, and climate
control; or Jason Hartline, who specializes in the study of computational, economic, and social
aspects of Internet systems like eBay or Facebook. I also hope to extend my current work on HIV
prevention into the community and even globally through the Global Health Studies program
(Weinberg) and the Institute of Public Health
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Sociology Interview Research Paper
For this mini–project, I interviewed my 72–year–old grandmother. My grandmother, Dominga, was
born and raised in the Agua Caliente, El Salvador. She lived in a poor rural area where her parents
owned a strip of land where they were able to own animals. She was born to parents who were
Mestizo, of mixed European and indigenous descent. My grandmother was around my age in the
1960s, so I wanted to know what her everyday life as a woman was during that time.
In "Doing Gender" (1987), West and Zimmerman mention that by doing gender, men are doing
dominance and woman are doing deference. This is how my grandmother spent her teenage years,
she was to do as her husband wanted. She was only 15 years old when she got married and was
expected to have children right away. My grandfather was older, which meant he was to be
respected and obeyed. My grandmother's main worries in her twenties were not about getting an
education or finding a career, but rather to make sure the house was clean. ... Show more content on ...
Growing up in the countryside, her family had to tend to their animals on top of taking care of the
house. At a young age, she learned that her role in the house was to do the household labor. Growing
up in the countryside in the 1960s this was to be expected. She had never attended school, as the
only child her parents needed her at home at all times. She was in charge of household tasks that are
traditionally girls and tasks that are traditionally for boys. The tasks that were deemed as being for
men involved tending cattle and taking care of
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Community Engagement Paper
My primary research interest has focused on understanding the best practices for conducting
Community Engagement in Research (CEnR). This focus will helped increase the collaborative
efforts of Mayo investigators, community partners, and increase research participation among
diverse populations. My research goal over is to expand my skills as community–engaged researcher
and collaborative team scientist. I will accomplish this by conducting the projects described below
and I plan to seek NIH funding with my collaborators to extend these research efforts to other
My short–term research objectives are to develop research and educational frameworks to increase
diverse stakeholders' community–engagement in research. The plan involves ... Show more content
on ...
2015). The study focused on Black men's knowledge, attitudes, and behaviors of diabetes and
research participation. This study laid the ground work for establishment of a long–term research
partnership. I am co–PI of a research program called Project Health Education and Resources
(Project HEAR). The study was the second study conducted with the church that owns the
barbershop. Project HEAR centered on cancer prevention for Black women. This community–
engaged research program is a collaboration with Starr Sage, PhD (UM, Rochester) and Pastor
Andre Crockett from Vision Church in Rochester, Minnesota. We used dissemination as intervention
approach to determine barriers and facilitators to cancer–prevention services and identify methods
Black women in Rochester prefer to receive health information. We completed the study which
included returning study results to study participants in a health education session that used multiple
andragogy approaches including social media and traditional educational session with a discussion
lead by a health care provider. Results from the study have been presented at three meetings
including two sponsored by the UM who funded the study and the Midwest Sociology Society
Meeting. We are in the process of analyzing data that will be included in a manuscript detailing the
process we used for the community engaged research study
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Sociology Of Immigration Research Paper
"Migration is tied to the human spirit, which seeks adventure, pursues dreams, and finds reasons to
hope even in the most adverse circumstances" (The Ethics). These movements have several reasons
why people leave their country and migrate to another country. One of the most common reason is
economic; immigrants seek for a better life due to the lack of opportunities in their own countries.
The poor living conditions and economic crisis of their countries push them to search other places.
Another reason is the natural disasters such as drought, floods, earthquake, plagues and so on.
Moreover, some people migrate due to religion and political oppression, slavery, invasions, wars and
corrupt governments. Those migration movements have negative ... Show more content on ...
In other words, it is urbanization that means the physical growth of urban areas as a result of rural
immigration. The reason for this movement is that rural areas have the highest rate of
unemployment due to the limited opportunities for employment in their communities. Some of them
located geographically in remote locations. While in urban areas have more opportunities of
development for the population because they concentrate modernization and industrialization.
Urbanization has an economic effect such as the rise of prices in the real states. Also, the
environmental effect due to the concentration of more people in an area. Another trend is the
diversity; cities are attractive for people from different
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Stem Cell Research Ethical Issues
For centuries research has been a fundamental part of society. Research allows individuals to gain
further understanding on topics, along with the ability to push the boundaries of humanity and make
new discoveries. Living in the age of the internet makes it extremely easy for one to find
information on just about any topic with the simple click of a mouse. However, not all of the sources
individuals come across online can be relied on for professional scholarly research, nor can they
always be trusted by the reader. When evaluating sources, it is important to keep in mind how
current the source is, along with the accuracy of the information being presented. Furthermore, one
should also be mindful of the author's credentials, and who the ... Show more content on ...
Upon entering the site, I immediately recognized from the title that if the work were connected to
what the title implied, then none of the blog post would be based on fact. This is because the title
implies that the work is not based on already proven discoveries, but on discoveries that the author
feels could potentially be made in the future. As I went to locate the name of the author, I discovered
that the blog is written under the pen–name "Steminve". Before even reading the blog I instantly
discredited this source as one that I would use in my research, simply because I would not be able to
site the work due to its anonymity. The blogger references sources that they used to write the post,
however I found it difficult to further research these sources. For example, the blogger quotes a "Dr.
Kadri", however they do not include the full name of the doctor, nor do they provide the reader with
the name of the institution for which the doctor works for. When I tried to search the name "Dr.
Kadri", multiple doctors from different areas of the world came up for my search. This dilemma
would force the researcher to guess as to which "Dr. Kadri" was the one mentioned by the author.
Though the blog was posted in 2014, I could not determine whether or not the information stated in
the blog was accurate
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Essay On Carding
Title: How Canadian Sikh Males In Ontario Are Affected By Random Police Stops
Date of ethics clearance: To be determined by the REB (as indicated on the clearance form)
Ethics Clearance for the Collection of Data Expires: To be determined by the REB (as indicated on
the clearance form)
I ______________________________________, choose to participate in a study on How Canadian
Sikh Males In Ontario Are Affected By Random Police Stops. This study aims to study how the
policy of carding has affected members of the Canadian Sikh Diaspora in Ontario. The researcher
for this study is conducted by Gurdeep Singh Jagpal from Carleton University of the Department of
Law and Legal Studies. Jagpal is currently pursuing his masters in Legal Studies ... Show more
content on ...
The codes will be kept in a codebook, which will be secured under lock and key. Research data will
only be accessible by the researcher and the research supervisor.
You have the right to end your participation in the study at any time, for any reason, up until
October 15th, 2017. You can withdraw by phoning or emailing the researcher or the research
supervisor. If you withdraw from the study, all information you have provided will be immediately
All information will be kept confidential for the protection of the participant, unless there is duty to
do so when the participant may cause harm to themselves or to others.
As this project will ask you about your experiences with police, there are some potential social risks.
While this risk is expected to be minimal, the researcher will take precautions to protect your
identity. There is also some potential for emotional risks, in recounting bad experiences with police
officers. Should you experience any distress during the interview, you will be provided with contact
information for counseling services available nearby such as the Punjabi Community Health
Services (PCHS) and the Sikh Family Helpline number. The Sikh Family Helpline number is 1–
800–551–9128. The PCHS is a social service organization that is located in a few places across
Canada. The general number of the PCHS is 905–677–0889.
Benefits that you may
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Academic Clustering
1. How did you select this research study to analyze? That is, what search terms did you use? What
database did you use? What was your rationale for selecting this particular study to analyze over the
others identified in the search results? What is the full reference for the study in APA format?
