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reproduction and growth
learning objectives:
1. analysisng gamete formation
2. analysing the role of hormones in the menstrual cycle
3. understanding the early development of zygotes in human
4. appreciating the constribution of science and technology to
human reproduction
5. synthesising the concept of sexual reproduction in flowering
6. understanding growth in multicellular organisms
7. understanding the growth curve
8. understanding primary and secondry growth in plants
analysing gamete formation
learning outcomes:
1. explain the necessity for organisms to
2. state types of reproduction
3. explain the necessaties for formation of
4. describe formation of sperm in humans
5. describe formation of ovum in humans
6. compare the formation of sperm with that of
necessity for organisms to
1. reproduction is important because:
• for the continuation of the spesies in
• to produce new individuals that can
contribute to variation
• to replace those die because of disease,
old age or fall prey to predators
• to passing down the genes from parents
to the next generation
types of
sexual reproduction
• occurs in vertebrates
• it involves in the production and fusion of
• two gametes to form a zygote
asexual reproduction
• occurs in
• involves binary fusion
• budding
• fragmentation
necessity for the formation of gametes
formation of sperms in humans
The male reproductive organ
• is a process of sperms formation in a
smeniferous tubules of testes
• the cross section of seminiferous
tubules shows a layer of cell
• called primordial germ cells
• which undergo mitotic division to form
• spermatogonia undergo mitosis for
several times
• during foetus development until the
childhood phases
• to form primary spermatocytes
• when the male child reaches puberty
• some of the primaryspermatocyte
undergo spermatogenesis
• each primary spermatocyte undergoes
meiosis 1
• to form secondary spermatocytes
• each secondary spermatocytes
divides again during meiosis 2
• to produce spermatids
• each spermatids develops into
• through cell differentiation and
• 4 spermatid are formed for every
primar spermatocyte
• spermatogonium(2n) repeated mitosis---->
• primary spermatocyte (2n) -----> meiosis I
----> secondary spermatocyte II (n) ----->
meiosis II -------> spermatid ( n) ------> cell
differentiation and growth ----->sperm (n)
formation of ovum in humans
The female reproductive organ
sistem pembiakan perempuan
peringkat folikel dalam ovari
• is a process of ovum formation in the ovary
• in a foetus ovary, there are a lot of oogonium
• oogonium develops to form primary oocyte
• each primary oocyte surrounded by a layer of
follicle cells
• which are called primary follicle
• ( at birth, a human female body has as much as
2 million of primary oocyte in their ovaries)
• primary follicle divides through
meiosis 1 and stops at prophase 1
• when a female childhood reach puberty
• only one primary follicle matures
completely to form a secondary follicle
• secondary follicles starts meiosis 2
which progress until metaphase 2
• and develops to form graafian follicle
• at intervals of 28 days, the Graafian
follicle merges with the wall of
• the ovarian wall and Graafian follicle
then rupture ,
• releasing the secondary oocyte and the
first polar body into the fallopian tube
• this stage called ovulation
• if the sperm penetrates the secondary
oocyte during fertilization,
• meiosis 2 will be completed to formed
• an ovum and second polarbody
• if there is no sperm penetration occur,
secondary oocyte will break down
during menstruation
Analysing the role of hormones in the
mestrual cucle
learning outcomes:
1. state what menstruation is
2. relate menstruation to mestrual cycle
3. state the importance of the meenstrual cycle
4. state the hormones involve in mestrual cycle
5. relate the hormonal levels to the development of follicles, ovulation,
formation of corpus luteum
6. relate hormonal level to the thickness of the endometrium
7. explain the role of hormones in regulating menstrual cycle
8. state the premenstrual syndrome (PMS)
9. state what menopause is
menstruation and menstrual cycle
• the breakdown of the endometrium wall
• and the discharge of blood , epithelial
tissues and mucus through the vagina
menstrual cycle
• the monthly cycle of ovulation and menstruation
• that occur in the uterus when a female reaches
• in most female, it takes about 28 days but vary
between different female
• the activity of menstrual cycle are closely
associated with menstruation and
• it is regulated by hormone
• it is a cycle of chnges that prepare uterus lining
• for the possible implantation of a fertilised ovum
the hormone involved in mestrual
• 2 groups of hormones involved:
group 1:
• control the changes in the ovaries
• FSH ( follicle stimulating hormone)
• LH (Luteinising hormone)
group 2:
• control the changes in uterus
• oestrogen
• progesterone
• the Gonadotrophin releasing hormone
(GnRH) secreted by the hypothalamus
• stimulates the Pituitary Gland to release
FSH and LH in the bloodstream to ovary
• FSH - stimulates the development of
• as the maturing follicle enlarges, it
secretes greater amount of oestrogen
• the high level of oestrogen cause a rise in
secretion FSH and LH
• LH- stimulates the completion of meiosis I
by changing primary oocyte to secondary
• remaining follicle tissue developes in
corpus luteum
• corpus luteum- secretes larger amount of
• but smaller amount of oestrogen
• oestrogen and progesterone- stimulate the
endometrium to become thicker
• and rich in blood vessels , in the
preparaton for implantation of fertilized
