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‫الم‬ ‫تبدو‬ ‫كيف‬
‫لحماية‬ ‫كافية‬ ‫اإلجراءات‬ ‫هذه‬ ‫هل‬ ‫التاجية؟‬ ‫الفيروسات‬ ‫جائحة‬ ‫خالل‬
How Offices look like during coronavirus
pandemic? Is these measures are enough to
protect their Employees?
‫ذل‬ ‫إلى‬ ‫مطعم‬ ‫في‬ ‫عائالت‬ ‫لثالث‬ ‫الصينية‬ ‫الدراسة‬ ‫تشير‬ ‫التاجي؟‬ ‫الفيروس‬ ‫انتشار‬ ‫على‬ ‫الهواء‬ ‫مكيفات‬ ‫تساعد‬ ‫هل‬
Does air con help spread coronavirus? Chinese study of 3 families in a restaurant suggests so
‫كوفيد‬ ‫فيروس‬ ‫ينتمي‬
‫الكورونا‬ ‫عائلة‬ ‫إلى‬
‫الت‬ ‫األوسط‬ ‫الشرق‬ ‫ومتالزمة‬ ‫السارس‬ ‫ا‬ً‫ض‬‫أي‬ ‫إليها‬ ‫ينتمي‬ ‫التي‬
COVID-19 virus belongs to CORONA Family to which SARS and MERS also belong.
‫فيروس‬ ‫حجم‬
is the
range size
of Corona
‫أن‬ ‫ثبت‬ ‫لقد‬
‫التنفسي‬ ‫الجهاز‬ ‫أمراض‬ ‫مهيجات‬
‫أخرى‬ ‫إلى‬ ‫عمل‬ ‫طاولة‬ ‫من‬ ‫الفيروسات‬ ‫و‬
It was found Air Carry's respiratory sys Trigger & Viruses from Workstation to anther
Complete Shut-Down
‫كامل‬ ‫إغالق‬
Work from Home Only
‫البيت‬ ‫من‬ ‫العمل‬
Social Distancing & Partitions
‫والفواصل‬ ‫االجتماعي‬ ‫التباعد‬
Smart Solutions & Internet
Conferences & Meeting
‫الذكية‬ ‫الحلول‬
‫بعد‬ ‫عن‬ ‫والتواصل‬
Reconnoitering ‫االستطالع‬
Complete Shut-Down ‫كامل‬ ‫إغالق‬
Social Distancing between people
‫الناس‬ ‫بين‬ ‫االجتماعية‬ ‫المسافة‬
High Partition
between Employees
‫الموظفي‬ ‫بين‬ ‫عالي‬
High Partition between
Employees ‫حاجز‬
Utilizing Internet to connect
people ‫من‬ ‫االستفادة‬
‫لربط‬ ‫النت‬
Are these measures effective
enough to protect Employees?
‫لحماية‬ ‫يكفي‬ ‫بما‬ ‫فعالة‬ ‫التدابير‬ ‫هذه‬ ‫هل‬
Are these measures suitable
enough to comfort Employees &
increase their productivity?
‫يكفي‬ ‫بما‬ ‫مناسبة‬ ‫التدابير‬ ‫هذه‬ ‫هل‬
‫إنتاجية‬ ‫و‬
What Employees think about isolating
them from colleagues & team
‫عن‬ ‫عزلهم‬ ‫في‬ ‫الموظفين‬ ‫رأي‬ ‫ما‬
‫واألصدقاء؟‬ ‫الفريق‬
Are these measures increasing
cost of products?
‫من‬ ‫اإلجراءات‬ ‫هذه‬ ‫تزيد‬ ‫هل‬
‫ينجزها‬ ‫التى‬ ‫المنتجات‬
‫كيف‬ ‫نعرف‬ ‫ال‬ ‫لكننا‬
But We Don’t Know How to Protect you?
We Miss You - ‫نفتقدك‬ ‫إننا‬
We fully understand the role
of HVAC to spread infection
‫والتهوي‬ ‫دورالتكييف‬ ‫تماما‬ ‫نفهم‬ ‫نحن‬
‫العدوى‬ ‫لنشر‬
We fully understand the Local
& International Regulations
‫والدول‬ ‫المحلية‬ ‫اللوائح‬ ‫ا‬ً‫م‬‫تما‬ ‫نفهم‬ ‫نحن‬
We fully capable to upgrade
and/or modify the existing system
‫على‬ ‫كامل‬ ‫بشكل‬ ‫قادرون‬ ‫نحن‬
‫و‬ ‫ترقية‬
‫الحالي‬ ‫النظام‬ ‫تعديل‬ ‫أو‬
We fully equipped with Engg.
tools & measuring equipment.