In order to find this research study I used ERIC (Education Resources Information Center) through
the University of North Florida's database. Using the terms Athletes and Academic Clustering, this
was the only study found. I chose this study because it had all the necessary components of a
research study, for instance, the introduction, literature review, methodology, results, discussion, and
conclusion. All of which was mentioned in McMillian as the ... Show more content on ...
In 2001, 59.8% of football players in the Big 12, were in communications, business or social
science. Within the Big 12, seven of the twelve (58%), showed signs of clustering in the 2006
season. "Kansas State University had 13 (26%) players majoring in social science and Oklahoma
State had 11 (34%) majoring in education" (2010, p.67). The University of Texas at Austin and
Texas A&M had some high percentages of clustering as well, University of Texas had 20 out of 29
(69%) players majoring in sociology and A&M had 41% majoring in agricultural leadership and
development. There were multiple examples of majors being selected by players, but not by the
general student body that came up in their research. A couple examples are, Iowa State and
University of Colorado, at Iowa State there were 11 (26%) players majored in sociology and 11
(30.6%) at the University of Colorado. However, only 307 (1.5%) from Iowa State and 429 (2.2%)
of Colorado's student body (undergraduates) had this major during this same year. While these are
just a few examples it was shown at multiple universities.
8. What might be the implications for practice from the conclusions of the study?
The implications for practice is finding a way for athletes to choose majors they want to study while
also being eligible for their
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Research Methods In Context Sociology As

  • 1. Research Methods in Context Sociology as Model Answer– Participant Observation One strength of using participant observation to investigate the idea that ethnic minorities are treated differently within the education system is that it allows the researcher to join in. They will be placed in the same situation that teachers find themselves in routinely, which will allow them to see things through the teachers eyes. This means that the researcher will be able to see things from the same perspective as teachers. This would allow the researcher to create a close bond with the teacher/s and this would mean that they would be more likely to confide. This is particularly important as this is a sensitive subject area. Teachers may only show their true feelings, opinions and ... Show more content on ... It is conducted in real life and the researcher becomes part of this, so it can be generalised to the outside world. When investigating teachers there are a number of practical issues that need to be taken into consideration. Teachers may feel that they do not have the time to commit to taking part in a piece of research. Teachers may also need permission from their line manager or more senior management to take part in any piece of research. There are also a number of ethical issues that need to be taken into account when researching teachers. As participant observation the researcher will have access to the staff room. Teachers in the staff room will feel like they are in a safe environment to express their feelings. The researcher may hear things from teachers who have not given consent to take part in the research. Does the researcher use this or remain ethical and ignore it? There are also a number of theoretical issues to consider when researching teachers. The issue of teachers behaving uncharacteristically because they have an observer in the classroom has already been discussed. In addition to this, any teaching staff who take part may have been selected by senior members of staff to show the school in the best possible light. This would make the findings unrepresentative and would mean that the findings would not be able to be generalised to other educational settings. This type of approach would be favoured by interpretivists. ... Get more on ...
  • 2.
  • 3. Institutional Review Boards: A Key Objectives Of Irbs An institutional review board is an advisory group that has been formally assigned to endorse, screen, and survey biomedical and behavioral exploration including people. They regularly direct some type of risk advantage study in an attempt to figure out or not which exploration must be completed. The reason for the audit procedure is to guarantee, both ahead of time and by intermittent survey, that proper steps are taken to secure the rights and welfare of people taking an interest as subjects in an exploration study. A key objective of IRBs is to shield human subjects from physical or mental damage, which they endeavor to do by looking into examination conventions and related materials. The convention audit surveys the morals of the examination and its routines, advances completely educated and willful cooperation by planned subjects equipped for settling on such decisions (or, if that is unrealistic, educated consent given by a suitable intermediary), and looks to expand the security of subjects. ... Show more content on ... IRBs are in charge of basic oversight capacities for exploration led on human subjects that are experimental, moral, and administrative. IRBs are most normally utilized for studies as a part of the fields of wellbeing and the sociologies, including human studies, human science, and brain research. Such studies may be clinical trials of new medications or gadgets, investigations of individual or social conduct, conclusions or states of mind, or investigations of how human services is conveyed and may be ... Get more on ...
  • 4.
  • 5. A Research Study Of Sociology Scientists have been looking over groups and societies and observing them for many years. In doing this they were examining individuals of different social classes along with statuses and observing their role in humankind this they labeled as the study of sociology. This evolved into a form of study beginning in the 19th century as scientists began to observe and study differences in social classes among people. The way people communicate together, the way they act, and the way they work together as groups of people is the sole base for this type of science. By looking at these traits, sociologists were able to decide how and why people behave or react in the ways that they do. They are able to observe patterns of behavior which can predict potential models of growth or change, and they can use these analyses to try and give solutions to problems in society. One such analyses is that of anomie, anomie, also spelled anomy , is in societies or individuals, it is a condition of instability resulting from a breakdown of standards and values or from a lack of purpose or ideals within said individual or society. (Kendall, 2014) The term was first introduced by the French sociologist Emile Durkheim in his study of suicide. Durkheim was born in the mid–19th century in France, where he was the son of a Jewish rabbi. He was very keen on behavioral studies, religion, and educational methods growing up and began teaching at a college when he was a young man. He later wrote several ... Get more on ...
  • 6.
  • 7. Suppose Your Sociology Instructor Has Asked You to Do a... Suppose your sociology instructor has asked you to do a study of homelessness. Which research technique (survey, observation, experiment, existing sources) would you find the most useful? How would you use that technique to complete your assignment? If my sociology instructor has asked me to do a study of homelessness, I will choose the observation research technique because I think this method is the most useful to me. In definition, observation means collecting information through direct participation and/or by watching a group or community engaged, which means, this is a technique which researchers observe carefully the behaviors of people involved in their hypothesis. Although there are various types of observational research ... Show more content on ... 3. How has being homeless affected them? (difficulties in all aspects) 4. What are the main causes of people becoming homeless? 5. What should the government do to help the homeless people? 6. The link between being homeless and having social diseases (HIV, syphilis...) 7. Where do the homelessness rates have the highest/lowest percentage? What are the differences in these areas? These 5 questions are the basic information that I have to find the answers by asking directly through normal conversations, by observing, by listening... Besides, I think I can conclude some other useful results so as to have a general overview to support for my study thank to the time I'm being homeless. My conclusion will include these data: 1. Trends in homelessness recently. 2. Characteristics of persons experiencing homelessness 3. Causes of homelessness 4. Effect of homelessness. 5. Homeless policy initiatives 6. How different places have different rate of homelessness. Reasons? Solutions (If I can) 7. Outlook for the future (solutions) Finally, I'll finish the final step: developing the conclusion base on the data I have to support or redefine the ... Get more on ...
  • 8.
  • 9. Racial Perceptions Shaped Societal Interactions Essay When we think of race, what do we think of? Generally if you ask this question, the idea of what race is delegates different explanations or answers. What if there was validation that race does not exist; that we only think it does. The motivation behind my research is the interest in showing that we are all genetically the same, no matter the difference between our physical appearance, especially having a high interest in the evidence(s) within Sociology. I had a professor who was very thorough with her evidence, as well as explanations. It got me thinking: "what can I prove to other's who may disbelieve, or have a hard time understanding?" That is when the ideas of what I've always had in mind formed, and I created the I–Search question as: "How Valid is Race Scientifically and How Have Racial Perceptions Shaped Societal Interactions?" I knew what race was––there was none as Sociology taught me. I knew that we are all 99.9% genetically coded the same; however, I wanted to know "why." Why are we no different than the people we walk past every day, but we motivate one another towards racism, discrimination and the ideas that because we look different, we are different? Knowing that we have the information to validate such circumstances, why do we still believe in only one way? The motivation behind this topic is to not force people to believe what they should or shouldn't, but to open their mind's to the capacity of information and knowledge that they may have not known. ... Get more on ...