• if fertilization does not occur, the corpus
uteum starts to disintegrate
• the level of oestrogen and progesterone
• endometrium breaks down and
• begin the menstrual flow on about 28th
day of the cycle
• if fertilization occurs, the corpus luteum
will not degenerate
• means the level of oestrogen and
progesterone continue to rise
• endomentrium continue to grow and
nourish the embryo
• corpus luteum continue to secretes
oestrogen and progesterone two to three
month after fertilization
• after that, it is taken over by plasenta untul
the baby is born
pitutary gland
Stimulates the development
of follicle graaf
promotes the repair
of the endometrium
Stimulates the
endometrium to become
thick for the implantation
of an ebryo
• PMS is a cyclical disorder of severe
physical, mental and emotional distress
• related to menstrual cycle
• occurs in a week or two before
• PMS could be due to the imbalance in
oestrogen and progesterone
common physical symptom
• headaches, fatigue, feel bloated
• breast tenderness, abdominal pain
• sleep distrubance, appetite changes
• food cravings
common emotional symptoms
• irritability, tension, depression
• confusion, anxiety, crying
• oversensetivity , mood swings
• alternating anger and lack of
• time when the menstrual cycle stop
• between the ages of 45 and 55 years
• it is a normal change in woman's life
• woman's body slowly produces less hormones
oestrogen and progesterone
• causes the mestrual cycle to be irregular
• mestrual flows become shorter and finally stop
• ovaries stop producing follicles and ova
• decrease in bone densityand lead to
• mood changes, weight gain, hair loss
• difficulty in sleeping, depression,
• hot flushes, night sweats
understanding the early
development of zygote in humans
learning outcomes:
1. describe what fertilisation is
2.describe in simple terms the early development of a
3. name the two main stages in the development of a
zygote in preparationfor implantation
4. describe the formation of twins
5. compare identical twins with fraternal twins
5. state the functions of the placenta in foetal development
6. explain the advantages of foetus having a separate
circulatory systems from that of the mother
• it is a union of nuclei of a sperm and an
ovum to produce zygote
• occurs inside the fallopion tubes
• of the millions of sperms ejaculated,
• only a few hundred will survive the
journey to reach fallopion tubes
• from these, only one sperm is succeds
to fertilize the ovum
• the woman is said to be pregnant
• once the sperms succeds in entering the
secondary oocyte, meiosis II is
the early development of a zygote
•approximately after 36 hours , zygote is formed
•begins to divide repeatedly by mitosis as it travels along the
fallopion tube
of embryo
•mitotic divisionrepeatedly to formed ambryo with two cell, four,
eight and the solid mass of cells called morula
the morula with about 100 cells. it is a fluid filled sphere
•seven days after fertilization, the blastula attaches itself to the
•the inner cell mass develops into the embryo
the trophoblast will develop into the foetal portion of placenta
• zygotes ( 4 days divides mitosis
repeatedly) --> solid ball (morula) --->
(develop into )hollow ball ( blastula )-->
• morula and blastula ( 2 main stages in
preparation for implantation)
the formation of twins
comparison between identtical
twins with fraternal twins
1.embryos formed are the result of
2.both grow by mitosis for embryo
one ovum is fertilized by
one sperm
two ova are released at
the same time
each ovum is fertilised by
the zygote is splited into
two separate embryos
2 zygotes formed which
divide and develop into
two separate embryos
both twins have same
genetic constitution
Genetic constitution
both twins do not share
same genetic
both embryo share one
have their own umbilical
number of placentae
both embryo has its own
placetae and umbilical cord
both are of the same sex
males or females
both twins maybe the
same sex or different sex
both twins share the same
physical characteristics
physical characteristic
both twins do not share
the same physical
identical twins
fraternal twins
fraternal twins
siamese twins
• siamese twins are identical twins
• which do not separate completely during
embryonic development
• they are attached (joined) at certain parts of the
body such as head, abdomen or hips
• they may also share some internal organs
• they can be separated surgically and have
greater chance for survival
• if they do not share major internal organs such
as heart, brain or lung
the imprtance of having separate
circulatory system
1. prevents the mixing of blood groups of mother
and the foetus which may cause blood
agglutination and death
2. prevents certain harmful bacteria and toxins
from entering the foetus
3. prevents the action of chemicals in mother blood
from harming the development feotus
4. ensures that the fine blood vessels of the foetus
do not burst as a result of high blood pressure
the constribution of science and
technology to human reproduction
learning outcome:
1.explain the contribution of science and
technology to human reproduction
2. explain some moral issues related to the
application of science and technology to human
3. what sexually transmitted disease are
4. give examples of sexually transmitted disease
constribution on infertility
• due to either the male or female partner
being sterile
common cause:
• blocked fallopian tubes
• failure of an embryo to implant itself to
• the inability to produce ova
• blocked sperm ducts or vas deferens
• low sperm count
overcome with
• artificial insemination
• sperm bank