‫مع‬ ‫كامال‬ ‫تجهيزا‬ ‫مجهزة‬ ‫نحن‬
‫قياس‬ ‫ومعدات‬ ‫أدوات‬
We Have Better Solution for your Business ‫لعملك‬ ‫أفضل‬ ‫حل‬ ‫لدينا‬
‫للتكييف‬ ‫يمكن‬ ‫كيف‬
‫الجهاز‬ ‫أمراض‬ ‫من‬ ‫الوقاية‬
So… How HVAC Can
Prevent respiratory
‫للتكييف‬ ‫يمكن‬ ‫كيف‬
‫الجهاز‬ ‫أمراض‬ ‫من‬ ‫الوقاية‬
So… How HVAC Can
Prevent respiratory
Most Important:
-Air Distribution.
-Extract & Fresh Air.
-Air Filtration &
‫أهميـــــــــــة‬ ‫األكثر‬
‫الهواء‬ ‫توزيع‬
‫الهواء‬ ‫وتجديد‬ ‫شفط‬
‫الهواء‬ ‫وتنقية‬ ‫فلترة‬
First Step:
Enhance filtration from Return side, up to Supply
Diffuser ensuring only Pure Air Discharged.
‫األولى‬ ‫الخطوة‬
‫جانب‬ ‫من‬ ‫الترشيح‬ ‫تعزيز‬
‫الهواء‬ ‫مخرج‬ ‫وحتى‬ ،‫الراجع‬ ‫الهواء‬
‫فقط‬ ‫النقي‬ ‫الهواء‬ ‫توصيل‬ ‫لضمان‬
Each Employee will receive only purified air
and his breath want mix even with members
of his team.
‫ال‬ ‫و‬ ‫المنقي‬ ‫الهواء‬ ‫من‬ ‫حصته‬ ‫يستقبل‬ ‫موظف‬ ‫كل‬
‫فريقه‬ ‫أفراد‬ ‫مع‬ ‫حتى‬ ‫أنفاسه‬ ‫تختلط‬
Supply Air
‫حماية‬ ‫سيناريوهات‬
‫قاعات‬ ‫فى‬ ‫الموظفين‬
Scenarios to
protect employees
in working area
Supply Air
First Step:
Efficient filter come in many shapes,
sizes and stages.
‫األولى‬ ‫الخطوة‬
‫م‬ ‫مراحل‬ ‫و‬ ‫أحجام‬ ‫و‬ ‫بأشكال‬ ‫تأتي‬ ‫الفعالة‬ ‫الفالتر‬
Second Step:
Return Air from lower level to create
short cycle with Supply Air
preventing Breath mixing.
‫الثانية‬ ‫الخطوة‬
‫أسفل‬ ‫من‬ ‫الراجع‬ ‫الهواء‬ ‫مدخل‬
‫مخرج‬ ‫مع‬ ‫مغلقة‬ ‫دائرة‬ ‫لخلق‬
‫تمازج‬ ‫أي‬ ‫لمنع‬ ‫الهواء‬
Supply Air
Second Step:
Displacement Diffusers can come in design, shape,
material & color that suit decoration and match
corporate image.
‫الثانية‬ ‫الخطوة‬
‫والشك‬ ‫بالتصميم‬ ‫تكون‬ ‫أن‬ ‫يمكن‬ ‫باإلزاحة‬ ‫الهواء‬ ‫فتحات‬
‫الصورة‬ ‫و‬ ‫الداخلى‬ ‫اديكور‬ ‫تناسب‬ ‫التى‬ ‫واأللوان‬ ‫والمواد‬
‫للمؤسسة‬ ‫الذهنية‬
Third Step:
Enhance filtration in the return duct.
‫الثالثة‬ ‫الخطوة‬
‫الراجع‬ ‫الهواء‬ ‫دكت‬ ‫فى‬ ‫الهواء‬ ‫تنقية‬ ‫إمكانيات‬ ‫تعزيز‬
Forth Step:
Enhance the ability of indoor unit to maintain
design/selected Airflow regardless the
‫الرابعة‬ ‫الخطوة‬
‫ال‬ ‫فى‬ ‫المقررة‬ ‫الهواء‬ ‫كمية‬ ‫دفع‬ ‫على‬ ‫التكييف‬ ‫جهاز‬ ‫قدرة‬ ‫تعظيم‬
‫االضافات‬ ‫إعاقة‬ ‫لتجاوز‬ ‫االختيار‬ ‫وعند‬
Forth Step:
Enhance the ability of indoor unit
to maintain design/selected
Airflow regardless the
‫الرابعة‬ ‫الخطوة‬
‫التعديال‬ ‫كافة‬ ‫إستبدال‬ ‫يمكن‬
‫فى‬ ‫ت‬
‫هوا‬ ‫تنقية‬ ‫بوحدة‬ ‫الراجع‬ ‫الدكت‬
Forth Step:
Most Efficient Filtration Unit
‫الرابعة‬ ‫الخطوة‬
‫كفاءة‬ ‫األكثر‬ ‫و‬ ‫تنقية‬ ‫وحدة‬ ‫أفضل‬
FCU Fresh Air
Fifth Step:
Must increase the amount of
fresh air to increase the rate of
ACH-Air Change Per Hour, also to
create Positive Pressure.