  • 10.
  • 11. Evaluating Research Bias Evaluating Bias in Research Robert Manning Randi Fass SOC 100 Introduction To Sociology 1/25/2015 Evaluating Bias in Research The student's guide to research expounds on the practical steps that students should follow when conducting their research and the effective ways of presenting the research findings. Research entails the search for new knowledge, which makes it distinct from the routine application of the known results. The goals of research include addition of human knowledge to the previously known truths or findings. The research process involves extensive interaction with the internal and external environment. The university provides the setting in which, such apprenticeship occurs. When conducting research, the student should begin with finding the purpose to write. The first step of research involves finding a topic and formulating a question about which to write. The question formulated arises from the curiosity about particular topic and the need to explore it. However, not everyone finds the choice of the question equally easy. In our case, the question focuses on the drug industry where there exist assumptions and bias underlying the drug research. The ... Show more content on ... There exists an assumption where the drug companies fund the experiments with the aim to subsidize the consumer's need for cures. However, some drug companies fund the experiments with the aim to make profits when the government approves the drugs. The bias exists when the company executives designs incorrect research with the aim to create a good brand image that promote their drugs. The company executives can select academics with the same minds to perform the experiments. Such academics comes up with positive results that promote the drugs and request for further exploration when there arise troubling signs of the ... Get more on ...
  • 12.
  • 13. Advantages And Disadvantages Of Observation Methods The observation method is the most commonly used method especially in studies relating to behavioral sciences. Under the observation method, the information is sought by way of investigator's own direct observation without asking from the respondent. The main advantage of this method is that subjective bias is eliminated, if observation is done accurately. Secondly, the information obtained under this method relates to what is currently happening; it is not complicated by either the past behavior or future intentions or attitudes. Thirdly, this method is independent of respondents' willingness to respond and as such is relatively less demanding of active cooperation on the part of respondents as happens to be the case in the interview or the ... Show more content on ... The results are then to be interpreted for drawing the inference from the experiment. Another important thing in the observation is that this is a critical role player in any experiment or research. The surveys in the research need to be observed minutely and they are to be interpreted by statistical or theoretical means. Observation thus is a vital role player in any research as these parts make or procure the data available from different surveys like questionnaires or interviews to make the data converted to information. This information is the player for justifying a hypothesis or making the research informative and result oriented. Not only that, the observation also is concerned about the historical part of the research or research field or topic. The topic or field on which the research is based is to be justified by the previous researcher's view and view point and that is best done by the observation part. Thus observation starts from the collection of data and interpreting them on the basis of the historical research on the topic and also on the analysis of the participants and the participant's research elements on the topic at earlier ... Get more on ...
  • 14.
  • 15. Qualitative Research Sociology A better understanding of a community helps define the variations of healthcare interrelated concerns that exist in that community. Therefore, it is important that when conducting a research, the studied should be on predominant problem or an environment and the conditions should be the subject of the research. A research may include both qualitative and quantitative approaches that have strategical and empirical investigation, exploring the distinctive evidence, from multiple sources of indication, and from preceding development of theoretic claims (Ennals, 2009). As it is, the comprehension of the complexities of the seniors and their barriers to health and health care services, necessity exploration with logical approaches capable to apprehend ... Show more content on ... Additionally, it allows communication, establish partnerships and create networks between the researcher, enabling the flow of essential information and such teamwork is valuable for new approaches and resources for change. Subsequently, to have values in changing the health care system for the seniors, it is imperative to work with policy–makers, health administrators, private and government health organization, public health officials, the community in which the research is being conducted and other entities, for the reason that it is only through collaborative practice that can instigate a change in practices that transpires and gets ... Get more on ...
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  • 17. Sociology Of Immigration Research Paper Migration is not a new phenomenon throughout the history of human, but the issue of migration has become more of a problem since the emerging of modern states. The distinction between immigrants and local citizens has become official with the emergence of nation–state authority and the ideas of sovereignty, citizenship and nationality. From the 19th century, the control of passport and visa has made the borders between immigrants and citizens even clearer and more identified. Today, as there are more restrictions on entering a country, states have to deal with regulating policies for immigration to control the influx of people In a more liberal and democratic country, the immigration issue is greater with 'unwanted migrations'. For example, ... Show more content on ... Some of pioneers in this field are Hollifield, Freeman, and Kesstler. In their study of immigration in political economic perspective, Kessler and Freeman argue that immigration is more likely to increase the benefits for receiving economy and the local people rather than harming them (year). Even though the cheap labor of the immigrants may make wages decrease for some jobs that the they participate in, it increases the productivity of labor as a whole and it increases the benefits of the owners of business that choose to hire immigrants. Also usually the immigrants work in low– levels jobs that the locals don't want to do, so they help fulfil the shortage of low–skilled labor without increasing the competition for other jobs that the locals prefer. However, if the immigrants pay less tax (because of governmental support or because of illegal immigration) than the citizens, the tax payers would feel resentful and want to oppose immigration, and therefore would make it problematic for the government. Ideally, according to Kessler and Freeman (year), the interest of state when making policies for immigration is maximizing the economic revenue that the immigrants can bring in while minimizing their consumptions of public benefits. Most of the states are driven by economic incentives when they adjust ... Get more on ...
  • 18.
  • 19. Adoption in Sociology Research paper Sociology Research Paper Adoption Abstract The purpose of this paper is to inform the reader of the sociological studies on how adopted children are prejudged and how they can fit into society. It also discusses the difference within the family dynamic. It presents facts and statistics or our current adoption system and suggests ways on which to fix it. Adoption I decided on adoption as my topic because it's a topic that's very close to me. Being adopted, this research paper gave me the perfect opportunity to learn about the sociological effects adoption has on children and their adoptive/birth parents. The problem is, there is not enough adoptive parents for the parentless children. This is because regulations ... Show more content on ... Overall, adoption has been considered to be the second best family. Uncommon to popular belief, a study done in 1994 showed that adopted kids have the same, if not better, attachment to their parents as biological kids do. Adopted children scored higher on identity measures, such as self esteem, than there non–adopted peers. A study done in 2008 called The Power of Adoption: BIRTHright or birthright says, "Adoption involves symbols, not biology. Symboled adoption can't extensively, directly influence biological factors but can have a significant impact upon the meaning of biology. Symboled factors can have a significant indirect influence. The impact of meaning is illustrated in birthright patterns in which the consequences stem for the "rights" not directly from the birth." Community attitudes toward adoption have been shaped by the social stigmatism of children born out of wed lock, their biological parents, and derogative attitudes towards infertility. Fortunately, the social acceptance of out of wed lock births has increased since the 1960's and the attitudes toward unwed mothers have become more lenient. Statistics and Micro/Macro Analysis Sadly, the number of adoptions has declined since 1970. About 100,000 children go unadopted each year. The number of foreign children adopted by Americans has also dropped for the third year in a row. Figures for the 2007 fiscal year, provided by the State ... Get more on ...
  • 20.