• surrogate mother
• invitro fertilisation ( IVF)
• cloning
artificial insemination (AI)
• The sperms of men with low sperm count
are collected over a period of time
• the wife caan be inseminated with the
husband's sperms from a sperm bank
• the sperms are injected directly into the
fallopion tube
sperm bank
• a donor sperms are
frozened in liquid nitrogen
at temperature -196
• and kept in sperm bank
• a woman is inseminated
by sperms obtained from
a sperm bank
surrogate mother
• the sperms and ova
are obtained from the
• it will transfered to the
uterus of the
surrogate mother
In Vitro fertilization ( IVF)
• The method is used when the fallopion tubes are blocked
• FSH is injected to stimulates the follicle development
• a fine laparoscope is used to remove secondary oocyte
from the ovary
• and is placed in a glassware which already contain sperm
with culture solution
• the sperms and ova are fused and embryos with eight cells
• are inserted into the uterus through cervix for implantation
• babies conceived in this method are called test-tube
gamete intra-fallopio transfer(GIFT)
• the sperm and secondary oocyte are mixed
up in a glass ware
• the mixture is transferred into the fallopian
tube so that the fertilization can occur
zygote intra-fallopio transfer (ZIFT)
• The sperm and secondary oocyte are
mixed up in a glassware
• the fertilisation is allow to occur
• the zygote formed is transferred into the
fallopion tube
• it involves the transfer of nucleus from a
somatic cell to an ovum which has the
nucleus removed
• the embryo is then develops in culture
• it is inserted into the uterus of surrogate
mother which finally an identical baby of
the ceell donor is born
birth control methods
1. rhythm method
• fertile period - 3 days before and 3 days
after ovulation
• others day are save period
• avoid engaging in copulation during the
woman's fertile period
• a married couple should only have sexual
intercouse during the save period
• which will not result in pregnancy
2. condom
• fitted over the erect
penis before
• prevent sperms from
entering the vagina
during ejaculation
3.withdrawal method
• the penis is withdrawn
from the vagina
before the release of
semen or ejaculation
• the vas deferences
are tied and cut in a
surgical operation
• the sperm are still
produced but cannot
be transferred it out
• inserted into vagina to
cover the cervix
• stops sperms from
entering the uterus
6. tubal ligation
• both the fallopion tubes are cut and tied in
an operation
• a released ovum cannot reach the part of
the fallopion tube where sperms are
• thus, the sperms cannot fertilise the ovum
7.contraceptive pills
• pills with a combination of oestrogen and
• prevents ovulation by inhibiting the
secretion of FSH and LH
8.IUD (intrauterine device)
• fitted by a doctor
• can be left in the
uterus for
approximately two
• it will irritates the
endometrium, thus
preventing the
implantation of
9. contraceptive implant
• a capsule inserted
just below the skin of
the upper arm
• progestine is secreted
in small quantities
over a period of three
to four years
• inhibits ovulation
• it will lines the vagina
• prevents the entry of
11. mucus
• the woman should examines the
discharge like mucus coimg out from the
• more mucus , dilute and elastic when
ovulation is reached
• the intercourse should be avoided at this
moral issues to the Application of
• 1. should humans interfere with the natural
reproductive processes
2. in IVF, usually more than one embryo are
cultured. It is wrong to destroy the extra
3.the use of sperms and ova from donors
raises legal and moral issues on the
parentage of the child
4.the use of surrogate mothers may cause
pshycological problems to both surrogate
mother and child
as she has linkage during pregnancy
5. the selection of sperms and ova for
artificial insemination is contavenes
the law of nature and may result in a
'superior race'
the sexual transmitted disease
( STDs)
• disease that are spread from one person
to another through sexual contact
STDs caused by bacteria:
• Chlamydia
• Syphilis
• Gonorrhea
STDs caused by Virus:
• hepatitis B
• Genital herpes
• Bacterial STDs can be treated with
• but Viral STDs cannot
how to avoid:
• not engaging in promiscuous sexual
• being faithful to sex partner
4.5 the concept of sexual
reproduction in flowering plants
learning outcomes:
1.identify male and female structures in a flower
2.describe the formation of pollen grains
3.describe the formation of embryo sac in the
4.describe the formation of pollen tube, zygote and
triploid nucleus
5.conceptualise double fertilisation
6. relate the structure of a fruit to flowering plants
7. explain the importance of double fertilization of
the survival of flowering plants
identify male and female structure
in a flower
male reproductive organ - stamen
• stamen consist of two main parts: anther
and filament
female reproductive organ - carpel
or pistil
• the carpel divided into 3 parts: stigma,
style and ovari
stamen (male) anther
produces pollen grains
(male gametes )
a stalk which supports the
carpel or pistil ( female) stigma
at the top of the style to
which pollen grains landed
a stalk that joins stigma
and ovary
ovary contains the ovule
Bab 4 Pembiakan dan Pertumbuhan
4.5 Pembiakan Seks Dalam Tumbuhan Berbunga
Biologi Tingkatan 5
Keratan Membujur Sekuntum Bunga
Pistil /
Bab 4 Pembiakan dan Pertumbuhan
4.5 Pembiakan Seks Dalam Tumbuhan Berbunga
Biologi Tingkatan 5
Struktur Anter
 Pundi debunga dihasilkan di dalam anter.
 Setiap anter mengandungi 4 pundi debunga.
 Setiap pundi debunga mengandungi sel induk debunga atau sel induk
mikrospora yang diploid (2n).