‫الخامسة‬ ‫الخطوة‬
‫معدل‬ ‫لرفع‬ ‫التجديد‬ ‫هواء‬ ‫زيادة‬ ‫ضرورة‬
‫من‬ ‫ألكثر‬ ‫الهواء‬ ‫تجديد‬
‫فى‬ ‫مرات‬
‫موجب‬ ‫ضغط‬ ‫تكوين‬ ‫و‬ ‫الساعة‬
FCU Fresh
‫السادسة‬ ‫الخطوة‬
‫كبير‬ ‫صندوق‬ ‫تحتها‬ ‫تكون‬ ‫المرفوعة‬ ‫األرضية‬
‫ن‬ ‫وأو‬ ‫األنفاس‬ ‫إختالط‬ ‫ومنع‬ ‫الراجع‬ ‫الهواء‬ ‫إلحتواء‬
Sixth Step:
Additional raised floor creates a bigger
air return plenum and prevent mixing of
breath and/or spreading of infection.
FCU Fresh
‫السابعة‬ ‫الخطوة‬
‫الهواء‬ ‫بمخرج‬ ‫محيطة‬ ‫إضاءة‬ ‫من‬ ‫جمالية‬ ‫إضافة‬
‫المزعجة‬ ‫الظالل‬ ‫تكون‬ ‫منع‬ ‫تضمن‬
Seventh Step:
Beauty Additional by round light to prevent
formation of annoying shadows.
FCU Fresh
‫السابعة‬ ‫الخطوة‬
‫الهواء‬ ‫بمخرج‬ ‫محيطة‬ ‫إضاءة‬ ‫من‬ ‫جمالية‬ ‫إضافة‬
‫المزعجة‬ ‫الظالل‬ ‫تكون‬ ‫منع‬ ‫تضمن‬
Seventh Step:
Beauty Additional by round light to prevent
formation of annoying shadows.
FCU Fresh
‫السابعة‬ ‫الخطوة‬
‫الهواء‬ ‫بمخرج‬ ‫محيطة‬ ‫إضاءة‬ ‫من‬ ‫جمالية‬ ‫إضافة‬
‫المزعجة‬ ‫الظالل‬ ‫تكون‬ ‫منع‬ ‫تضمن‬
Seventh Step:
Beauty Additional by round light to prevent
formation of annoying shadows.
‫حماية‬ ‫سيناريوهات‬
‫غرفة‬ ‫فى‬ ‫الموظفين‬
Scenarios to
protect employees
in meeting room
‫غرفة‬ ‫فى‬ ‫العدوى‬ ‫إنتقال‬
‫هواء‬ ‫عبر‬ ‫اإلجتماع‬
‫الهو‬ ‫فتحة‬ ‫بين‬ ‫التكييف‬
‫الراجع‬ ‫الهواء‬ ‫و‬ ‫المدفوع‬
Infection spread
in meeting room
between supply
air grill & return
‫الحالي‬ ‫اإلجراء‬ ‫تقييم‬
‫زال‬ ‫ما‬ ‫العدوى‬ ‫إنتقال‬
Evaluation of
measure: Infection
still spreading
‫الحالي‬ ‫اإلجراء‬ ‫تقييم‬
‫زال‬ ‫ما‬ ‫العدوى‬ ‫إنتقال‬
‫غير‬ ‫بطريقة‬ ‫ولكن‬ ‫ممكنا‬
Evaluation of
measure: Infection
spreading indirectly
‫إقتراحاتنا‬ ‫أحد‬
‫على‬ ‫للسيطرة‬
‫غرفة‬ ‫فى‬ ‫العدوى‬ ‫إنتقال‬
‫انتقال‬ ‫عدم‬ ‫ضمان‬ ‫اإلجتماع‬
‫المكان‬ ‫شاغلى‬ ‫بين‬ ‫األنفاس‬
One of our Suggestion
Preventing infection
by ensuring that
breaths want mix
‫إقتراحاتنا‬ ‫أحد‬
‫المكان‬ ‫شاغلى‬ ‫بين‬ ‫األنفاس‬ ‫انتقال‬ ‫عدم‬ ‫ضمان‬ ‫اإلجتماع‬ ‫غرفة‬ ‫فى‬ ‫العدوى‬ ‫إنتقال‬ ‫على‬ ‫للسيطرة‬
One of our Suggestion Preventing infection by ensuring that breaths want mix
with Carbon
/ Collector
Look For
Ultraviolet (UV)
‫كبير‬ ‫عالم‬ ‫الهواء‬ ‫وتنقية‬ ‫الفالتر‬ ‫عالم‬
