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One Monad to Rule
Them All
Functional JVM Meetup
Prague, Aug 8 2019
John A. De Goes — @jdegoes
1. Intro to Functional Effects
World of Values
Remove Duplication
In a Single Expression
Remove Duplication
Across Multple
Remove Higher-Order
Duplication Across
Test Values for
Equality, Similarity,
1. Intro to Functional Effects
World of Values
Remove Duplication
In a Single Expression
Remove Duplication
Across Multple
Remove Higher-Order
Duplication Across
Test Values for
Equality, Similarity,
1. Intro to Functional Effects
World of Values
Remove Duplication
In a Single Expression
Remove Duplication
Across Multple
Remove Higher-Order
Duplication Across
Test Values for
Equality, Similarity,
1. Intro to Functional Effects
World of Values
Remove Duplication
In a Single Expression
Remove Duplication
Across Multple
Remove Higher-Order
Duplication Across
Test Values for
Equality, Similarity,
1. Intro to Functional Effects
World of Values
Remove Duplication
In a Single Expression
Remove Duplication
Across Multple
Remove Higher-Order
Duplication Across
Test Values for
Equality, Similarity,
1. Intro to Functional Effects
1. Intro to Functional Effects
def monitor: Boolean = {
if (sensor.tripped) {
} else false
1. Intro to Functional Effects
sealed trait Alarm[+A]
case class Return [A](v : A) extends Alarm[A]
case class CheckTripped[A](f : Boolean => Alarm[A]) extends Alarm[A]
case class Call [A](next: Alarm[A]) extends Alarm[A]
val check: Alarm[Boolean] =
CheckTripped(tripped =>
if (tripped) Call(Return(true)) else Return(false))
1. Intro to Functional Effects
1. Intro to Functional Effects
def interpret[A](alarm: Alarm[A]): A = alarm match {
case Return(v) => v
case CheckTripped(f) => interpret(f(sensor.tripped))
case Call(next) =>; interpret(next)
1. Intro to Functional Effects
"A functional effect is an immutable data type equipped with a set
of core operations that together provide a complete, type-safe
model of a domain concern."
— John A. De Goes
1. Intro to Functional Effects
For every concern, there is a functional effect
Concern Effect Execution
Optionality Option[A] null or A
Disjunction Either[A, B] A or B
Nondeterminism List[A] Option[A]
Input/Output IO[A] throw or A
(The Painful Way)
1. Intro to Functional Effects
A functional effect for optionality
Succeeds with values of type A
1. Intro to Functional Effects
A functional effect for optionality
Operation Signature
Present A => Maybe[A]
Absent Maybe[Nothing]
Map (Maybe[A], A => B) => Maybe[B]
Chain (Maybe[A], A => Maybe[B]) => Maybe[B]
1. Intro to Functional Effects
sealed trait Maybe[+A]
case class Present[A](value: A) extends Maybe[A]
case object Absent extends Maybe[Nothing]
case class Map[A, B](maybe: Maybe[A], mapper: A => B) extends Maybe[B]
case class Chain[A, B](first: Maybe[A], callback: A => Maybe[B]) extends Maybe[B]
A functional effect for optionality
1. Intro to Functional Effects
sealed trait Maybe[+A] { self =>
def map[B](f: A => B): Maybe[B] = Map(self, f)
def flatMap[B](f: A => Maybe[B]): Maybe[B] = Chain(self, f)
object Maybe {
def present[A](value: A): Maybe[A] = Present[A]
val absent: Maybe[Nothing] = Absent
A functional effect for optionality
1. Intro to Functional Effects
def interpret[Z, A](ifAbsent: Z, f: A => Z)(maybe: Maybe[A]): Z =
maybe match {
case Present(a) => f(a)
case Absent => ifAbsent