Sel induk debunga(2n)
Pundi debunga
formation of pollen grains
• pollens ( male gametes) are produced in
the anther
• each anther consists of four pollen sacs
• in each pollen sac are hundreds of pollen
mother cells ( 2n)
• each pollen mother cell undergoes
meiosis to produce 4 haploid cells or
megaspores (n)
• the nucleus of each megaspore (n)
divides by mitosis to form 2 nuclei:
• the tube nucleus
• the generative nucleus ( form 2
male gametes)
formation of embryo sac in the
ovule ( development of ovule)
• ovule develops from the tissues of carpel
in the ovary
• Inside the ovule is a diploidcell
• Known as embryo sac mother cell or
megaspore (2n)
Embryo sac mother cell(2n)
• Embryo sac mother cell (2n) divided by
meiosis to form 4 haplid cells known as
• Three of megaspores degenerate / die
only one survive
• The surviving cells then enlarges
• The nucleus divides mitotic ally three
times to produce 8 haploid cells
Among the eight nuclei:
• Three nuclei migrate to one end of the cell
to form antipodal cells
• Two nuclei move to the centre of the cell
and are called polar nuclei
• Three migrate to the opening of the ovule
that is micropyl
• One of them develops into egg cell/ovum
(female gamete) flanked by 2 synergid
Germination of pollen grains
and double fertilisation
• is a process where the pollen grains from
anther are transferred
• to stigma of a same flower or different
• A mature pollen grains consist of 2 nuclei:
• The tube nucleus and the generative
nucleus ( 2 male nuclei)
• When a pollen grain reaches the stigma,
• The secretion of sucrose solution (sugary
liquid) on the stigma
• Stimulates the pollen grain to germinate
and form a tube known as pollen tube
• through the tissues of style into an ovule
After pollination
• The pollen tube grows down the style
towards the ovary
• The tube nucleus controls the direction of
growth of the pollen tube
• During the growth of the pollen tube,
• The generative nucleus divides mitotically
to produce two male gametes nuclei
• The 2 male nuclei follow the tube nucleus
down the pollen tube
• Until they reach the micropyle and enter
the ovule for fertilisation
What is double fertilization?
• When pollen tube reaches the ovary, it
penetrates the ovule through the
• The tube nucleus disintegrates , then two
male gamete enter the embryo sac
1.One male gamete nucleus fuses with the
egg cell to form a diploid zygote
• Produce one or two cotyledons
2. The other male gamete nucleus fuses
with two polar nuclei
• To form a triploid nucleus (3n)=
• To store food for developing embryo
Above process is called double fertilisation
• Synergid and antipodal cells then
Formation of seed and fruit
4.6 growth in multicellular
• Learning outcomes:
• 1. explain briefly the necessarily for growth
in organisms
• 2.explain what growth is
• Growth in organisms is an irreversible
( non-reversible) and permanent process
• Growth take place in an organism from a
zygote until adulthood, which results in:
• An increase in the number of cells
• An increase in the size of organisms and the
body mass
• Cell differentiation and specialization of
• Both root tip and shoot tip have 3 growth
1.Zone of cell elongation (pembahagian)
2.Zone of elongation (pemanjangan) for cell
3.Zone of differentiation ( pembezaan)- to
have different function
Zone of division
• Increase in the number of cells by mitosis
• Ex: apical meristem (shoot and root)
• The cell ( meristematic cells) are very
small and arrange closely
• The cells have large nucleus and thin cell
• The cells have no vacuole
• Surrounded by compact cytoplasm
Zone of elongation
• Cells elongate and expand
• Result of absorbing water into the cells by
• Vacuoles increase in size
• Small vacuoles fuse to form a large central
Zone of differentiation
• Cells begin to differ from each other
• Differentiate into permanent tissues
such as:
• Parenchyma
• Stoma
• Guard cell
• Phloem
• Xylem
• Mesophyll cell
The growth curve
• Growth curve can be obtained by plotting
the growth parameters against certain
duration of time
• The growth curve generally sigmoid curve
Growth curve of insects
• Insects; crabs, scorpion, grasshopers,
• Have hard exoskeleton made of chitin
• Growth is hindered by exoskeleton, so
insects undergoes ecdysis periodically
during growth
During ecdysis
• An insect breathes in alot of air to expand
its body
• The old exoskeleton is shed
• The insect increases in size by pumping in
more air
• Into the trachea system through spiracle
• Before the new exoskeleton which form
below the old one hardens
• The growth of insects occur only during
4.8 primary and secondary growth in
Learning outcomes:
1. State the type of growth in plants
2. State what primary and secondary growth are
3. Name the tissue involved in primary and secondary
4. State the location of the tissue involved in primary and
secondary growth
5. Explain the importance of primary and secondary growth
6. Compare and contrast plants that undergo secondary
with the plants do not undergo secondary
Types of growth in plants
1. Primary growth
2. Secondary growth
Primary growth
• Growth process which occurs after
germination in herbaceous
• And most monocotyledonous
• It involves cell differentiation lead to form:
• Cortex, primary phloem and primary xylem
in vascular bundle
• AIM:
• To increase the length of tips of stem and
roots (apical meristem)
Primary growth in stem
Secondary growth
• Growth processes which occurs after
primary growth in woody plants, shrubs
and some monocotyledonous
• It involves lateral meristem divides to form
• Secondary phloem, secondary xylem and
• Aim: to increase diameter of stems, trunks
and roots
Secondary growth
• Involves lateral meristem which consist of
vascular cambium and cork cambium
• Vascular cambium divided through mitosis
to form secondary phloem and secondary
• Cork cambium divides to produce cork
and secondary cortex
Reproduction and growth

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Reproduction and growth

  • 1. reproduction and growth learning objectives: 1. analysisng gamete formation 2. analysing the role of hormones in the menstrual cycle 3. understanding the early development of zygotes in human 4. appreciating the constribution of science and technology to human reproduction 5. synthesising the concept of sexual reproduction in flowering plant 6. understanding growth in multicellular organisms 7. understanding the growth curve 8. understanding primary and secondry growth in plants
  • 2. analysing gamete formation learning outcomes: 1. explain the necessity for organisms to repproduce 2. state types of reproduction 3. explain the necessaties for formation of gametes 4. describe formation of sperm in humans 5. describe formation of ovum in humans 6. compare the formation of sperm with that of ovum
  • 3. necessity for organisms to reproduce 1. reproduction is important because: • for the continuation of the spesies in habitats • to produce new individuals that can contribute to variation • to replace those die because of disease, old age or fall prey to predators • to passing down the genes from parents to the next generation
  • 5. sexual reproduction • occurs in vertebrates • it involves in the production and fusion of • two gametes to form a zygote
  • 6. asexual reproduction • occurs in invertebrates • involves binary fusion • budding • fragmentation
  • 7. necessity for the formation of gametes
  • 8. formation of sperms in humans The male reproductive organ
  • 10. spermatogenesis • is a process of sperms formation in a smeniferous tubules of testes
  • 11. • the cross section of seminiferous tubules shows a layer of cell • called primordial germ cells • which undergo mitotic division to form spermatogonia • spermatogonia undergo mitosis for several times • during foetus development until the childhood phases • to form primary spermatocytes
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  • 13.