‫المتخصصين‬ ‫من‬ ‫فيه‬ ‫نحن‬
The world of filters and air purification is a large world:
We are some professionals
To ‫إلزالة‬
‫الخارجي‬ ‫الهواء‬ ‫جودة‬ ‫زيادة‬ ‫فى‬ ‫الطبيعية‬ ‫النباتات‬ ‫توظيف‬
Using natural plants to increase the quality of outdoor air
No. Image No. Image
Brand Fluke - 922 Brand KANE 450
Brand Fluke - TiS65 Brand Amprobe
Brand Fluke - 62 max Brand Herz
Brand Fluke - 435 Brand EXTECH- AN300
Brand Fluke - 1738 Brand EXTECH – RH-520
Brand Fluke - 975 Brand EXTECH – SDL800
Brand Fluke - 233 Brand
Brand Fluke - 375
TAB Instruments (HVAC & IAQ Testing, Adjusting & Balancing)
Description of Tools & Instruments
Description of Tools & Instruments
Airflow Meter/Micro Manometer
Infrared Thermal Imager
Infrared Thermometer
3-Phase Power Quality & Energy Analyzer
3-Phase Electrical Energy Loggers
True-RMS AC/DC Clamp Meters
Air Meter
Remote Display Muntimeter
Gas Meter & Analyzer
HC, CH4, CFC, HFC, CO, CO2, SO, N2 & O2
Lux Meter
Water Flow Meter
Air Flow Meter Hood
Vibration Meter
Vibration Meter & Datalogger Instrument
IAQ Meter
PM: 10, 2.5 & 1 Micron, CO2, HCHO & VOC
Laser & Contact Tachometer to measure RPM
‫جمعة‬ ‫يوسف‬ ‫جمعة‬
Eng. Juma Yousef
Marketing &
050-4948385 WhatsApp
‫حبش‬ ‫أمين‬
MEP Engineering
‫القائمة‬ ‫للمشروعات‬ ‫الهندسي‬ ‫الدعم‬ ‫نقدم‬ ‫نحن‬
‫و‬ ‫الجديدة‬
‫القائمة‬ ‫للمشاريع‬ ‫التعديل‬ ‫أو‬ ‫من‬
‫األوسط‬ ‫الشرق‬ ‫إلى‬ ‫األردن‬
We offering our Engineering Support for
New and/or Modification of Existing
Projects from Jordan to Middle east.
LEED Consultants
Using BIM (Revit)
Value Engineering
Electrical Design
Energy Audit
Mechanical Design
Energy Modeling
IAQ & Healthy Air
Balance CAP/OPEX
Pure Air
‫الذين‬ ‫إن‬

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How offices look like during coronavirus pandemic how they can return their employees and protect them- by getco

  • 1. ‫الم‬ ‫تبدو‬ ‫كيف‬ ‫كاتب‬ ‫لحماية‬ ‫كافية‬ ‫اإلجراءات‬ ‫هذه‬ ‫هل‬ ‫التاجية؟‬ ‫الفيروسات‬ ‫جائحة‬ ‫خالل‬ ‫موظفي‬ ‫هم؟‬ How Offices look like during coronavirus pandemic? Is these measures are enough to protect their Employees?