case Map(old, f0) => interpret(ifAbsent, f.compose(f0))(old)
case Chain(old, f) =>
interpret(ifAbsent, a => interpret(ifAbsent, f)(f(a)))(old)
A functional effect for optionality
1. Intro to Functional Effects
Core operations for functional effects
Operation Signature Functional Type Class
pure / point A => F[A] Applicative
empty / zero F[Nothing] MonadPlus
map (F[A], A => B) => F[B] Functor
flatMap (F[A], A => F[B]) => F[B] Monad
zip / ap [F[A], F[B]) => F[(A, B)] Apply
1. Intro to Functional Effects
For comprehension syntax for monadic effects
1. Intro to Functional Effects
for {
user <- lookupUser(userId)
profile <- user.profile
pic <- profile.picUrl
} yield pic
lookupUser(userId).flatMap(user =>
user.profile.flatMap(profile => =>
The functional effect of optionality
2. Tour of the Effect Zoo
sealed trait Option[+A]
final case class Some[+A](value: A) extends Option[A]
case object None extends Option[Nothing]
The functional effect of optionality
2. Tour of the Effect Zoo
// Core operations:
def some[A](v: A): Option[A] = Some(a)
val none: Option[Nothing] = None
def map[A, B](o: Option[A], f: A => B): Option[B]
def flatMap[B, B](o: Option[A], f: A => Option[B]): Option[B]
// Execution / Interpretation:
def fold[Z](z: Z)(f: A => Z)(o: Option[A]): Z
The functional effect of optionality
2. Tour of the Effect Zoo
for {
user <- lookupUser(userId)
profile <- user.profile
pic <- profile.picUrl
} yield pic
The functional effect of failure
2. Tour of the Effect Zoo
sealed trait Either[+E, +A]
final case class Left[+E](value: E) extends Either[E, Nothing]
case class Right[+A](value: A) extends Eitherr[Nothing, A]
Either[E, A]
The functional effect of failure
2. Tour of the Effect Zoo
Either[E, A]
// Core operations:
def left[E](e: E): Either[E, Nothing] = Left(e)
def right[A](a: A): Either[Nothing, A] = Right(a)
def map[E, A, B](o: Either[E, A], f: A => B): Either[E, B]
def flatMap[E, A, B](o: Either[E, A], f: A => Either[E, B]): Either[E, B]
// Execution / Interpretation:
def fold[Z, E, A](left: E => Z, right: A => Z)(e: Either[E, A]): Z
The functional effect of failure
2. Tour of the Effect Zoo
for {
user <- decodeUser(json1)
profile <- decodeProfile(json2)
pic <- decodeImage(profile.encPic)
} yield (user, profile, pic)
Either[E, A]
The functional effect of logging
2. Tour of the Effect Zoo
final case class Writer[+W, +A](run: (Vector[W], A))
Writer[W, A]
The functional effect of logging
2. Tour of the Effect Zoo
Writer[W, A]
// Core operations:
def pure[A](a: A): Writer[Nothing, A] = Writer((Vector(), a))
def write[W](w: W): Writer[W, Unit] = Writer((Vector(w), ()))
def map[W, A, B](o: Writer[W, A], f: A => B): Writer[W, B]
def flatMap[W, A, B](o: Writerr[W, A], f: A => Writer[W, B]): Writer[W, B]
// Execution / Interpretation:
def run[W, A](writer: Writer[W, A]): (Vector[W], A)
The functional effect of logging
2. Tour of the Effect Zoo
for {
user <- pure(findUser())
_ <- log(s"Got user: $user")
_ <- pure(getProfile(user))
_ <- log(s"Got profile: $profile")
} yield user
Writer[W, A]
The functional effect of state
2. Tour of the Effect Zoo
final case class State[S, +A](run: S => (S, A))
State[S, A]
The functional effect of state
2. Tour of the Effect Zoo
State[S, A]
// Core operations:
def pure[S, A](a: A): State[S, A] = State[S, A](s => (s, a))
def get[S]: State[S, S] = State[S, S](s => (s, s))
def set[S](s: S): State[S, Unit] = State[S, S](_ => (s, ()))