  • 21. Research in Sociology Essay 1. If you were the experimenter in charge, would you have done this study? Would you have terminated it earlier? Would you have conducted a follow–up study? Why or why not? If I were the experimenter in charge, I would not have done this study. While the initial question posed in both cases is intriguing, (if given specific orders, would a person follow them when under normal circumstances they would not) it is not a humane experiment. All of the people in this study could have potential lasting emotional and/or physical scars that may never heal. For instance, when Prisoner 8612 "began suffering from an acute emotional disturbance, disorganized thinking, uncontrollable crying, and rage" after only 36 hours into the experiment. How can ... Show more content on ... Just like one of the guards states in the video, "...I was shocked, dismayed even...that I could act in a manner so absolutely unaccustomed to anything I would ever really dream of doing..." 3. If you were a prisoner, would you have been able to endure the experience? What would you have done differently than the actual subjects did? For instance, if you were imprisoned in a real prison for five years or more, could you take it? No if I were a prisoner I do not think I would have been able to endure the experience. The level of psychological assault on the mind is too much for almost any person to bear. There are of course exceptions to this rule, like the prisoner they called "Sarge" because he obeyed the guards' commands with such a precision without question. The slideshow states that similar to Sarge, other prisoners coped with their sentence by being "good prisoners", doing what the guards wanted. I think this is the kind of prisoner I would have been. I feel that rebelling and fighting every day would take a greater toll on the mind and body than just abiding by the rules. I think that if I were imprisoned in a real prison for 5 years or more, I would hope that I could survive it by using this strategy, but realistically I think that would only go so far. I think the feelings of powerlessness and frustration would be overpowering. As the slideshow also states, the ... Get more on ...
  • 22.
  • 23. Research Methods Essay Sociology Research Methods Essay Assignment "Bringing Home the Bacon: Marital Allocation of Income–Earning Responsibility, Job Shifts and Men 's Wages" By: Gorman, Elizabeth H. 1999 Research Question The research question addressed in the article "Bringing Home the Bacon: Marital Allocation of Income–Earning Responsibility, Job Shifts and Men 's Wages" discusses the issue of marriage and how it impacts men 's job shift patterns and how job shifting also influences men 's wages. The research question was presented clearly and the reader knew exactly what the researchers wanted to investigate. The research question could have been more effectively presented to the reader earlier on in the piece instead of at the bottom of the ... Show more content on ... Their plan of attack of what could be understood when they were describing their research methods followed a logical sequence and was for the most part served to answer their question. Relevance The researchers did a good job of displaying the relevance of their question and how it tied into other topics. They showed how the three theoretical approaches of the relationship between wages and married men related to the idea of wage growth and job shifts. It study discovered why married men make more money than single men and how being married affects the likelihood of your job shifts and lifestyle. This topic becomes important as it helps us understand the motives and reasons to why society values married men more than those that are single. This contribution adds to the theoretical approach to the study as it further explains as to why married men get wage increases and job shifts compared to single men. The idea being that the attitude of those of the employee and employer has systematically changed due to the fact that they have more responsibility which is recognized by the public. Review of Literature The review of literature in this investigation was relevant and was reviewed thoroughly. The study draws on three theoretical approaches on the allocation of work in house holds and begins to identify the behavior mechanism that link and men 's wages. ... Get more on ...
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  • 25. Sociology : The Six Steps Of Social Research sociology, there are three different variables. Variables are the categories or factors that are being examined in an experiment. One of these three variables is the independent variable. The independent variable is the variable that the experimenter changes with the intention of studying it through the experiment. Another one of the three variables is the dependent variable. The dependent variable is what happens in response to the independent variable. This is because the dependent variable is dependent upon the independent variable. The last of the variables is the control variable(s). The control variable is the variable that the experimenter keeps constant, in order to measure the results of the independent variable. In social research, there are six steps that should be followed in order for the research to be productive. The six steps of social research are deciding on a topic, reviewing the literature, developing a hypothesis, collecting data, analyzing the results, and publish the results. The first of the six steps of social research is deciding on a topic. When deciding on a topic, a sociologist should identify what they want to study, and come up with questions that will be answered throughout the study. The topic of study can be a new topic, or it can be a continuation of another study. The next step is to summarize/review the literature. In order to familiarize yourself with the topic, you want to read what other researchers have to say about that same ... Get more on ...
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  • 27. Sociology Career Research Paper The history of how society came about is very old but short, only emerging during the 19th century. Therefore, it is one of the youngest as well as one of the oldest of the social sciences. According to the American Sociological Association sociology is the study of social life, social change, and the social causes and consequences of human behavior. Sociologists investigate the structure of groups, organizations, and societies, and how people interact within these contexts. In comparison to other majors, sociology has a broad scope with relevance to research, theory, and application of knowledge. Sociology provides many distinctive perspectives on the world, generating new ideas and critiquing the old. Because sociology addresses the most ... Show more content on ... in sociology. However, sociology is a major that prepares students for a number of different entry– level jobs as alternatives to graduate school. The goal is to enhance your chances of finding meaningful employment after graduation. First, decide what you want to do. A clear career goal is the essential first step of any career search. It doesn't have to be a lifetime goal, just a plan of action for now. The Career Services Center has many services available to help you identify an occupation you'd like to pursue. There are workshops and information sessions focusing on specific occupational areas, computerized career guidance programs, printed resources on various occupations, videotapes, and helpful advisers who can assist you in putting all the information together. Next get practical, work–related experience. For students who enter the job market, studies have shown that part–time practical experience is a significant factor of their college years that helped them to achieve success. Graduates who had such experience consistently show a lower unemployment rate, higher salaries, and better career potential for their jobs than those without it. Even if you decide to go on to graduate or professional school, admissions committees for advanced degrees favor candidates with such experience. In addition, practical experience can help you decide what you might like to do in the work force. By testing an occupation before committing to a full– time career, you can see if it suits you. Lastly, as you begin your job search it is important to remember that not all methods work equally well for all types of ... Get more on ...
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  • 29. Personal Statement . It Was In The Spring Of 2013, In A Personal Statement It was in the Spring of 2013, in a remote village in Malaysia, when I realized that I want to pursue a meaningful career in the field of energy access and human development. I spent around 10 days in the pristine forests, rivers and mountains of Buayan village, as part of my master's course "Energy and Poverty Solutions" field trip. The objective of our trip was to conduct field assessments and explore solutions to improve the energy access situation in the village. Buayan had a micro–hydro energy system that had broken down and stayed idle for months, leaving many in the community without electricity. Some of the locals adapted to the new situation, while others operated loud and polluting generators that relied on ... Show more content on ... The PhD in science studies at the department of Sociology of the University of Lancaster, a distinguished program in a top 10 university fits well into these ambitions of mine – and hopefully it will enable me to acquire the knowledge to continue uncovering the complexities between the two fields. I believe that my education, research, work and volunteering experience – spanning across the fields of systems engineering, renewable energy, energy policy, energy access and development – also align with these goals and have prepared me well to undertake the challenges of a PhD. I hold a research Master's Degree in Engineering Systems and Management from Masdar Institute of Science and Technology in Abu Dhabi, UAE, a graduate university established in collaboration with MIT that focuses on issues of sustainability. During my degree, I have worked as a research assistant at the Research Center for Renewable Energy Mapping at Masdar Institute. My thesis focused on modelling the economic viability of utility solar photovoltaic power plants in Abu Dhabi through a spatial–techno assessment. Alongside my master 's studies and research, I was also a teaching assistant on three courses. During my ... Get more on ...
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  • 31. I Have Two Distinct Lives : The Student Athlete And The... I used to think I had two distinct lives: the student–athlete and the critic. By day, a diligent student in class and a scientific researcher that engaged in intensive studies. As an athlete, I was an aggressive barracuda, aiming to kick harder at each flip turn in the pool. Then, by night, the critic emerged, with sometimes overwhelming doubt that triggered episodic anxiety and depression. Until recently, I thought these versions of myself should remain in completely different the lanes, but through my academic and personal life experiences a passion to become a counselor has resulted in my intersectionality. While studying Psychology and Sociology as an undergraduate at Howard University, I realized how impactful one's environment can be for their physical and psychological well–being. This awareness prompted my ambition of becoming a competent mental health provider, assisting a diverse clientele while remaining perceptive to the covert factors that impact behaviors. Upon obtaining my Masters in Counseling, I will have the capability to create a true transformation in client's lives by nurturing their capacity to approach and manage the difficulties of life. Although juggling my obligations as a full–time student, Division One athlete, and research assistant could be perplexing, these experiences molded me into the meticulous individual I am today. Time management, team building, leadership, long–term goal setting, and sacrifice are just some of the attributes being a ... Get more on ...