  • 14. • when the male child reaches puberty stage • some of the primaryspermatocyte undergo spermatogenesis • each primary spermatocyte undergoes meiosis 1 • to form secondary spermatocytes
  • 15. • each secondary spermatocytes divides again during meiosis 2 • to produce spermatids • each spermatids develops into sperms • through cell differentiation and growth • 4 spermatid are formed for every primar spermatocyte
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  • 20. • spermatogonium(2n) repeated mitosis----> • primary spermatocyte (2n) -----> meiosis I ----> secondary spermatocyte II (n) -----> meiosis II -------> spermatid ( n) ------> cell differentiation and growth ----->sperm (n)
  • 21. formation of ovum in humans The female reproductive organ
  • 23. ovum
  • 25. oogenesis • is a process of ovum formation in the ovary • in a foetus ovary, there are a lot of oogonium cells • oogonium develops to form primary oocyte • each primary oocyte surrounded by a layer of follicle cells • which are called primary follicle • ( at birth, a human female body has as much as 2 million of primary oocyte in their ovaries)
  • 26. • primary follicle divides through meiosis 1 and stops at prophase 1 • when a female childhood reach puberty stage, • only one primary follicle matures completely to form a secondary follicle
  • 27. • secondary follicles starts meiosis 2 which progress until metaphase 2 • and develops to form graafian follicle • at intervals of 28 days, the Graafian follicle merges with the wall of ovary
  • 28. • the ovarian wall and Graafian follicle then rupture , • releasing the secondary oocyte and the first polar body into the fallopian tube • this stage called ovulation • if the sperm penetrates the secondary oocyte during fertilization, • meiosis 2 will be completed to formed • an ovum and second polarbody
  • 29. • if there is no sperm penetration occur, secondary oocyte will break down during menstruation
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  • 34. Analysing the role of hormones in the mestrual cucle learning outcomes: 1. state what menstruation is 2. relate menstruation to mestrual cycle 3. state the importance of the meenstrual cycle 4. state the hormones involve in mestrual cycle 5. relate the hormonal levels to the development of follicles, ovulation, formation of corpus luteum 6. relate hormonal level to the thickness of the endometrium 7. explain the role of hormones in regulating menstrual cycle 8. state the premenstrual syndrome (PMS) 9. state what menopause is
  • 35. menstruation and menstrual cycle menstruation: • the breakdown of the endometrium wall • and the discharge of blood , epithelial tissues and mucus through the vagina
  • 36. menstrual cycle • the monthly cycle of ovulation and menstruation • that occur in the uterus when a female reaches puberty • in most female, it takes about 28 days but vary between different female • the activity of menstrual cycle are closely associated with menstruation and • it is regulated by hormone • it is a cycle of chnges that prepare uterus lining • for the possible implantation of a fertilised ovum
  • 37. the hormone involved in mestrual cycle • 2 groups of hormones involved: group 1: • control the changes in the ovaries • FSH ( follicle stimulating hormone) • LH (Luteinising hormone) group 2: • control the changes in uterus • oestrogen • progesterone
  • 39. • the Gonadotrophin releasing hormone (GnRH) secreted by the hypothalamus • stimulates the Pituitary Gland to release FSH and LH in the bloodstream to ovary • FSH - stimulates the development of follicles • as the maturing follicle enlarges, it secretes greater amount of oestrogen
  • 40. • the high level of oestrogen cause a rise in secretion FSH and LH • LH- stimulates the completion of meiosis I by changing primary oocyte to secondary oocyte • remaining follicle tissue developes in corpus luteum • corpus luteum- secretes larger amount of progesterone • but smaller amount of oestrogen
  • 41. • oestrogen and progesterone- stimulate the endometrium to become thicker • and rich in blood vessels , in the preparaton for implantation of fertilized ovum • if fertilization does not occur, the corpus uteum starts to disintegrate • the level of oestrogen and progesterone drops
  • 42. • endometrium breaks down and disintegrates • begin the menstrual flow on about 28th day of the cycle • if fertilization occurs, the corpus luteum will not degenerate • means the level of oestrogen and progesterone continue to rise • endomentrium continue to grow and nourish the embryo
  • 43. • corpus luteum continue to secretes oestrogen and progesterone two to three month after fertilization • after that, it is taken over by plasenta untul the baby is born
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  • 48. pitutary gland FSH Stimulates the development of follicle graaf OVARY OESTROGEN LH OVULATION CORPUS LUTEUM PROGESTERONE promotes the repair of the endometrium UTERUS
  • 49. Stimulates the endometrium to become thick for the implantation of an ebryo
  • 50. PREMENSTRUAL SYNDROME (PMS) • PMS is a cyclical disorder of severe physical, mental and emotional distress • related to menstrual cycle • occurs in a week or two before menstruation • PMS could be due to the imbalance in oestrogen and progesterone
  • 51. common physical symptom • headaches, fatigue, feel bloated • breast tenderness, abdominal pain • sleep distrubance, appetite changes • food cravings
  • 52. common emotional symptoms • irritability, tension, depression • confusion, anxiety, crying • oversensetivity , mood swings • alternating anger and lack of concentration
  • 53. menopause • time when the menstrual cycle stop • between the ages of 45 and 55 years WHY? • it is a normal change in woman's life • woman's body slowly produces less hormones oestrogen and progesterone • causes the mestrual cycle to be irregular • mestrual flows become shorter and finally stop • ovaries stop producing follicles and ova
