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Noise Pollution 
Lectured By: 
Dr. Rajendra Singh Thakur
 The Nature Of Sound 
 Measurement of sound, 
 Sources, 
 Effects and 
 Control of noise pollution 
Dr. Rajendra Singh Thakur 2
The Nature Of Sound 
Sound is a physical phenomenon that stimulates the 
sense of hearing. 
Sound, a manifestation of vibration, travels in wave 
patterns through solids, liquids and gases. 
Sound waves of equal amplitude with increasing 
frequency from top to bottom. 
Dr. Rajendra Singh Thakur 3
Sound propagation 
Dr. Rajendra Singh Thakur 4
Amplitude and wavelength 
Dr. Rajendra Singh Thakur 5
Sound & Noise 
Sound is a form of energy which is emitted by a vibrating 
body and on reaching in the ear causes the sensation of hearing 
through nerves 
The frequency limits of audibility are from 20 HZ to 20,000 
HZ, Sounds of frequencies less than 20 HZ are called 
Infrasonics and greater than 20,000 HZ are called 
Dr. Rajendra Singh Thakur 6
Elements of Noise 
Source Path Receiver 
Path Receiver 
Dr. Rajendra Singh Thakur 7
How sound is heard 
Dr. Rajendra Singh Thakur 8
What is Noise Pollution? 
The terms “noise” may be define as an unwanted sound at a wrong 
time and a wrong place… although noise is undesirable. 
Noise Pollution 
Expecting a 
Disturbing and 
Loud less 
Soft, Rhythmic 
or Short time 
Random or 
Dr. Rajendra Singh Thakur 9
What is Noise Pollution? 
It is an underrated environmental problem because of the fact that we 
can’t see, smell, or taste it. 
Unwanted sound that penetrates the environment any noise irritating to 
one's ear which comes from an external source. 
Sound that is unwanted or disrupts one’s quality of life is called as 
“noise”. When there is lot of noise in the environment, it is termed as 
noise pollution. 
In relatives terms one’s enjoyment may be pollution to other. Sound 
which pleases the listeners is music and which causes pain and 
annoyance is noise. 
Noise affect us in hearing, ability to communicate and behavior. 
Sound becomes undesirable when it disturbs the normal activities such 
as working, sleeping, and during conversations. 
Dr. Rajendra Singh Thakur 10
• Pleasant to hear 
• Constant pitch 
• Regular periodic motion 
• Produces meaningful 
• Unit is Hertz (Hz) 
Hz= cycle/sec. 
• Unpleasant to hear 
• Constantly varying pitch 
• No regular periodic motion 
• Produces no meaningful 
• Unit is decibel (dB) 
dB=10 log(intensity 
Dr. Rajendra Singh Thakur 11
Basic Terminology 
• Sound: Physical properties among which frequency and intensity 
are the most relevant. 
• Pitch: Human precipitation of a sound frequency (some extant) 
• Loudness: Human precipitation of a sound intensity (some extant) 
• Frequency: Frequency is the no of cycles repeated in unit time 
duration. Its unit is cycle/sec or Hz(1Hz=1Cycle/sec) 
• Intensity: Amount of sound energy received / sec is known as 
intensity of sound. Its Unit is decibel(dB). 