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  • 33. Leadership Alliance Dear Leadership Alliance Admissions Committee, I am writing to you in support Jacelyn Omusi and her desire to pursue and develop her research ambitions in The Leadership Alliance's Summer Research Early Identification Program. As the Director of Academic and Research Programs and the McNair Research Scholars Program at the Academic Advancement Program at the University of California, Los Angeles, I work with many students who possess interest in research and desire to attend graduate school to obtain their PhD. Jacelyn, however, has displayed recognizable fiery passion and immense potential in her research interests, thereby motivating me to recommend her for your program. I first met Jacelyn Omusi when she was selected to be apart of UCLA's ... Show more content on ... In addition to tutoring and mentoring the children in the community, Jacelyn also holds the position as Volunteer and Outreach Coordination, requiring her recruit, organize, and oversee student volunteers in the project. In addition, due to financial constraints in her family, Jacelyn also has an off–campus job that requires her to work many late nights and weekends. This ability to manage two jobs, a research assistant position, and consistent participation in community service while maintaining her exceptional GPA at an academically rigorous institution like UCLA demonstrates her admirable character, work ethic, and time management, valuable skills found in few students. Jacelyn is destined to be a leader beyond the scope of UCLA and is an excellent candidate for your summer research program. I highly recommend that you consider her application, as she will be a great asset and benefactor of your program. Once admitted, I expect that you will find her to be the high–quality, multidisciplinary scholar with colossal potential that your program is searching ... Get more on ...
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  • 35. Sociological Research: The Ethical Use Of Human Experiments The use of human experiments in sociology is controversial for many reasons, mainly due to ethical concerns. Human experimentation, as done in the 1960s and earlier was highly unethical and at most times presented some form of danger to the test subjects. During that time and before the thirst for knowledge about human behavior superseded the concern for safety. Sociologists and researchers then would often subject the participants to harmful variables that had lasting physical or mental effects. Other times participants were not made fully aware of the experiment or the researcher's' true motives. Many of these experiments violated basic human rights. For example, the study done Stanford University. Participants were subjected to unnecessary ... Get more on ...
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  • 37. The Sociology Research Methods Questionnaire The Sociology Research Methods Questionnaire is an example of a badly designed survey. You could improve several questions merely by separating them into 2 questions or narrowing the scope of the question. Also the title would lead you to believe that it had something to do with research methods in sociology, however, upon reading through the survey you soon realize that if there is an objective to this survey it is not clear. The order of the question and answer in some parts of the survey are not succinct and further add to the confusion created by the lack of subject matter. Finally there are many questions as that could have been answered by the research through additional steps. Several of the questions could be rewritten to gain clarity; however doing so would not eliminate the lack of subject matter for this survey. Question # 35, which asks about respondent's level of comfort with homosexuals; the answers offered are long, extensive and cannot be true all the time for everyone; the answers should be more concise. For example the options could be as simple as:  Extremely comfortable  Comfortable  Not comfortable at all Question # 37 which requests responded stance or support of feminism, this first issue with this question is the order in which the answers are offered, they are not in order, typically answer should be in ascending or descending order of support not in random order. Also several of the answers are compound thoughts, for example the first answer ... Get more on ...
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  • 39. Sociology Career Research Paper I love sociology because it is a field that is endless. Meaning, there are so many career paths one can go in with this degree and one is never limited to one career choice. I have friends that have a sociology degree that are working in the DFACS office that deal with human resources. My friend went to Albany State, and graduated with a sociology degree and does case work at a local DFACs office in town. She said it didn't take long for her to find a job and plans on getting her master degree in a couple of months. One of my high school teachers had a master's degree in sociology and before settling in with teaching she did different things like working in the advising and admissions office at her old college. Sociology, is the study of the ... Get more on ...
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  • 41. Graduation Speech : Senior Honors Program 1. I would like to enroll in the Senior Honors Program, because I think it will be an excellent way to complete my experience as a sociology undergraduate student at UC Berkeley. Since transferring to UC Berkeley in the Fall of 2015, many of the courses I have taken have focused on research and its importance to the field of sociology. The continued exposure to the diverse topics of sociological research, as well as the varied methods researchers use to collect their data, has shown me that many of questions I ask about the social world on a daily basis are potential sociological research projects. I find this fact to be inspiring as opposed to overwhelming, and I believe that the questions that I continually ask warrant further academic exploration. I want to participate in this program, because it will place me in an environment where I will be able to find academic answers to the questions that cross my mind regularly, and ultimately mold me into a more insightful and capable student. Participating in the this program is not only important for my undergraduate education, but is also crucial to the pursuit of my future endeavors. After completing my undergraduate education, my ultimate goal is to attend graduate school and obtain my Ph.D. in sociology. I believe that successful completion of the Senior Honors Program will allow me to assess if graduate school is truly the right path, while also having the added effect of showing sociology graduate programs that I am ... Get more on ...
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  • 43. A Research Study On Sociology Sociology is a study that requires detailed scrutiny and exploration. Comparatively, it is as meticulous as science in that it demands that those who aspire to publish a theory research, research, and research again. The same results must be calculated repeatedly and every thought must be correlated and consistent. A sociologist who was remarkably successful at doing such was George Herbert Mead. It was said of his thoroughness at his death by Professor John Dewey that, "he threw himself completely into whatever he had to do in all the circumstances and relations which life brought to him" (Dewey 309). Likewise, in the same setting, Professor Dewey speaks of his thought process stating that "his ideas were always genuinely original; they started one thinking in directions where it had never occurred to one that it was worthwhile even to look" (Dewey 311). Consequently, Mead is responsible for creating a whole branch in sociology called symbolic interactionism. This branch brought attention to the symbols in society and the correlations between them in ways that sociologist had yet to address. Though it is primarily rooted in American thought, the life of George Herbert Mead and his work has revolutionized how sociologist and psychologist consider symbols and their effect on society around the world. Biography The life of George Herbert Mead began in February of 1863. His childhood was molded by a Puritan father and many of his mannerisms later in life stemmed from this. ... Get more on ...
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  • 45. Literature Review on Tesco and Impact of Recession Review on 'A study to analyse whether recession has left its impact on TESCO – UK Mogal Shabana Parveen Edgehill University Date: The literature review that is being discussed includes the philosophies and the strategies adopted and the data collection methods used in order to carry out the research that is based on TESCO and whether it has an impact of recession or not. When required research into Tesco's annual financial figures, customer's, manager's stems from a wide variety of different methodological approaches. In general, the study discussed in this review consists of a variety of approaches wherein they each have their own limitations and biases. Included in this review a sound research, that has its ... Show more content on ... Irrespective of whatever the strategy that is being adopted, it is essential to provide some form of the empirical evidence for the data. (reference) Exploratory research strategy is applicable to this study, which constitutes the use of case study technique. (Bryman & Bell, 2006) This enables the researcher to study and understand the organization that is to be investigated. This strategy is used in market research that enables in formulating and generating the hypothesis. Here the problem and its nature must be clarified and indicated clearly. There involves the use of pilot studies. Exploratory research is cited here for utilisation mainly because it helps to formulate or develop hypothesis when the researcher knows little about the issue. Also helps to gain new ideas and insights so as to construct a new approach with respect to the problem. (Ivythesis 2010) It also helps and enables the researcher to look into the problem in an exploratory and descriptive manner. Hence exploratory research is being adopted for this study that involves the use of case study and survey strategies. Case study is used and adopted during the execution of this research study that enables to determine and to study the complexity of a single case. It determines the current situation of the organization that can be achieved through ... Get more on ...