  • 2. ‫ذل‬ ‫إلى‬ ‫مطعم‬ ‫في‬ ‫عائالت‬ ‫لثالث‬ ‫الصينية‬ ‫الدراسة‬ ‫تشير‬ ‫التاجي؟‬ ‫الفيروس‬ ‫انتشار‬ ‫على‬ ‫الهواء‬ ‫مكيفات‬ ‫تساعد‬ ‫هل‬ ‫ك‬ Does air con help spread coronavirus? Chinese study of 3 families in a restaurant suggests so
  • 3. ‫كوفيد‬ ‫فيروس‬ ‫ينتمي‬ - 19 ‫الكورونا‬ ‫عائلة‬ ‫إلى‬ ‫الت‬ ‫األوسط‬ ‫الشرق‬ ‫ومتالزمة‬ ‫السارس‬ ‫ا‬ً‫ض‬‫أي‬ ‫إليها‬ ‫ينتمي‬ ‫التي‬ ‫نفسية‬ COVID-19 virus belongs to CORONA Family to which SARS and MERS also belong. ‫فيروس‬ ‫حجم‬ ‫الكورونا‬ 80-160 nanometers is the range size of Corona virus particle-pm2.5-and-bacteria-750x410.jpg
  • 4. ‫أن‬ ‫ثبت‬ ‫لقد‬ ‫الهواء‬ ‫يحمل‬ ‫التنفسي‬ ‫الجهاز‬ ‫أمراض‬ ‫مهيجات‬ ‫أخرى‬ ‫إلى‬ ‫عمل‬ ‫طاولة‬ ‫من‬ ‫الفيروسات‬ ‫و‬ It was found Air Carry's respiratory sys Trigger & Viruses from Workstation to anther
  • 5. Complete Shut-Down ‫كامل‬ ‫إغالق‬ Work from Home Only ‫البيت‬ ‫من‬ ‫العمل‬ ‫فقط‬ Social Distancing & Partitions ‫والفواصل‬ ‫االجتماعي‬ ‫التباعد‬ Smart Solutions & Internet Conferences & Meeting ‫الذكية‬ ‫الحلول‬ ‫بعد‬ ‫عن‬ ‫والتواصل‬ Reconnoitering ‫االستطالع‬
  • 7. Social Distancing between people ‫الناس‬ ‫بين‬ ‫االجتماعية‬ ‫المسافة‬
  • 9. High Partition between Employees ‫حاجز‬ ‫عالي‬
  • 10. Utilizing Internet to connect people ‫من‬ ‫االستفادة‬ ‫لربط‬ ‫النت‬ ‫الناس‬
  • 11. Are these measures effective enough to protect Employees? ‫لحماية‬ ‫يكفي‬ ‫بما‬ ‫فعالة‬ ‫التدابير‬ ‫هذه‬ ‫هل‬ ‫الموظفين؟‬ Are these measures suitable enough to comfort Employees & increase their productivity? ‫يكفي‬ ‫بما‬ ‫مناسبة‬ ‫التدابير‬ ‫هذه‬ ‫هل‬ ‫لراحة‬ ‫إنتاجية‬ ‫و‬ ‫الموظفين؟‬ What Employees think about isolating them from colleagues & team members? ‫عن‬ ‫عزلهم‬ ‫في‬ ‫الموظفين‬ ‫رأي‬ ‫ما‬ ‫واألصدقاء؟‬ ‫الفريق‬ Are these measures increasing cost of products? ‫من‬ ‫اإلجراءات‬ ‫هذه‬ ‫تزيد‬ ‫هل‬ ‫تكاليف‬ ‫ينجزها‬ ‫التى‬ ‫المنتجات‬ ‫الموظف؟‬
  • 12. ‫كيف‬ ‫نعرف‬ ‫ال‬ ‫لكننا‬ ‫نحميكم‬ ‫؟‬ But We Don’t Know How to Protect you? We Miss You - ‫نفتقدك‬ ‫إننا‬ ‫م‬
  • 13. We fully understand the role of HVAC to spread infection ‫والتهوي‬ ‫دورالتكييف‬ ‫تماما‬ ‫نفهم‬ ‫نحن‬ ‫ة‬ ‫العدوى‬ ‫لنشر‬ We fully understand the Local & International Regulations ‫والدول‬ ‫المحلية‬ ‫اللوائح‬ ‫ا‬ً‫م‬‫تما‬ ‫نفهم‬ ‫نحن‬ ‫ية‬ We fully capable to upgrade and/or modify the existing system ‫على‬ ‫كامل‬ ‫بشكل‬ ‫قادرون‬ ‫نحن‬ ‫و‬ ‫ترقية‬ / ‫الحالي‬ ‫النظام‬ ‫تعديل‬ ‫أو‬ We fully equipped with Engg. tools & measuring equipment. ‫مع‬ ‫كامال‬ ‫تجهيزا‬ ‫مجهزة‬ ‫نحن‬ ‫المهندس‬ . ‫قياس‬ ‫ومعدات‬ ‫أدوات‬ . We Have Better Solution for your Business ‫لعملك‬ ‫أفضل‬ ‫حل‬ ‫لدينا‬
  • 14. ‫إذن‬ ... ‫للتكييف‬ ‫يمكن‬ ‫كيف‬ ‫الجهاز‬ ‫أمراض‬ ‫من‬ ‫الوقاية‬ ‫التنفسي‬ ‫؟‬ So… How HVAC Can Prevent respiratory system?