Dr. Rajendra Singh Thakur 12
• Decibel: Decibel is define as the logarithm to the base 10 to 
ratio of two intensities 
Lt =10 log(I/I0)dB 
 I=Measured Intensity 
 I0=Reference Intensity 
 Lt=Level of noise in dB 
Dr. Rajendra Singh Thakur 13
Ambient Noise Standards 
Area code Category of Area Limits in dB 
Day Night 
A Industrial area 75 70 
B Commercial area 65 55 
C Residential area 55 45 
D Silence zone 50 40 
Day time: 6 am to 9 pm 
Night time: 9pm to 6 am 
Dr. Rajendra Singh Thakur 14
Sources of Noise 
 The noise pollution has two sources, i.e. industrial and non-industrial 
 he industrial source includes the noise from various 
industries and big machines working at a very high speed 
and high noise intensity 
 Non- industrial source of noise includes the noise created by 
transport/vehicular traffic and the neighborhood noise 
generated by various noise pollution can also be divided in 
the categories , namely, natural and manmade 
Dr. Rajendra Singh Thakur 15
Sources of Noise 
 Road Traffic Noise 
 Air Craft Noise 
 Noise from railroads 
 Construction Noise 
 Noise in Industry 
 Noise in building 
 Noise from Consumer products 
Dr. Rajendra Singh Thakur 16
The intensity of sound is measured in sound pressure levels 
(SPL) and common unit of measurement is decibel, dB. 
The zero on a decibel scale is at the threshold of hearing, the 
lowest sound pressure that can be heard, on the scale. 
On the scale 20 db is whisper, 40 db the noise in a quiet 
office. 60 db is normal conversation, 80 db is the level at 
which sound becomes physically painful. 
Dr. Rajendra Singh Thakur 17
Bels and decibels 
Dr. Rajendra Singh Thakur 18
Sound power and intensity 
Dr. Rajendra Singh Thakur 19
Sound pressure level 
Dr. Rajendra Singh Thakur 20
Noise Measurement 
Dr. Rajendra Singh Thakur 21
Noise Levels of Sources 
Source Noise level 
Source Noise level, 
Air compressors 95-104 Quiet garden 30 
Diesel generator 95 Ticking clock 30 
Milling machine 112 Computer rooms 55-60 
Power operated 
portable saw 
108 Type institute 60 
Trucks 90-100 Printing press 80 
Car horns 90-105 Sports car 80-95 
Jet takeoff 120 Trains 96 
Dr. Rajendra Singh Thakur 22
Dr. Rajendra Singh Thakur 23
Harmful Effects of Noise 
• Physiological effects 
• Psychological effects 
• Loss of hearing 
• Annoyance 
• Health effects 
• Interference with communication 
• Working efficiency 
Dr. Rajendra Singh Thakur 24
• Physiological effects – acute effect caused by noise depend upon the 
pressure and frequency 
• At 150dB immediate permanent hearing impairment 
• At 120-150dB effect on- 
 Respiratory systems 
 Dizzying 
 Disorientation 
 Loss of physical control 
 Stress 
 Nausea 
 Vomiting 
• 70dB can measurable physiological effect, load sound secretion of many 
hormones at the pituitary gland –Adrino cartico tropic hormone(ACTH), 
turn simulated adrenal gland and that trigger- 
 Enhancement of sensitivity 
 Blood sugar 
 Suppression of immune system 
 Decreasing the efficiency of liver to detoxify blood 
Dr. Rajendra Singh Thakur 25
• Psychological effects –temporary effects such as 
deterioration in concentration and mental disorientation 
at high noise level, more load reduces- 
• Working efficiency 
• Interfere for communication 
• Increase the frequency may accident 
• Reduce mental capability 
• Emotional stability 
• Contribute to distress 
• Emotional disturbance 
• Aggressive any existing psychological condition 
• Mental illness 
Dr. Rajendra Singh Thakur 26
Loss of hearing – due to exposure of noise, which 
termed as artificial hearing loss. 
1. Noise induced temporary threshold shifts (NITTS)- 
due to exposure to loud noise like bursting of 
crackers. Recovered in a short period of time. 
2. Noise induced permanent threshold shifts (NIPTS)- 
because of exposure to loud noise for long period 
Dr. Rajendra Singh Thakur 27
Annoyance – subjective matter for sound/noise. 
• Someone may like classical music, it may annoy 
• Annoyance is felt about 75 to 85 dB. 
• Blood vessel get constricted, breathing rate affected. 
Health effects – 
Effects on physical health. 
• Auditory effects- short time and long time effects. 
Acoustic trauma due to high intensity impulsive noise 
of about 150 dB or more. 