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  • 47. Sociology Research Paper Immigration and the Economy i Immigration and the Economy i How and Does Immigration Affect the American Economy? A Review of the Literature Joshua Kashani, Ahmad Khalil, JD Lindayag, Francis Ignacio Sociology 4 Professor Hoshiar October 3, 2012 Immigration and the Economy ii Immigration and the Economy ii Does Immigration Affect the U.S Economy? A Review of the Literature In this day of age, many Americans are having a hard time looking for jobs due to the economy. The area of concern that we are researching is the effects of immigration on U.S. job employment rates and whether it's heavily affecting US citizens or not. There are four conflicts which we decided to cover, which are, wages, education, ... Show more content on ... The total earnings of natives without a highs school degree are roughly thirteen–billion dollars lower due to immigration and the total earnings of those with a high school degree are roughly nineteen billions dollars higher, which is a total gain of six billion dollars (Caramota, 2005). Most of the money that the natives without a high school degree lose is in occupations where they have the largest immigration arrival (Caramota, 2004). This also means that these areas are where there is the highest unemployment rates occur in the native job market. There is also a direct correlation with the unemployment of natives and the employment of immigrants (Caramota, 2004). From 2000 to 2004," the number of unemployed adult natives increased by 2.3 million, while the number of employed adult immigrants increased by 2.3 million"(Caramota, 2004, para. 2). There is clear empirical evidence that immigrants are stealing wages from natives based on this study (Caramota, 2004). Immigration and the Economy iv Immigration and the Economy iv Education Issues Immigration is seen by many American citizens as a plague to the American economy. They feel that these immigrants are taking jobs away from American citizens, which can help Americans with the now struggling economy. Although many people feel that immigrants affect all workers, it doesn't. Immigrants mostly focus on and take the unskilled labor jobs that are often
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  • 50. Participant Observation In Sociological Research The two different methods that can be used in observation is with participant observation and visual sociology. The participant observation is an observation of people being studied. This method is not often successful, sociologists are needed to participate in the participant's daily life that is being observed. The people that will help with this method will be people in their social group ( family, friends, professors, coworkers etc.) This method is needed for the sociologists be objective observers and be the actual participants in the social of their study. The observers record their observations in notes, which will be useful for examination of the study. In the visual sociology, the techniques that are being used here are photography and videotape. These techniques are methods for interviewing. Experiment– Experiment has three different methods. The first method is controlled experiments. In controlled experiments, researchers have a dependent variable that lets them ... Show more content on ... There is five different methods for survey research. The first one is national censuses, this surveys are used in market research, election polling, opinion polling, television ratings. This method is the most used in sociological surveys. The second method is sample surveys, in this sample researchers gather demographic and ecological facts about people they are researching. The third method is opinion polls, this method has marketing polls that help corporations to make decisions about their products. The fourth method is sampling error , this is part of the opinions palls. This important information for someone who reads and interprets the data, which it is a statistical analysis. The fifth method is questionnaire design. This method requires a lot of attention and many details at the same ... Get more on ...
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  • 52. Unit 6 Research Sociology Unit 6 DB 1 Introduction For this assignment we were asked to read two articles and describe the theses or hypotheses that would guide our research. This learner chose to use the following articles for this purposes which are Hackett 's 2011 article, "Domestic Violence Against Women: Statistical Analysis of Crimes Across India, and Hunter and Graham–Bermann 's 2013 article, "Intimate Partner Violence and Child Adjustment: Moderation by Father Contact?". Domestic Violence Against Women: Statistical Analysis of Crimes Across India The hypotheses for "Domestic Violence Against Women: Statistical Analysis of Crimes Across India" article was developed by reviewing obtainable writings on wife–beating in India and the efforts to conceptualize ... Show more content on ... Previous research findings theorized that the children who were exposed to recurring Intimate Partner Violence (IPV) and without regular father contact will more than likely have a higher level of internalizing and externalizing difficulties more so than those who are exposed to less frequent Intimate Partner Violence (IPV). Also, children in an Intimate Partner Violence (IPV) family may not have the "best relationships with their fathers, as they are found to have more conflict, resentment, and disappointment with their fathers" (Hunter & Graham–Bermann 's 2013). Aspect of the papers that might be unanticipated (unforeseen or unforeseen) The unanticipated part for the research on Domestic Violence Against Women: Statistical Analysis of Crimes Across India for this learner was how the women are treated in India. One would think that the women would be treated much better, but to this learner they are treated as animal, they have no rights, and if the owner (the husband) ... Get more on ...
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  • 54. Karl Marx's Contribution To Sociology Research Paper Discussion forum unit 1 sociology Question: what do you make of Karl Marx's contributions to sociology? What perceptions of Marx have you been exposed to in your society, and how do those perceptions influence your views. Introduction I thought the concept of sociology referred to how people socialize in communities. Little did I know that sociology study all aspects of life, including how society and people affect each other positively or negatively. I also did not know that sociology looks at what makes people exhibit behaviours that may deviate from the set norms and values of society. What do you make of Karl Marx's contributions to sociology? Marx was an economist and viewed social events from a materialistic or economic perspective. ... Show more content on ... He exposed the injustice and corrupt system characterised by capitalistic economies where the motives and intentions are to maximise profits at the expense of workers. The result was an income gap between the 'haves' and the 'have not'. The gap grew wider as the owners of the factories became richer and the workers grew poorer, even though the workers were directly involved in the production of goods and services. Even today, this inequality results in social instability and conflicts in our society because of the uneven distributions of resources. Feminism theory . This is another sociological theory that addresses the emancipation among women because most socities look at women as objects of abuse. According to women sociologist Martineau, feminist sociology has focused on power relationships and inequalities between men and women.How can the condition faced by women be addressed, (Little, 2014, p .31). Marx's critique of capitalism and the feminist of patriarchy for example led to very interesting insights into how structures of power and inequality work, but from a point of view that sees only the most revolutionary transformation of society as a solution,(Little, 2014 , p. 32). What perception of Marx have I been exposed to in my ... Get more on ...
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  • 56. Sociology Underclass Research Paper For Gans (1991), the term "underclass" contains little intellectual substance. The term itself can hardly be agreed upon by anyone in the media or by social scientists. Naturally, the term is also used often for homeless people and all people living in poverty. It is ultimately a value–laden and pejorative buzzword for the "undeserving poor". The meaning behind the term "underclass" has shifted over the years to refer to different things and ideas. For example, we have the term being used in the 1960's to refer to an almost genetic "paradigm" under the term "culture of poverty," first coined by Oscar Lewis, where the term covers a generational form of poverty that is passed on to the children of poor parents. Gans is adamant in denying this ... Show more content on ... 112). Wilson seems to be able to minimize the impact of the usage of such terms such as the "underclass," or "have nots," "ghetto poverty," etc., in the process of fundamentally disagreeing with Gan's position on such term usage. Wilson uses quantifiable numbers taken from census tracts based on a poor, black neighborhood called "Woodlawn." In his study, he drew evidence from census tracts for Chicago, in which over the course of a few decades, the more residents left the neighborhood, and the more the neighborhood deteriorated and was condemned to struggle in a seemingly perpetual economic slump. The overall message I seem to get from Wilson's study is that if there is indeed economic disparity in a certain class or even race of people, then people should not be afraid to point this out, so long as certain terms as well as the context of such studies are researched and defined sufficiently and are thoroughly sound without ... Get more on ...