  • 15. ‫الترطيب‬ De/Humidification ‫التحكم‬ ‫منظومة‬ Control Sys ‫إذن‬ ... ‫للتكييف‬ ‫يمكن‬ ‫كيف‬ ‫الجهاز‬ ‫أمراض‬ ‫من‬ ‫الوقاية‬ ‫التنفسي‬ ‫؟‬ So… How HVAC Can Prevent respiratory system? Most Important: -Air Distribution. -Extract & Fresh Air. -Air Filtration & Purification. ‫أهميـــــــــــة‬ ‫األكثر‬ : - ‫الهواء‬ ‫توزيع‬ - ‫الهواء‬ ‫وتجديد‬ ‫شفط‬ . - ‫الهواء‬ ‫وتنقية‬ ‫فلترة‬ .
  • 16. First Step: Enhance filtration from Return side, up to Supply Diffuser ensuring only Pure Air Discharged. ‫األولى‬ ‫الخطوة‬ : ‫جانب‬ ‫من‬ ‫الترشيح‬ ‫تعزيز‬ ‫الهواء‬ ‫مخرج‬ ‫وحتى‬ ،‫الراجع‬ ‫الهواء‬ ‫فقط‬ ‫النقي‬ ‫الهواء‬ ‫توصيل‬ ‫لضمان‬ . Each Employee will receive only purified air and his breath want mix even with members of his team. ‫ال‬ ‫و‬ ‫المنقي‬ ‫الهواء‬ ‫من‬ ‫حصته‬ ‫يستقبل‬ ‫موظف‬ ‫كل‬ ‫فريقه‬ ‫أفراد‬ ‫مع‬ ‫حتى‬ ‫أنفاسه‬ ‫تختلط‬ . Healthy Supply Air ‫حماية‬ ‫سيناريوهات‬ ‫قاعات‬ ‫فى‬ ‫الموظفين‬ ‫العمل‬ Scenarios to protect employees in working area
  • 17. Healthy Supply Air First Step: Efficient filter come in many shapes, sizes and stages. ‫األولى‬ ‫الخطوة‬ : ‫م‬ ‫مراحل‬ ‫و‬ ‫أحجام‬ ‫و‬ ‫بأشكال‬ ‫تأتي‬ ‫الفعالة‬ ‫الفالتر‬ ‫ختلفة‬ .
  • 18. Second Step: Return Air from lower level to create short cycle with Supply Air preventing Breath mixing. ‫الثانية‬ ‫الخطوة‬ : ‫أسفل‬ ‫من‬ ‫الراجع‬ ‫الهواء‬ ‫مدخل‬ ‫مخرج‬ ‫مع‬ ‫مغلقة‬ ‫دائرة‬ ‫لخلق‬ ‫تمازج‬ ‫أي‬ ‫لمنع‬ ‫الهواء‬ ‫لألنفاس‬ . Healthy Supply Air
  • 19. Second Step: Displacement Diffusers can come in design, shape, material & color that suit decoration and match corporate image. ‫الثانية‬ ‫الخطوة‬ : ‫والشك‬ ‫بالتصميم‬ ‫تكون‬ ‫أن‬ ‫يمكن‬ ‫باإلزاحة‬ ‫الهواء‬ ‫فتحات‬ ‫ل‬ ‫الصورة‬ ‫و‬ ‫الداخلى‬ ‫اديكور‬ ‫تناسب‬ ‫التى‬ ‫واأللوان‬ ‫والمواد‬ ‫للمؤسسة‬ ‫الذهنية‬ .
  • 20. FCU Third Step: Enhance filtration in the return duct. ‫الثالثة‬ ‫الخطوة‬ : ‫الراجع‬ ‫الهواء‬ ‫دكت‬ ‫فى‬ ‫الهواء‬ ‫تنقية‬ ‫إمكانيات‬ ‫تعزيز‬ .
  • 21. FCU Forth Step: Enhance the ability of indoor unit to maintain design/selected Airflow regardless the modifications... ‫الرابعة‬ ‫الخطوة‬ : ‫ال‬ ‫فى‬ ‫المقررة‬ ‫الهواء‬ ‫كمية‬ ‫دفع‬ ‫على‬ ‫التكييف‬ ‫جهاز‬ ‫قدرة‬ ‫تعظيم‬ ‫تصميم‬ ‫االضافات‬ ‫إعاقة‬ ‫لتجاوز‬ ‫االختيار‬ ‫وعند‬ .