• Non-auditory effects- exposure to loud noise increase 
pulse rate and blood pressure change. 
• Effects on mental health- lack of conc. at high noise 
level and mental disturbance. 
Dr. Rajendra Singh Thakur 28
Interference with communication – background noise 
affect the efficiency of offices, schools and other 
places where communication is vital importance. 
• External sound also interfere with conversation 
and use of telephone as well as enjoyment of radio 
and TV. 
• Maximum acceptable limit of noise 55dB. 
Dr. Rajendra Singh Thakur 29
Working efficiency – decrease the working 
efficiency drastically. Experiments indicate that 
irregular bursts of noise are more disruptive than 
steady noise. 
• Sound levels of 90 dB may interfere with the 
performance of a task. 
Other effects 
• Sleep interference 
• Personal comfort interference 
• Effects on wild life 
• Increased industrial accidents. 
Dr. Rajendra Singh Thakur 30
Harmful Effects 
Dr. Rajendra Singh Thakur 31
Dr. Rajendra Singh Thakur 32
Noise Hazard Evaluations may be 
performed by: 
 Industrial Hygienists – 
(primary responsibility) 
 Audiologists 
 Trained technicians 
Dr. Rajendra Singh Thakur 33
Table : 
Equipment used in the measurement of noise levels 
Dr. Rajendra Singh Thakur 34
Sound level meter 
Dr. Rajendra Singh Thakur 35
Dr. Rajendra Singh Thakur 36
Equipment Used 
 Sound Level Meter 
(SLM) – used to 
screen for noise 
– if the screening detects 
noise levels above 84 dB, a 
dosimeter is then used to 
determine individual noise 
Dr. Rajendra Singh Thakur 37
Equipment Used (cont.) 
 Dosimeter – measures the average decibel 
exposure level over an 8 hour day 
Dr. Rajendra Singh Thakur 38
Control of Noise Pollution 
Noise Control at Source 
 Reducing the noise levels from domestic sectors 
 Maintenance of automobiles 
 Control over vibrations 
 Low voice speaking 
 Prohibition on usage of loud speakers 
 Selection of machinery 
 Maintenance of machines 
Dr. Rajendra Singh Thakur 39
Control of Noise Pollution 
Control in the transmission path 
 Installation of barriers 
 Design of building 
 Installation of panels or enclosures 
 Green belt development 
Using protection equipment 
 Job rotation 
 Exposure reduction 
 Hearing protection 
Dr. Rajendra Singh Thakur 40
Control of Noise Pollution 
• Can never be eliminated completely, but it can be controlled. 
• Noise pollution can be controlled by paying attention to one or all 
of the three elements involved: 
 Source:- can be modified by changing in design, treatment of 
machine surface, noise source could be stopped or operation 
limited to certain times. 
 Transmission path:- sound insulating enclosure, construction of 
noise barrier, absorbing materials along the path. 
 Receiver :- altering the work schedule, by provision of ear 
Dr. Rajendra Singh Thakur 41
• Reducing the noise levels from domestic sectors: The domestic noise coming from radio, tape 
recorders, television sets, mixers, washing machines, cooking operations can be minimised by 
their selective and judicious operation. By usage of carpets or any absorbing material, the noise 
generated from felling of items in house can be minimised. 
• Maintenance of automobiles: Regular servicing and tuning of vehicles will reduce the noise 
levels. Fixing of silencers to automobiles, two wheelers etc., will reduce the noise levels. 
• Control over vibrations: The vibrations of materials may be controlled using proper 
foundations, rubber padding etc. to reduce the noise levels caused by vibrations. 
• Low voice speaking: Speaking at low voices enough for communication reduces the excess 
noise levels. 
• Prohibition on usage of loud speakers: By not permitting the usage of loudspeakers in the 
habitant zones except for important meetings / functions. Now-a-days, the urban Administration of 
the metro cities in India, is becoming stringent on usage of loudspeakers. 