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  • 58. A Research Study On Anthropology And Sociology Ethnography is a strategy of analysis coming from anthropology and sociology where the researcher studies the common forms of a person's actions,vocabulary, and movements of a complete social cluster in an ordinary location over a lengthy period of time. Documents gathering often includes clarifications and dialogues(Creswell, 2014).A qualitative researcher uses ordinary locations, they are the main mechanism, collects numerous origin of evidence, uses inductive and deductive statistics study, put emphasis on contributors' significance, has a developing strategy, reflexivity, and develop a complete explanation. The researcher's role in qualitative research is to gather information in the arena at the location where contributors practice the matter or difficult under revision. They do not bring persons into a laboratory with (an unnatural condition), nor do they characteristically refer out devices for persons to complete (Creswell, 2014). This up close evidence collected by actually speaking straight to individuals and seeing them conduct them self and performance inside their situation is a chief representative of qualitative research. In the normal location, the researchers have direct communication, frequently over a period. Qualitative researchers are the main mechanism of the research. They gather information themselves over investigative brochures, detecting performance, or questioning contributors. They might use a procedure for gathering ... Get more on ...
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  • 60. Sociology Of Immigration Research Paper The true evangelical revival that U.S experienced many years ago went out of their borders and transforms many lives around the globe. Many people were saved knowing the true of the gospel and the work of the church were extended too many remotes areas of the planet and this was the beginning of something greater that it came from God. Many know the true liberty that the only the gospel brings and many of them cannot worship in their own countries due to the rising of a dark force call persecution. They pray and they decided to come to the nation that one day it sends missionaries to their countries, many of they arrive by legal means, some of them illegally, but that was not the obstacle to build churches and start changing many of their ... Show more content on ... 314) These attitudes in some way will maintain their cultural ties to their own culture or will work in developing new ties to the new culture form which they are learning. The future generations of young immigrants will have a better understanding of their communities issues "Immigration issues also resonate with Latinos because discrimination has always been closely tied to how immigration policies are understood by Latinos" (Pedraza, 2014, p. 889) It cannot be ignored the many negative problems among Hispanics, especially those that it have something to do with crime "Problem behavior among Hispanics has frequently been examined within the context of the acculturation process. Defined as the process wherein two cultures come into contact resulting in significant change in one or both, acculturation has been linked to a number of social, behavioral, and health– related outcomes such as school dropout" (HollyVentura Miller, Chris L. Gibson, 2011, p. ... Get more on ...
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  • 62. The Four Types Of Research In Sociology The use of research in the field of sociology has led to many breakthroughs in us as humans understanding both ourselves and our culture around us. As we as society continue working to develop a better understanding of how and why we act and interact with our surroundings we need to continue completing research to answer these questions. Research in sociology has created a better understanding of society and will continue to provide clues into the human mind. However, research must be completed properly and ethically along with proper research methods. Without proper procedures of completing research we as society may receive wrong information or biased answers about questions we want answered. There are four types of research that sociology uses to give us answers about our society and careful consideration must be taken to follow the rules of these research types. The first type of research that is used in the field of sociology is experiment research. Experiment research involves creating an experiment based off an hypothesis to answer an question. The scientific method is used to keep the experiment on track and follow a set of guidelines. This experiment is done in a controlled setting in which the design of the experiment is to answer the hypothesis. Data is gathered based on what the participants do or act during the experiment. The data gathered is quantitative, in which the data gathered is expressed in numbers. There are both benefits and limitations of ... Get more on ...
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  • 64. Hmong History Paper Even though I am a Hmong person, I still need to do more research about the Hmong Population in Minnesota. At the University of Minnesota, Morris, I took a class called Southeast Asian's history, which the professor went over a brief history of Hmong people. In this class we had to do a presentation and write a paper at the end, so I chose to do my research on Hmong people. By doing this research I learned about their history and why they came to the United States. In addition, I learned about other Southeast Asian's history from the dominant groups to the minority groups. At ILCM, I was not working with Hmong clients only, I helped other immigrants coming from Africa to Asia. "Minnesota is home to more than 400,000 immigrants and refugee" ... Show more content on ... My supervisor asked me to do this research because she was working with a client from this country, and she wanted to know more about the unrest side of this country. I focused my research on sex slaves, how children are treated, women, and human trafficking. When doing my research, I used the Morris library website to search for journal articles. However, my supervisor suggested that I start my research by going to U.S. Department of State website. As I finished with my research, I emailed it to her to look over because she had a client who was from this country, and she wanted to know how DRC deals with these topics. Another research that my supervisor asked me to work on is researching about the government of Ethiopia. Recently, journalists were put in prisons because of the articles that they wrote, and the government cannot control the people ("Ethiopia", 2015). I did a quick research by reading articles that she suggested to me, or I will go to the Morris library page to get started. A class that I took at U of M, Morris that really helped me doing my research was Research Method in Sociology. Every time I started a research paper, I always think about the process to researching. I had to gather journal articles or went on government websites to read the reports there. When reading a research article, I thought about the possible flaws that that article has, especially in a survey, ... Get more on ...
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  • 66. Northwestern Personal Statement My excitement for Northwestern can be embodied in the words of Professors Julio Ottino and Gary Saul Morson, "It is in the augmentation of possibilities–the things we never knew–where remarkable opportunities exist at the intersection of engineering and humanities." I learned first–hand the value of such collaboration across disciplines to solving global issues like HIV, working on my research at USC. The unique opportunity to combine the best of a Weinberg and McCormick education–one that emphasizes a broader definition of computer science to leverage the school's other amazing departments, including Economics, Sociology, Kellogg, and even Journalism is extremely appealing. There, I can explore connections between these fields and discover new ones by pursuing unique courses like Social Network Analysis or Technology and Human Interaction and research at the renowned Northwestern Institute on Complex Systems. I've been corresponding with Professor Noshir Contractor, and I would be very excited to join his research team in investigating the dynamics of online social and knowledge networks. ... Show more content on ... In addition to the excellent academic programs in Computer Science, Statistics and Cognitive Science–my areas of interest, I hope to take advantage of the extensive research opportunities Northwestern offers; learning from professors whose interests I share, like Alok Choudhary, who specializes in the application of large–scale data analytics to healthcare, social media, and climate control; or Jason Hartline, who specializes in the study of computational, economic, and social aspects of Internet systems like eBay or Facebook. I also hope to extend my current work on HIV prevention into the community and even globally through the Global Health Studies program (Weinberg) and the Institute of Public Health ... Get more on ...
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  • 68. Sociology Interview Research Paper For this mini–project, I interviewed my 72–year–old grandmother. My grandmother, Dominga, was born and raised in the Agua Caliente, El Salvador. She lived in a poor rural area where her parents owned a strip of land where they were able to own animals. She was born to parents who were Mestizo, of mixed European and indigenous descent. My grandmother was around my age in the 1960s, so I wanted to know what her everyday life as a woman was during that time. In "Doing Gender" (1987), West and Zimmerman mention that by doing gender, men are doing dominance and woman are doing deference. This is how my grandmother spent her teenage years, she was to do as her husband wanted. She was only 15 years old when she got married and was expected to have children right away. My grandfather was older, which meant he was to be respected and obeyed. My grandmother's main worries in her twenties were not about getting an education or finding a career, but rather to make sure the house was clean. ... Show more content on ... Growing up in the countryside, her family had to tend to their animals on top of taking care of the house. At a young age, she learned that her role in the house was to do the household labor. Growing up in the countryside in the 1960s this was to be expected. She had never attended school, as the only child her parents needed her at home at all times. She was in charge of household tasks that are traditionally girls and tasks that are traditionally for boys. The tasks that were deemed as being for men involved tending cattle and taking care of ... Get more on ...