def map[S, A, B](o: State[S, A], f: A => B): State[S, B]
def flatMap[S, A, B](o: State[S, A], f: A => State[S, B]): State[S, B]
// Execution / Interpretation:
def run[S, A](s: S, state: State[S, A]): (S, A)
The functional effect of state
2. Tour of the Effect Zoo
for {
_ <- set(0)
v <- get
_ <- set(v + 1)
v <- get
} yield v
State[S, A]
The functional effect of reader
2. Tour of the Effect Zoo
final case class Reader[-R, +A](run: R => A)
Reader[R, A]
The functional effect of reader
2. Tour of the Effect Zoo
Reader[R, A]
// Core operations:
def pure[A](a: A): Reader[Any, A] = Reader[Any, A](_ => a)
def environment: Reader[R, R] = Reader[R, R](r => r)
def map[R, A, B](r: Reader[R, A], f: A => B): Reader[R, B]
def flatMap[R, A, B](r: Reader[R, A], f: A => Reader[R, B]): Reader[R, B]
// Execution / Interpretation:
def provide[R, A](r: R, reader: Reader[R, A]): A
The functional effect of reader
2. Tour of the Effect Zoo
for {
port <- environment[Config].map(_.port)
server <- environment[Config].map(_.server)
retries <- environment[Config].map(_.retries)
} yield (port, server, retries)
Reader[R, A]
The functional effect of asynchronous input/output
2. Tour of the Effect Zoo
final case class IO[+A](unsafeRun: (Try[A] => Unit) => Unit)
The functional effect of asynchronous input/output
2. Tour of the Effect Zoo
// Core operations:
def sync[A](v: => A): IO[A] = IO(_(Success(v)))
def async[A](r: (Try[A] => Unit) => Unit): IO[A] = IO(r)
def fail(t: Throwable): IO[Nothing] = IO(_(Failure(t)))
def map[A, B](o: IO[A], f: A => B): IO[B]
def flatMap[B, B](o: IO[A], f: A => IO[B]): IO[B]
// Execution / Interpretation:
def unsafeRun[A](io: IO[A], k: Try[A] => Unit): Unit
Option + Either
3. Vertical Effect Composition
3. Vertical Effect Composition
final case class OptionEither[+E, +A](run: Either[E, Option[A]]) {
def map[B](f: A => B): OptionEither[E, B] = ???
def flatMap[B](f: A => OptionEither[E, B]): OptionEither[E, B] = ???
object OptionEither {
def pure[A](a: A): OptionEither[Nothing, A] = lift(Some(a))
def lift[A](option: Option[A]): OptionEither[Nothing, A] =
Vertical composition of Option atop Either
3. Vertical Effect Composition
final case class OptionT[F[_], +A](run: F[Option[A]]) {
def map[B](f: A => B)(implicit F: Functor[F]): OptionT[F, B] = ???
def flatMap[B](f: A => OptionT[F, B])(implicit F: Monad[F]): OptionT[F, B] = ???
object OptionT {
def pure[A](a: A)(implicit F: Applicative[F]): OptionT[F, A] = lift(Some(a))
def lift[A](option: Option[A])(implicit F: Applicative[F]): OptionT[F, A] =
Vertical composition of Option atop F[_]
3. Vertical Effect Composition
def myCode[F[_]: Monad]: F[Result] = {
// Introduce state effect locally:
def inner: StateT[F, MyState, Result] = ???
// Eliminate state effect locally:
Monad transformers allow local effect introduction / elimination
3. Vertical Effect Composition
"Monad transformers allow modular composition of separate
functional effect types into a single functional effect, with the
ability to locally introduce and eliminate effect types."
— John A. De Goes
Option +
Either +
Writer +
State +
3. Vertical Effect Composition
type GodMonad[+E, +W, S, -R, A] =
Reader[R, ?],
S, ?],
W, ?],
E, ?],
3. Vertical Effect Composition
3. Vertical Effect Composition
val effect: GodMonad[Throwable, String, Int, Config, Int] =
Reader(_ => 42)))))
Monad transformers are extremely cumbersome to use directly!