  • 54. symptoms: • decrease in bone densityand lead to osteoporosis • mood changes, weight gain, hair loss • difficulty in sleeping, depression, headaches • hot flushes, night sweats
  • 55. understanding the early development of zygote in humans learning outcomes: 1. describe what fertilisation is 2.describe in simple terms the early development of a zygote 3. name the two main stages in the development of a zygote in preparationfor implantation 4. describe the formation of twins 5. compare identical twins with fraternal twins 5. state the functions of the placenta in foetal development 6. explain the advantages of foetus having a separate circulatory systems from that of the mother
  • 56. fertilisation • it is a union of nuclei of a sperm and an ovum to produce zygote • occurs inside the fallopion tubes • of the millions of sperms ejaculated, • only a few hundred will survive the journey to reach fallopion tubes • from these, only one sperm is succeds to fertilize the ovum • the woman is said to be pregnant
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  • 58. • once the sperms succeds in entering the secondary oocyte, meiosis II is completed
  • 59.
  • 60. the early development of a zygote
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  • 63. STAGES EXPLANATION FERTILiSATION •approximately after 36 hours , zygote is formed •begins to divide repeatedly by mitosis as it travels along the fallopion tube Development of embryo •mitotic divisionrepeatedly to formed ambryo with two cell, four, eight and the solid mass of cells called morula blastocyst. blastula the morula with about 100 cells. it is a fluid filled sphere implantation •seven days after fertilization, the blastula attaches itself to the endometrium •the inner cell mass develops into the embryo the trophoblast will develop into the foetal portion of placenta
  • 64. • zygotes ( 4 days divides mitosis repeatedly) --> solid ball (morula) ---> (develop into )hollow ball ( blastula )--> blastocyst • morula and blastula ( 2 main stages in preparation for implantation)
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  • 69. comparison between identtical twins with fraternal twins similarities 1.embryos formed are the result of fertilisation 2.both grow by mitosis for embryo development
  • 70. differences one ovum is fertilized by one sperm fertilisation two ova are released at the same time each ovum is fertilised by sperm the zygote is splited into two separate embryos FORMATION OF ZYGOTE 2 zygotes formed which divide and develop into two separate embryos both twins have same genetic constitution Genetic constitution both twins do not share same genetic both embryo share one placentae have their own umbilical cord number of placentae both embryo has its own placetae and umbilical cord both are of the same sex males or females sex both twins maybe the same sex or different sex both twins share the same physical characteristics physical characteristic both twins do not share the same physical characteristic
  • 75. • siamese twins are identical twins • which do not separate completely during embryonic development • they are attached (joined) at certain parts of the body such as head, abdomen or hips • they may also share some internal organs • they can be separated surgically and have greater chance for survival • if they do not share major internal organs such as heart, brain or lung
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  • 79. the imprtance of having separate circulatory system 1. prevents the mixing of blood groups of mother and the foetus which may cause blood agglutination and death 2. prevents certain harmful bacteria and toxins from entering the foetus 3. prevents the action of chemicals in mother blood from harming the development feotus 4. ensures that the fine blood vessels of the foetus do not burst as a result of high blood pressure
  • 80. the constribution of science and technology to human reproduction learning outcome: 1.explain the contribution of science and technology to human reproduction 2. explain some moral issues related to the application of science and technology to human reproduction 3. what sexually transmitted disease are 4. give examples of sexually transmitted disease
  • 81. constribution on infertility • due to either the male or female partner being sterile common cause: • blocked fallopian tubes • failure of an embryo to implant itself to endometrium • the inability to produce ova • blocked sperm ducts or vas deferens • low sperm count
  • 82. overcome with • artificial insemination • sperm bank • surrogate mother • invitro fertilisation ( IVF) • GIFT • ZIFT • cloning
  • 83. artificial insemination (AI) • The sperms of men with low sperm count are collected over a period of time • the wife caan be inseminated with the husband's sperms from a sperm bank • the sperms are injected directly into the fallopion tube
  • 84.
  • 85. sperm bank • a donor sperms are frozened in liquid nitrogen at temperature -196 degree • and kept in sperm bank • a woman is inseminated by sperms obtained from a sperm bank
  • 86. surrogate mother • the sperms and ova are obtained from the parents • it will transfered to the uterus of the surrogate mother
  • 87. In Vitro fertilization ( IVF) • The method is used when the fallopion tubes are blocked • FSH is injected to stimulates the follicle development • a fine laparoscope is used to remove secondary oocyte from the ovary • and is placed in a glassware which already contain sperm with culture solution • the sperms and ova are fused and embryos with eight cells stage • are inserted into the uterus through cervix for implantation • babies conceived in this method are called test-tube babies
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  • 91. gamete intra-fallopio transfer(GIFT) • the sperm and secondary oocyte are mixed up in a glass ware • the mixture is transferred into the fallopian tube so that the fertilization can occur
  • 92.