  • 22. FCU Forth Step: Enhance the ability of indoor unit to maintain design/selected Airflow regardless the modifications... ‫الرابعة‬ ‫الخطوة‬ : ‫التعديال‬ ‫كافة‬ ‫إستبدال‬ ‫يمكن‬ ‫فى‬ ‫ت‬ ‫هوا‬ ‫تنقية‬ ‫بوحدة‬ ‫الراجع‬ ‫الدكت‬ ‫ء‬ ‫خاصة‬ .
  • 23. FCU Forth Step: Most Efficient Filtration Unit ‫الرابعة‬ ‫الخطوة‬ : ‫كفاءة‬ ‫األكثر‬ ‫و‬ ‫تنقية‬ ‫وحدة‬ ‫أفضل‬
  • 24. FCU Fresh Air Fifth Step: Must increase the amount of fresh air to increase the rate of ACH-Air Change Per Hour, also to create Positive Pressure. ‫الخامسة‬ ‫الخطوة‬ : ‫معدل‬ ‫لرفع‬ ‫التجديد‬ ‫هواء‬ ‫زيادة‬ ‫ضرورة‬ ‫من‬ ‫ألكثر‬ ‫الهواء‬ ‫تجديد‬ 5 ‫فى‬ ‫مرات‬ ‫موجب‬ ‫ضغط‬ ‫تكوين‬ ‫و‬ ‫الساعة‬ .
  • 25. FCU Fresh Air ‫السادسة‬ ‫الخطوة‬ : ‫كبير‬ ‫صندوق‬ ‫تحتها‬ ‫تكون‬ ‫المرفوعة‬ ‫األرضية‬ ‫ن‬ ‫وأو‬ ‫األنفاس‬ ‫إختالط‬ ‫ومنع‬ ‫الراجع‬ ‫الهواء‬ ‫إلحتواء‬ ‫قل‬ ‫العدوي‬ Sixth Step: Additional raised floor creates a bigger air return plenum and prevent mixing of breath and/or spreading of infection.
  • 26. FCU Fresh Air ‫السابعة‬ ‫الخطوة‬ : ‫الهواء‬ ‫بمخرج‬ ‫محيطة‬ ‫إضاءة‬ ‫من‬ ‫جمالية‬ ‫إضافة‬ ‫المزعجة‬ ‫الظالل‬ ‫تكون‬ ‫منع‬ ‫تضمن‬ . Seventh Step: Beauty Additional by round light to prevent formation of annoying shadows.
  • 27. FCU Fresh Air ‫السابعة‬ ‫الخطوة‬ : ‫الهواء‬ ‫بمخرج‬ ‫محيطة‬ ‫إضاءة‬ ‫من‬ ‫جمالية‬ ‫إضافة‬ ‫المزعجة‬ ‫الظالل‬ ‫تكون‬ ‫منع‬ ‫تضمن‬ . Seventh Step: Beauty Additional by round light to prevent formation of annoying shadows.
  • 28. FCU Fresh Air ‫السابعة‬ ‫الخطوة‬ : ‫الهواء‬ ‫بمخرج‬ ‫محيطة‬ ‫إضاءة‬ ‫من‬ ‫جمالية‬ ‫إضافة‬ ‫المزعجة‬ ‫الظالل‬ ‫تكون‬ ‫منع‬ ‫تضمن‬ . Seventh Step: Beauty Additional by round light to prevent formation of annoying shadows.