• Selection of machinery: Optimum selection of machinery tools or equipment reduces excess 
noise levels. For example selection of chairs, or selection of certain machinery/equipment which 
generate less noise (Sound) due to its superior technology etc. is also an important factor in noise 
minimisation strategy. 
• Maintenance of machines: Proper lubrication and maintenance of machines, vehicles etc. will 
reduce noise levels. For example, it is a common experience that, many parts of a vehicle will 
become loose while on a rugged path of journey. If these loose parts are not properly fitted, they 
will generate noise and cause annoyance to the driver/passenger. Similarly is the case of machines. 
Proper handling and regular maintenance is essential not only for noise control but also to improve 
the life of machine. Dr. Rajendra Singh Thakur 42
Others steps to control noise pollution 
• Noise pollution (Regulation and control) Rules, 2000. 
• Vehicular noise can be controlled by proper maintaince. 
• Industrial noise controlled under the factory act, 1948. 
• Legal laws to control blaring loudspeakers, playing of music system at loud level. 
• Use of better technology in design of systems like fan, AC, washing machines and 
• Proper town planning can help in avoiding noise pollution (construction from major 
noise sources). 
• Proper zoning and separation of buffers. 
• Thick and high vegetation can absorb much noise. 
• Aerodrome should be located away from the city. 
• Aeroplanes should take off in direction readily away from the city. 
Dr. Rajendra Singh Thakur 43
Noise barrier: Highway in Melbourne, Australia 
Dr. Rajendra Singh Thakur 44
Legal Control 
 Constitution of India 
 Right to Life 
 Right to Information 
 Right to Religion and Noise 
 Directive Principal of State Policy 
 Fundamental Duties 
 Cr.P.C. Section 133 
 I.P.C. Public Nuisance 268-295 
 Law of Torts Noise pollution is considered as civil wrong 
 Factories Act Reduction of Noise and Oil of Machinery 
 Motor Vehicle Act. Provision Relation to use of horn and 
change of Engine 
 Noise Pollution Control Rule 2000 under Environment 
Protection Act 1996 
Dr. Rajendra Singh Thakur 45
Dr. Rajendra Singh Thakur 46
Thank You 
Dr. Rajendra Singh Thakur 47

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Sound (Noise) Pollution

  • 1. Noise Pollution Lectured By: Dr. Rajendra Singh Thakur
  • 2. Content  The Nature Of Sound  Measurement of sound,  Sources,  Effects and  Control of noise pollution Dr. Rajendra Singh Thakur 2
  • 3. The Nature Of Sound Sound is a physical phenomenon that stimulates the sense of hearing. Sound, a manifestation of vibration, travels in wave patterns through solids, liquids and gases. Sound waves of equal amplitude with increasing frequency from top to bottom. Dr. Rajendra Singh Thakur 3
  • 4. Sound propagation Dr. Rajendra Singh Thakur 4
  • 5. Amplitude and wavelength (period) Dr. Rajendra Singh Thakur 5
  • 6. Sound & Noise Sound is a form of energy which is emitted by a vibrating body and on reaching in the ear causes the sensation of hearing through nerves The frequency limits of audibility are from 20 HZ to 20,000 HZ, Sounds of frequencies less than 20 HZ are called Infrasonics and greater than 20,000 HZ are called Ultrasonics. Dr. Rajendra Singh Thakur 6
  • 7. Elements of Noise Source Path Receiver Path Receiver Source Barrier Dr. Rajendra Singh Thakur 7
  • 8. How sound is heard Dr. Rajendra Singh Thakur 8
  • 9. What is Noise Pollution? The terms “noise” may be define as an unwanted sound at a wrong time and a wrong place… although noise is undesirable. Noise Pollution Meaningful Attention Expecting a consequent Meaningless Irresponsible or Disturbing and annoying Persons Wanted Loud less Music Soft, Rhythmic or Short time Unwanted Load, Random or Prolonged Dr. Rajendra Singh Thakur 9