  • 93. zygote intra-fallopio transfer (ZIFT) • The sperm and secondary oocyte are mixed up in a glassware • the fertilisation is allow to occur • the zygote formed is transferred into the fallopion tube
  • 94.
  • 95. cloning • it involves the transfer of nucleus from a somatic cell to an ovum which has the nucleus removed • the embryo is then develops in culture solution • it is inserted into the uterus of surrogate mother which finally an identical baby of the ceell donor is born
  • 96.
  • 97. birth control methods 1. rhythm method • fertile period - 3 days before and 3 days after ovulation • others day are save period • avoid engaging in copulation during the woman's fertile period • a married couple should only have sexual intercouse during the save period • which will not result in pregnancy
  • 98.
  • 99. 2. condom • fitted over the erect penis before copulation • prevent sperms from entering the vagina during ejaculation
  • 100. 3.withdrawal method • the penis is withdrawn from the vagina before the release of semen or ejaculation
  • 101. 4.vasectomy • the vas deferences are tied and cut in a surgical operation • the sperm are still produced but cannot be transferred it out
  • 102. 5.diaphragm • inserted into vagina to cover the cervix • stops sperms from entering the uterus
  • 103. 6. tubal ligation • both the fallopion tubes are cut and tied in an operation • a released ovum cannot reach the part of the fallopion tube where sperms are present • thus, the sperms cannot fertilise the ovum
  • 104.
  • 105. 7.contraceptive pills • pills with a combination of oestrogen and progesterone • prevents ovulation by inhibiting the secretion of FSH and LH
  • 106. 8.IUD (intrauterine device) • fitted by a doctor • can be left in the uterus for approximately two years • it will irritates the endometrium, thus preventing the implantation of embryo
  • 107. 9. contraceptive implant • a capsule inserted just below the skin of the upper arm • progestine is secreted in small quantities over a period of three to four years • inhibits ovulation
  • 108. 10.femidom • it will lines the vagina • prevents the entry of sperm
  • 109. 11. mucus • the woman should examines the discharge like mucus coimg out from the vagina • more mucus , dilute and elastic when ovulation is reached • the intercourse should be avoided at this phase
  • 110. moral issues to the Application of science • 1. should humans interfere with the natural reproductive processes 2. in IVF, usually more than one embryo are cultured. It is wrong to destroy the extra embryos? 3.the use of sperms and ova from donors raises legal and moral issues on the parentage of the child
  • 111. 4.the use of surrogate mothers may cause pshycological problems to both surrogate mother and child as she has linkage during pregnancy 5. the selection of sperms and ova for artificial insemination is contavenes the law of nature and may result in a 'superior race'
  • 112. the sexual transmitted disease ( STDs) • disease that are spread from one person to another through sexual contact STDs caused by bacteria: • Chlamydia • Syphilis • Gonorrhea
  • 113.
  • 114. STDs caused by Virus: • hepatitis B • Genital herpes • AIDS
  • 115. • Bacterial STDs can be treated with antibiotics • but Viral STDs cannot how to avoid: • not engaging in promiscuous sexual behaviour • being faithful to sex partner
  • 116. 4.5 the concept of sexual reproduction in flowering plants learning outcomes: 1.identify male and female structures in a flower 2.describe the formation of pollen grains 3.describe the formation of embryo sac in the ovule 4.describe the formation of pollen tube, zygote and triploid nucleus 5.conceptualise double fertilisation 6. relate the structure of a fruit to flowering plants 7. explain the importance of double fertilization of the survival of flowering plants
  • 117. identify male and female structure in a flower male reproductive organ - stamen • stamen consist of two main parts: anther and filament female reproductive organ - carpel or pistil • the carpel divided into 3 parts: stigma, style and ovari
  • 118. PARTS STRUCTURE DESCRIPTION stamen (male) anther produces pollen grains (male gametes ) filament a stalk which supports the anther carpel or pistil ( female) stigma at the top of the style to which pollen grains landed style a stalk that joins stigma and ovary ovary contains the ovule
  • 119. Bab 4 Pembiakan dan Pertumbuhan 4.5 Pembiakan Seks Dalam Tumbuhan Berbunga Biologi Tingkatan 5 Keratan Membujur Sekuntum Bunga anter stil ovari ovul filamen stigma Pistil / karpel stamen
  • 120. Bab 4 Pembiakan dan Pertumbuhan 4.5 Pembiakan Seks Dalam Tumbuhan Berbunga Biologi Tingkatan 5 Struktur Anter  Pundi debunga dihasilkan di dalam anter.  Setiap anter mengandungi 4 pundi debunga.  Setiap pundi debunga mengandungi sel induk debunga atau sel induk mikrospora yang diploid (2n). anter Sel induk debunga(2n) Pundi debunga
  • 121. formation of pollen grains • pollens ( male gametes) are produced in the anther • each anther consists of four pollen sacs • in each pollen sac are hundreds of pollen mother cells ( 2n)
  • 122. • each pollen mother cell undergoes meiosis to produce 4 haploid cells or megaspores (n) • the nucleus of each megaspore (n) divides by mitosis to form 2 nuclei: • the tube nucleus • the generative nucleus ( form 2 male gametes)
  • 123.
  • 124. formation of embryo sac in the ovule ( development of ovule) • ovule develops from the tissues of carpel in the ovary • Inside the ovule is a diploidcell • Known as embryo sac mother cell or megaspore (2n)
  • 125.