  • 29. ‫حماية‬ ‫سيناريوهات‬ ‫غرفة‬ ‫فى‬ ‫الموظفين‬ ‫اإلجتماع‬ Scenarios to protect employees in meeting room
  • 30. ‫غرفة‬ ‫فى‬ ‫العدوى‬ ‫إنتقال‬ ‫هواء‬ ‫عبر‬ ‫اإلجتماع‬ ‫الهو‬ ‫فتحة‬ ‫بين‬ ‫التكييف‬ ‫اء‬ ‫الراجع‬ ‫الهواء‬ ‫و‬ ‫المدفوع‬ Infection spread in meeting room between supply air grill & return
  • 31. ‫الحالي‬ ‫اإلجراء‬ ‫تقييم‬ : ‫زال‬ ‫ما‬ ‫العدوى‬ ‫إنتقال‬ ‫ممكنا‬ Evaluation of immediate measure: Infection still spreading
  • 32. ‫الحالي‬ ‫اإلجراء‬ ‫تقييم‬ : ‫زال‬ ‫ما‬ ‫العدوى‬ ‫إنتقال‬ ‫غير‬ ‫بطريقة‬ ‫ولكن‬ ‫ممكنا‬ ‫مباشرة‬ Evaluation of immediate measure: Infection spreading indirectly
  • 33. ‫إقتراحاتنا‬ ‫أحد‬ ‫على‬ ‫للسيطرة‬ ‫غرفة‬ ‫فى‬ ‫العدوى‬ ‫إنتقال‬ ‫انتقال‬ ‫عدم‬ ‫ضمان‬ ‫اإلجتماع‬ ‫المكان‬ ‫شاغلى‬ ‫بين‬ ‫األنفاس‬ . One of our Suggestion Preventing infection by ensuring that breaths want mix
  • 34. ‫إقتراحاتنا‬ ‫أحد‬ ‫المكان‬ ‫شاغلى‬ ‫بين‬ ‫األنفاس‬ ‫انتقال‬ ‫عدم‬ ‫ضمان‬ ‫اإلجتماع‬ ‫غرفة‬ ‫فى‬ ‫العدوى‬ ‫إنتقال‬ ‫على‬ ‫للسيطرة‬ . One of our Suggestion Preventing infection by ensuring that breaths want mix
  • 35. HEPA Type with Carbon Odor elimination Pre-Filters True HEPA Filtration HEPA Type with electrostatic / Collector plates Look For Ultraviolet (UV) Technology ‫كبير‬ ‫عالم‬ ‫الهواء‬ ‫وتنقية‬ ‫الفالتر‬ ‫عالم‬ : ‫المتخصصين‬ ‫من‬ ‫فيه‬ ‫نحن‬ The world of filters and air purification is a large world: We are some professionals To ‫إلزالة‬ Removes
  • 36. ‫الخارجي‬ ‫الهواء‬ ‫جودة‬ ‫زيادة‬ ‫فى‬ ‫الطبيعية‬ ‫النباتات‬ ‫توظيف‬ Using natural plants to increase the quality of outdoor air
  • 37. No. Image No. Image Brand Fluke - 922 Brand KANE 450 Brand Fluke - TiS65 Brand Amprobe Brand Fluke - 62 max Brand Herz Brand Fluke - 435 Brand EXTECH- AN300 Brand Fluke - 1738 Brand EXTECH – RH-520 Brand Fluke - 975 Brand EXTECH – SDL800 Brand Fluke - 233 Brand Brand Fluke - 375 TAB Instruments (HVAC & IAQ Testing, Adjusting & Balancing) Description of Tools & Instruments Description of Tools & Instruments 1 Airflow Meter/Micro Manometer 2 Infrared Thermal Imager 3 Infrared Thermometer 4 3-Phase Power Quality & Energy Analyzer 5 3-Phase Electrical Energy Loggers 8 True-RMS AC/DC Clamp Meters 6 Air Meter 7 Remote Display Muntimeter 9 Gas Meter & Analyzer HC, CH4, CFC, HFC, CO, CO2, SO, N2 & O2 10 Lux Meter 11 Water Flow Meter 12 Air Flow Meter Hood pce-instruments-multifunction-airflow-meter-flow- 13 Hygrometer 14 Vibration Meter Vibration Meter & Datalogger Instrument 16 IAQ Meter PM: 10, 2.5 & 1 Micron, CO2, HCHO & VOC 15 Tachometer Laser & Contact Tachometer to measure RPM
  • 38. ‫جمعة‬ ‫يوسف‬ ‫جمعة‬ Eng. Juma Yousef Juma Marketing & Business Development Manager +962-7-9074-6811 050-4948385 WhatsApp jumayjuma@gmail .com ‫حبش‬ ‫أمين‬ Eng. AMIN HABASH MEP Engineering Manager +962-7-7552-2787 ahabash.almobtak
  • 39.
  • 40. ‫القائمة‬ ‫للمشروعات‬ ‫الهندسي‬ ‫الدعم‬ ‫نقدم‬ ‫نحن‬ ‫و‬ ‫الجديدة‬ / ‫القائمة‬ ‫للمشاريع‬ ‫التعديل‬ ‫أو‬ ‫من‬ ‫األوسط‬ ‫الشرق‬ ‫إلى‬ ‫األردن‬ We offering our Engineering Support for New and/or Modification of Existing Projects from Jordan to Middle east. LEED Consultants Using BIM (Revit) Value Engineering Electrical Design Energy Audit Mechanical Design Infrastructural Energy Modeling IAQ & Healthy Air Balance CAP/OPEX