3. Vertical Effect Composition
Monad transformers cripple performance even with opaque types!
StateT[EitherT[OptionT[F, ?], E, ?], S, ?]
3. Vertical Effect Composition
StateT[EitherT[F, E, ?], S, ?]
EitherT[StateT[F, S, ?], E, ?]
Monad transformers are extremely order-sensitive!
n layers = n! possible orderings
3. Vertical Effect Composition
def myCode[F[_]: Monad]: F[Result] = {
// Cannot simply introduce / eliminate
// monad state for deeper levels!!!
def inner[G[_]: Monad](implicit G: MonadState[G, MyState, ?]): G[Result] = ???
inner[F] // Will not compile!
Tagless-final obliterates local effect introduction / elimination!
3. Vertical Effect Composition
MonadError[StateT[EitherT[IO, MyError, ?], MyState, ?], MyError, ?]
Due to encoding + compiler, transformers infer poorly!
3. Vertical Effect Composition
Monad transformerr checklist
Monad Transformers
Intro / Elimination ✅
Type-Inference ❌
Order-Insensitive ❌
Encapsulated ✅
Ergonomic ❌
4. Intro to Effect Rotation
sealed trait Either[+A, +B]
case class Left [A](value: A) extends Either[A, Nothing]
case class Right[B](value: B) extends Either[Nothing, B]
Either is the simplest possible failure + success effect
4. Intro to Effect Rotation
// Introduction:
def fail[E](e: E): Either[E, Nothing]
// Elimination:
def catchAll[E, A](et: Either[E, A])(f: E => A): Either[Nothing, A]
Either is the simplest possible failure + success effect
Compile-time proof of elimination
4. Intro to Effect Rotation
final case class REither[-R, +E, +A](run: R => Either[E, A])
Why stop with error effects?
4. Intro to Effect Rotation
// Introduction:
def environment[R]: REither[R, Nothing, R] = REither(r => Right(r))
// Elimination:
def provide[R, E, A](r: R)(re: REither[R, E, A]): REither[Any, E, A] =
REither[Any, E, A](_ =>
Introduction and elimination for the reader effect
Compile-time proof of elimination
4. Intro to Effect Rotation
final case class REither[-R, +E, +A](run: R => Either[E, A])
Naive encoding shares some overhead with transformers
Dispatch + Boxing Overhead
4. Intro to Effect Rotation
4. Intro to Effect Rotation
MTL[R, W, S, E, A]
4. Intro to Effect Rotation
sealed trait MTL[-R, +W, S, +E, +A] { self =>
def map[B](f: A => B): MTL[R, W, S, E, B] = ???
def flatMap[..](f: A => MTL[R1, W1, S, E1, B]): MTL[R1, W1, S, E1, B] = ???
// Optimized interpreter for GADT:
def run(r: R, s: S): (List[W], S, Either[E, A]) = ???