  • 126. Embryo sac mother cell(2n) • Embryo sac mother cell (2n) divided by meiosis to form 4 haplid cells known as megaspores • Three of megaspores degenerate / die only one survive • The surviving cells then enlarges • The nucleus divides mitotic ally three times to produce 8 haploid cells
  • 127. Among the eight nuclei: • Three nuclei migrate to one end of the cell to form antipodal cells • Two nuclei move to the centre of the cell and are called polar nuclei • Three migrate to the opening of the ovule that is micropyl • One of them develops into egg cell/ovum (female gamete) flanked by 2 synergid cells
  • 128.
  • 129. Germination of pollen grains and double fertilisation Pollination: • is a process where the pollen grains from anther are transferred • to stigma of a same flower or different flower
  • 130.
  • 131.
  • 132.
  • 133. • A mature pollen grains consist of 2 nuclei: • The tube nucleus and the generative nucleus ( 2 male nuclei)
  • 134.
  • 135. • When a pollen grain reaches the stigma, • The secretion of sucrose solution (sugary liquid) on the stigma • Stimulates the pollen grain to germinate and form a tube known as pollen tube • through the tissues of style into an ovule
  • 136.
  • 137. After pollination • The pollen tube grows down the style towards the ovary • The tube nucleus controls the direction of growth of the pollen tube
  • 138.
  • 139. • During the growth of the pollen tube, • The generative nucleus divides mitotically to produce two male gametes nuclei
  • 140.
  • 141. • The 2 male nuclei follow the tube nucleus down the pollen tube • Until they reach the micropyle and enter the ovule for fertilisation
  • 142.
  • 143.
  • 144. What is double fertilization? • When pollen tube reaches the ovary, it penetrates the ovule through the micropyle • The tube nucleus disintegrates , then two male gamete enter the embryo sac 1.One male gamete nucleus fuses with the egg cell to form a diploid zygote • Produce one or two cotyledons
  • 145. 2. The other male gamete nucleus fuses with two polar nuclei • To form a triploid nucleus (3n)= endosperm • To store food for developing embryo Above process is called double fertilisation
  • 146.
  • 147. • Synergid and antipodal cells then degenerate
  • 148.
  • 149. Formation of seed and fruit
  • 150.
  • 151. 4.6 growth in multicellular organisms • Learning outcomes: • 1. explain briefly the necessarily for growth in organisms • 2.explain what growth is
  • 152. • Growth in organisms is an irreversible ( non-reversible) and permanent process • Growth take place in an organism from a zygote until adulthood, which results in: • An increase in the number of cells • An increase in the size of organisms and the body mass • Cell differentiation and specialization of organism
  • 153. • Both root tip and shoot tip have 3 growth zone 1.Zone of cell elongation (pembahagian) 2.Zone of elongation (pemanjangan) for cell enlargement 3.Zone of differentiation ( pembezaan)- to have different function
  • 154.
  • 155. Zone of division • Increase in the number of cells by mitosis • Ex: apical meristem (shoot and root) • The cell ( meristematic cells) are very small and arrange closely • The cells have large nucleus and thin cell wall • The cells have no vacuole • Surrounded by compact cytoplasm
  • 156.
  • 157. Zone of elongation • Cells elongate and expand • Result of absorbing water into the cells by osmosis • Vacuoles increase in size • Small vacuoles fuse to form a large central vacuole
  • 158. Zone of differentiation • Cells begin to differ from each other • Differentiate into permanent tissues such as: • Parenchyma • Stoma • Guard cell • Phloem • Xylem • Mesophyll cell
  • 159. The growth curve • Growth curve can be obtained by plotting the growth parameters against certain duration of time • The growth curve generally sigmoid curve
  • 160.
  • 161. Growth curve of insects • Insects; crabs, scorpion, grasshopers, cockroaches • Have hard exoskeleton made of chitin • Growth is hindered by exoskeleton, so insects undergoes ecdysis periodically during growth
  • 162.
  • 163. During ecdysis • An insect breathes in alot of air to expand its body • The old exoskeleton is shed • The insect increases in size by pumping in more air • Into the trachea system through spiracle • Before the new exoskeleton which form below the old one hardens
  • 164. • The growth of insects occur only during ecdysis
  • 165.
  • 166. 4.8 primary and secondary growth in plants Learning outcomes: 1. State the type of growth in plants 2. State what primary and secondary growth are 3. Name the tissue involved in primary and secondary growth 4. State the location of the tissue involved in primary and secondary growth 5. Explain the importance of primary and secondary growth 6. Compare and contrast plants that undergo secondary with the plants do not undergo secondary
  • 167. Types of growth in plants 1. Primary growth 2. Secondary growth
  • 168.
  • 169. Primary growth • Growth process which occurs after germination in herbaceous dicotyledonous • And most monocotyledonous
  • 170.
  • 171. • It involves cell differentiation lead to form: • Cortex, primary phloem and primary xylem in vascular bundle • AIM: • To increase the length of tips of stem and roots (apical meristem)
  • 173. Secondary growth • Growth processes which occurs after primary growth in woody plants, shrubs and some monocotyledonous • It involves lateral meristem divides to form • Secondary phloem, secondary xylem and cork • Aim: to increase diameter of stems, trunks and roots
  • 174.
  • 175. Secondary growth • Involves lateral meristem which consist of vascular cambium and cork cambium • Vascular cambium divided through mitosis to form secondary phloem and secondary xylem • Cork cambium divides to produce cork and secondary cortex