  • 10. What is Noise Pollution? It is an underrated environmental problem because of the fact that we can’t see, smell, or taste it. Unwanted sound that penetrates the environment any noise irritating to one's ear which comes from an external source. Sound that is unwanted or disrupts one’s quality of life is called as “noise”. When there is lot of noise in the environment, it is termed as noise pollution. In relatives terms one’s enjoyment may be pollution to other. Sound which pleases the listeners is music and which causes pain and annoyance is noise. Noise affect us in hearing, ability to communicate and behavior. Sound becomes undesirable when it disturbs the normal activities such as working, sleeping, and during conversations. Dr. Rajendra Singh Thakur 10
  • 11. SOUND • Pleasant to hear • Constant pitch • Regular periodic motion • Produces meaningful communication • Unit is Hertz (Hz) Hz= cycle/sec. NOISE • Unpleasant to hear • Constantly varying pitch • No regular periodic motion • Produces no meaningful communication • Unit is decibel (dB) dB=10 log(intensity measured/reference intensity) Dr. Rajendra Singh Thakur 11
  • 12. Basic Terminology • Sound: Physical properties among which frequency and intensity are the most relevant. • Pitch: Human precipitation of a sound frequency (some extant) • Loudness: Human precipitation of a sound intensity (some extant) • Frequency: Frequency is the no of cycles repeated in unit time duration. Its unit is cycle/sec or Hz(1Hz=1Cycle/sec) • Intensity: Amount of sound energy received / sec is known as intensity of sound. Its Unit is decibel(dB). Dr. Rajendra Singh Thakur 12
  • 13. • Decibel: Decibel is define as the logarithm to the base 10 to ratio of two intensities Lt =10 log(I/I0)dB Where,  I=Measured Intensity  I0=Reference Intensity  Lt=Level of noise in dB Dr. Rajendra Singh Thakur 13
  • 14. Ambient Noise Standards Area code Category of Area Limits in dB Day Night A Industrial area 75 70 B Commercial area 65 55 C Residential area 55 45 D Silence zone 50 40 Day time: 6 am to 9 pm Night time: 9pm to 6 am Dr. Rajendra Singh Thakur 14
  • 15. Sources of Noise  The noise pollution has two sources, i.e. industrial and non-industrial  he industrial source includes the noise from various industries and big machines working at a very high speed and high noise intensity  Non- industrial source of noise includes the noise created by transport/vehicular traffic and the neighborhood noise generated by various noise pollution can also be divided in the categories , namely, natural and manmade Dr. Rajendra Singh Thakur 15
  • 16. Sources of Noise  Road Traffic Noise  Air Craft Noise  Noise from railroads  Construction Noise  Noise in Industry  Noise in building  Noise from Consumer products Dr. Rajendra Singh Thakur 16
  • 17. Measurement The intensity of sound is measured in sound pressure levels (SPL) and common unit of measurement is decibel, dB. The zero on a decibel scale is at the threshold of hearing, the lowest sound pressure that can be heard, on the scale. On the scale 20 db is whisper, 40 db the noise in a quiet office. 60 db is normal conversation, 80 db is the level at which sound becomes physically painful. Dr. Rajendra Singh Thakur 17
  • 18. Bels and decibels Dr. Rajendra Singh Thakur 18
  • 19. Sound power and intensity Dr. Rajendra Singh Thakur 19
  • 20. Sound pressure level Dr. Rajendra Singh Thakur 20
  • 21. Noise Measurement Dr. Rajendra Singh Thakur 21
  • 22. Noise Levels of Sources Source Noise level dB Source Noise level, dB Air compressors 95-104 Quiet garden 30 Diesel generator 95 Ticking clock 30 Milling machine 112 Computer rooms 55-60 Power operated portable saw 108 Type institute 60 Trucks 90-100 Printing press 80 Car horns 90-105 Sports car 80-95 Jet takeoff 120 Trains 96 Dr. Rajendra Singh Thakur 22
  • 23. Dr. Rajendra Singh Thakur 23
  • 24. Harmful Effects of Noise Pollution • Physiological effects • Psychological effects • Loss of hearing • Annoyance • Health effects • Interference with communication • Working efficiency Dr. Rajendra Singh Thakur 24