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  • 70. Community Engagement Paper My primary research interest has focused on understanding the best practices for conducting Community Engagement in Research (CEnR). This focus will helped increase the collaborative efforts of Mayo investigators, community partners, and increase research participation among diverse populations. My research goal over is to expand my skills as community–engaged researcher and collaborative team scientist. I will accomplish this by conducting the projects described below and I plan to seek NIH funding with my collaborators to extend these research efforts to other communities. My short–term research objectives are to develop research and educational frameworks to increase diverse stakeholders' community–engagement in research. The plan involves ... Show more content on ... 2015). The study focused on Black men's knowledge, attitudes, and behaviors of diabetes and research participation. This study laid the ground work for establishment of a long–term research partnership. I am co–PI of a research program called Project Health Education and Resources (Project HEAR). The study was the second study conducted with the church that owns the barbershop. Project HEAR centered on cancer prevention for Black women. This community– engaged research program is a collaboration with Starr Sage, PhD (UM, Rochester) and Pastor Andre Crockett from Vision Church in Rochester, Minnesota. We used dissemination as intervention approach to determine barriers and facilitators to cancer–prevention services and identify methods Black women in Rochester prefer to receive health information. We completed the study which included returning study results to study participants in a health education session that used multiple andragogy approaches including social media and traditional educational session with a discussion lead by a health care provider. Results from the study have been presented at three meetings including two sponsored by the UM who funded the study and the Midwest Sociology Society Meeting. We are in the process of analyzing data that will be included in a manuscript detailing the process we used for the community engaged research study ... Get more on ...
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  • 72. Sociology Of Immigration Research Paper "Migration is tied to the human spirit, which seeks adventure, pursues dreams, and finds reasons to hope even in the most adverse circumstances" (The Ethics). These movements have several reasons why people leave their country and migrate to another country. One of the most common reason is economic; immigrants seek for a better life due to the lack of opportunities in their own countries. The poor living conditions and economic crisis of their countries push them to search other places. Another reason is the natural disasters such as drought, floods, earthquake, plagues and so on. Moreover, some people migrate due to religion and political oppression, slavery, invasions, wars and corrupt governments. Those migration movements have negative ... Show more content on ... In other words, it is urbanization that means the physical growth of urban areas as a result of rural immigration. The reason for this movement is that rural areas have the highest rate of unemployment due to the limited opportunities for employment in their communities. Some of them located geographically in remote locations. While in urban areas have more opportunities of development for the population because they concentrate modernization and industrialization. Urbanization has an economic effect such as the rise of prices in the real states. Also, the environmental effect due to the concentration of more people in an area. Another trend is the diversity; cities are attractive for people from different ... Get more on ...
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  • 74. Stem Cell Research Ethical Issues For centuries research has been a fundamental part of society. Research allows individuals to gain further understanding on topics, along with the ability to push the boundaries of humanity and make new discoveries. Living in the age of the internet makes it extremely easy for one to find information on just about any topic with the simple click of a mouse. However, not all of the sources individuals come across online can be relied on for professional scholarly research, nor can they always be trusted by the reader. When evaluating sources, it is important to keep in mind how current the source is, along with the accuracy of the information being presented. Furthermore, one should also be mindful of the author's credentials, and who the ... Show more content on ... Upon entering the site, I immediately recognized from the title that if the work were connected to what the title implied, then none of the blog post would be based on fact. This is because the title implies that the work is not based on already proven discoveries, but on discoveries that the author feels could potentially be made in the future. As I went to locate the name of the author, I discovered that the blog is written under the pen–name "Steminve". Before even reading the blog I instantly discredited this source as one that I would use in my research, simply because I would not be able to site the work due to its anonymity. The blogger references sources that they used to write the post, however I found it difficult to further research these sources. For example, the blogger quotes a "Dr. Kadri", however they do not include the full name of the doctor, nor do they provide the reader with the name of the institution for which the doctor works for. When I tried to search the name "Dr. Kadri", multiple doctors from different areas of the world came up for my search. This dilemma would force the researcher to guess as to which "Dr. Kadri" was the one mentioned by the author. Though the blog was posted in 2014, I could not determine whether or not the information stated in the blog was accurate ... Get more on ...
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  • 76. Essay On Carding Title: How Canadian Sikh Males In Ontario Are Affected By Random Police Stops Date of ethics clearance: To be determined by the REB (as indicated on the clearance form) Ethics Clearance for the Collection of Data Expires: To be determined by the REB (as indicated on the clearance form) I ______________________________________, choose to participate in a study on How Canadian Sikh Males In Ontario Are Affected By Random Police Stops. This study aims to study how the policy of carding has affected members of the Canadian Sikh Diaspora in Ontario. The researcher for this study is conducted by Gurdeep Singh Jagpal from Carleton University of the Department of Law and Legal Studies. Jagpal is currently pursuing his masters in Legal Studies ... Show more content on ... The codes will be kept in a codebook, which will be secured under lock and key. Research data will only be accessible by the researcher and the research supervisor. You have the right to end your participation in the study at any time, for any reason, up until October 15th, 2017. You can withdraw by phoning or emailing the researcher or the research supervisor. If you withdraw from the study, all information you have provided will be immediately destroyed. All information will be kept confidential for the protection of the participant, unless there is duty to do so when the participant may cause harm to themselves or to others. As this project will ask you about your experiences with police, there are some potential social risks. While this risk is expected to be minimal, the researcher will take precautions to protect your identity. There is also some potential for emotional risks, in recounting bad experiences with police officers. Should you experience any distress during the interview, you will be provided with contact information for counseling services available nearby such as the Punjabi Community Health Services (PCHS) and the Sikh Family Helpline number. The Sikh Family Helpline number is 1– 800–551–9128. The PCHS is a social service organization that is located in a few places across Canada. The general number of the PCHS is 905–677–0889. Benefits that you may
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  • 79. Academic Clustering 1. How did you select this research study to analyze? That is, what search terms did you use? What database did you use? What was your rationale for selecting this particular study to analyze over the others identified in the search results? What is the full reference for the study in APA format? In order to find this research study I used ERIC (Education Resources Information Center) through the University of North Florida's database. Using the terms Athletes and Academic Clustering, this was the only study found. I chose this study because it had all the necessary components of a research study, for instance, the introduction, literature review, methodology, results, discussion, and conclusion. All of which was mentioned in McMillian as the ... Show more content on ... In 2001, 59.8% of football players in the Big 12, were in communications, business or social science. Within the Big 12, seven of the twelve (58%), showed signs of clustering in the 2006 season. "Kansas State University had 13 (26%) players majoring in social science and Oklahoma State had 11 (34%) majoring in education" (2010, p.67). The University of Texas at Austin and Texas A&M had some high percentages of clustering as well, University of Texas had 20 out of 29 (69%) players majoring in sociology and A&M had 41% majoring in agricultural leadership and development. There were multiple examples of majors being selected by players, but not by the general student body that came up in their research. A couple examples are, Iowa State and University of Colorado, at Iowa State there were 11 (26%) players majored in sociology and 11 (30.6%) at the University of Colorado. However, only 307 (1.5%) from Iowa State and 429 (2.2%) of Colorado's student body (undergraduates) had this major during this same year. While these are just a few examples it was shown at multiple universities. 8. What might be the implications for practice from the conclusions of the study? The implications for practice is finding a way for athletes to choose majors they want to study while also being eligible for their ... Get more on ...