  • 25. • Physiological effects – acute effect caused by noise depend upon the pressure and frequency • At 150dB immediate permanent hearing impairment • At 120-150dB effect on-  Respiratory systems  Dizzying  Disorientation  Loss of physical control  Stress  Nausea  Vomiting • 70dB can measurable physiological effect, load sound secretion of many hormones at the pituitary gland –Adrino cartico tropic hormone(ACTH), turn simulated adrenal gland and that trigger-  Enhancement of sensitivity  Blood sugar  Suppression of immune system  Decreasing the efficiency of liver to detoxify blood Dr. Rajendra Singh Thakur 25
  • 26. • Psychological effects –temporary effects such as deterioration in concentration and mental disorientation at high noise level, more load reduces- • Working efficiency • Interfere for communication • Increase the frequency may accident • Reduce mental capability • Emotional stability • Contribute to distress • Emotional disturbance • Aggressive any existing psychological condition • Mental illness Dr. Rajendra Singh Thakur 26
  • 27. Loss of hearing – due to exposure of noise, which termed as artificial hearing loss. 1. Noise induced temporary threshold shifts (NITTS)- due to exposure to loud noise like bursting of crackers. Recovered in a short period of time. 2. Noise induced permanent threshold shifts (NIPTS)- because of exposure to loud noise for long period time. Dr. Rajendra Singh Thakur 27
  • 28. Annoyance – subjective matter for sound/noise. • Someone may like classical music, it may annoy others. • Annoyance is felt about 75 to 85 dB. • Blood vessel get constricted, breathing rate affected. Health effects – Effects on physical health. • Auditory effects- short time and long time effects. Acoustic trauma due to high intensity impulsive noise of about 150 dB or more. • Non-auditory effects- exposure to loud noise increase pulse rate and blood pressure change. • Effects on mental health- lack of conc. at high noise level and mental disturbance. Dr. Rajendra Singh Thakur 28
  • 29. Interference with communication – background noise affect the efficiency of offices, schools and other places where communication is vital importance. • External sound also interfere with conversation and use of telephone as well as enjoyment of radio and TV. • Maximum acceptable limit of noise 55dB. Dr. Rajendra Singh Thakur 29
  • 30. Working efficiency – decrease the working efficiency drastically. Experiments indicate that irregular bursts of noise are more disruptive than steady noise. • Sound levels of 90 dB may interfere with the performance of a task. Other effects • Sleep interference • Personal comfort interference • Effects on wild life • Increased industrial accidents. Dr. Rajendra Singh Thakur 30
  • 31. Harmful Effects Dr. Rajendra Singh Thakur 31
  • 32. EQUIPMENT USED FOR NOISE MEASUREMENT Dr. Rajendra Singh Thakur 32
  • 33. Noise Hazard Evaluations may be performed by:  Industrial Hygienists – (primary responsibility)  Audiologists  Trained technicians Dr. Rajendra Singh Thakur 33
  • 34. Table : Equipment used in the measurement of noise levels Dr. Rajendra Singh Thakur 34
  • 35. Sound level meter Dr. Rajendra Singh Thakur 35
  • 36. Dr. Rajendra Singh Thakur 36
  • 37. Equipment Used  Sound Level Meter (SLM) – used to screen for noise hazards – if the screening detects noise levels above 84 dB, a dosimeter is then used to determine individual noise dose Dr. Rajendra Singh Thakur 37
  • 38. Equipment Used (cont.)  Dosimeter – measures the average decibel exposure level over an 8 hour day Dr. Rajendra Singh Thakur 38
  • 39. Control of Noise Pollution Noise Control at Source  Reducing the noise levels from domestic sectors  Maintenance of automobiles  Control over vibrations  Low voice speaking  Prohibition on usage of loud speakers  Selection of machinery  Maintenance of machines Dr. Rajendra Singh Thakur 39
  • 40. Control of Noise Pollution Control in the transmission path  Installation of barriers  Design of building  Installation of panels or enclosures  Green belt development Using protection equipment  Job rotation  Exposure reduction  Hearing protection Dr. Rajendra Singh Thakur 40
  • 41. Control of Noise Pollution • Can never be eliminated completely, but it can be controlled. • Noise pollution can be controlled by paying attention to one or all of the three elements involved:  Source:- can be modified by changing in design, treatment of machine surface, noise source could be stopped or operation limited to certain times.  Transmission path:- sound insulating enclosure, construction of noise barrier, absorbing materials along the path.  Receiver :- altering the work schedule, by provision of ear protection. Dr. Rajendra Singh Thakur 41
  • 42. • Reducing the noise levels from domestic sectors: The domestic noise coming from radio, tape recorders, television sets, mixers, washing machines, cooking operations can be minimised by their selective and judicious operation. By usage of carpets or any absorbing material, the noise generated from felling of items in house can be minimised. • Maintenance of automobiles: Regular servicing and tuning of vehicles will reduce the noise levels. Fixing of silencers to automobiles, two wheelers etc., will reduce the noise levels. • Control over vibrations: The vibrations of materials may be controlled using proper foundations, rubber padding etc. to reduce the noise levels caused by vibrations. • Low voice speaking: Speaking at low voices enough for communication reduces the excess noise levels. • Prohibition on usage of loud speakers: By not permitting the usage of loudspeakers in the habitant zones except for important meetings / functions. Now-a-days, the urban Administration of the metro cities in India, is becoming stringent on usage of loudspeakers. • Selection of machinery: Optimum selection of machinery tools or equipment reduces excess noise levels. For example selection of chairs, or selection of certain machinery/equipment which generate less noise (Sound) due to its superior technology etc. is also an important factor in noise minimisation strategy. • Maintenance of machines: Proper lubrication and maintenance of machines, vehicles etc. will reduce noise levels. For example, it is a common experience that, many parts of a vehicle will become loose while on a rugged path of journey. If these loose parts are not properly fitted, they will generate noise and cause annoyance to the driver/passenger. Similarly is the case of machines. Proper handling and regular maintenance is essential not only for noise control but also to improve the life of machine. Dr. Rajendra Singh Thakur 42
  • 43. Others steps to control noise pollution • Noise pollution (Regulation and control) Rules, 2000. • Vehicular noise can be controlled by proper maintaince. • Industrial noise controlled under the factory act, 1948. • Legal laws to control blaring loudspeakers, playing of music system at loud level. • Use of better technology in design of systems like fan, AC, washing machines and refrigerators. • Proper town planning can help in avoiding noise pollution (construction from major noise sources). • Proper zoning and separation of buffers. • Thick and high vegetation can absorb much noise. • Aerodrome should be located away from the city. • Aeroplanes should take off in direction readily away from the city. Dr. Rajendra Singh Thakur 43
  • 44. Noise barrier: Highway in Melbourne, Australia Dr. Rajendra Singh Thakur 44
  • 45. Legal Control  Constitution of India  Right to Life  Right to Information  Right to Religion and Noise  Directive Principal of State Policy  Fundamental Duties  Cr.P.C. Section 133  I.P.C. Public Nuisance 268-295  Law of Torts Noise pollution is considered as civil wrong  Factories Act Reduction of Noise and Oil of Machinery  Motor Vehicle Act. Provision Relation to use of horn and change of Engine  Noise Pollution Control Rule 2000 under Environment Protection Act 1996 Dr. Rajendra Singh Thakur 45
  • 46. Dr. Rajendra Singh Thakur 46
  • 47. Thank You Dr. Rajendra Singh Thakur 47