Possible to eliminate overhead with "free" encodings
4. Intro to Effect Rotation
object MTL {
final case class Succeed[S, +A](value: A) extends MTL[Any, Nothing, S, Nothing, A]
final case class Reader [R, S]() extends MTL[R, Nothing, S, Nothing, R]
final case class RunReader[R, +W, S, +E, +A](r: R, mtl: MTL[R, W, S, E, A]) extends MTL[Any, W, S, E, A]
final case class Error [S, +E](error: E) extends MTL[Any, Nothing, S, E, Nothing]
final case class RunError[-R, +W, S, +E, +A](mtl: MTL[R, W, S, E, A]) extends MTL[Any, W, S, Nothing, Either[E, A]]
final case class State [S, +A](f: S => (S, A)) extends MTL[Any, Nothing, S, Nothing, A]
final case class RunState[-R, +W, S, +E, +A](s: S, mtl: MTL[R, W, S, E, A]) extends MTL[R, W, Unit, E, A]
final case class Writer [+W, S](w: W) extends MTL[Any, W, S, Nothing, Unit]
final case class RunWriter[-R, +W, S, +E, +A](mtl: MTL[R, W, S, E, A]) extends MTL[R, Nothing, S, E, (List[W], A)]
final case class FlatMap[R, W, S, E, A, R1 <: R, W1 >: W, E1 >: E, B](first: MTL[R, W, S, E, A], k: A => MTL[R1, W1, S, E1, B]) extends
MTL[R1, W1, S, E1, B]
Possible to eliminate overhead with "free" encodings
4. Intro to Effect Rotation
Elimination laws for effect rotation
Effect Type Type Elimination Examples
Covariant Nothing Failure, Optionality,
Contravariant Any Reader
Invariant Unit State
4. Intro to Effect Rotation
Monad transformers versus effect rotation
Monad Transformers Effect Rotation
Intro / Elimination ✅ ✅
Type-Inference ❌ ✅
Order-Insensitive ❌ ✅
Encapsulated ✅ ❌
Ergonomic ❌ ✅
5. Practice of Effect Rotation
ZIO[R, E, A]
5. Practice of Effect Rotation
trait ZIO[R, E, A] {
def provide(r: R): ZIO[Any, E, A] = ???
object ZIO {
def environment: ZIO[R, Nothing, R] = ???
def accessM[R, E, A](f: R => ZIO[R, E, A]): ZIO[R, E, A] = ???
5. Practice of Effect Rotation
trait ZIO[R, E, A] {
def either: ZIO[R, Nothing, Either[E, A]] = ???
object ZIO {
def fail(e: E): ZIO[Any, E, Nothing] = ???
def succeed(a: A): ZIO[Any, Nothing, A] = ???
5. Practice of Effect Rotation
Option via Error
ZIO[R, Unit, A]
5. Practice of Effect Rotation
Option + Either via Error
ZIO[R, Option[E], A]
5. Practice of Effect Rotation
trait Ref[A] {
def update(f: A => A): UIO[A]
def modify[B](f: A => (B, A)): UIO[B]
def get: UIO[A]
def set(a: A): UIO[Unit]
Reader + Ref / TRef is the key to unlocking other effects!
5. Practice of Effect Rotation
Writer via Reader
trait Writer[W] {
def writer: Ref[Vector[W]]
def write[W](w: W): ZIO[Writer[W], Nothing, Unit] =
ZIO.accessM[Writer[W]](_.writer.update(_ :+ w).unit)
5. Practice of Effect Rotation
State via Reader
trait State[S] {
def state: Ref[S]
def modify[S, A](f: S => (S, A)): ZIO[State[S], Nothing, A] =
def update[S, A](f: S => S): ZIO[State[S], Nothing, Unit] = modify(s => (s, ()))
def gets[S]: ZIO[State[S], Nothing, S] = modify(s => (s, s))
5. Practice of Effect Rotation
God Monad
type Fx[S, W] = State[S] with Writer[W]
type GodMonad2[+E, W, S, -R <: Fx[S, W], A] =
ZIO[R, Option[E], A]
5. Practice of Effect Rotation
Effect rotation delivers resource / concurrent safety!
Monad Transformers Effect Rotation
... ... ...
Concurrent-Safe State ❌ ✅
Concurrrent Safe Writer ❌ ✅
Resource-Safe State ❌ ✅
Resource-Safe Writer ❌ ✅
Any questions?
You should follow me on Twitter:
And bookmark my blog:

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Mais de John De Goes

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Mais de John De Goes (20)

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One Monad to Rule Them All

  • 1. One Monad to Rule Them All Functional JVM Meetup Prague, Aug 8 2019 John A. De Goes — @jdegoes
  • 4. 1. Intro to Functional Effects 4 World of Values Variables Remove Duplication In a Single Expression Functions Remove Duplication Across Multple Expressions Combinators Remove Higher-Order Duplication Across Expressions Testing Test Values for Equality, Similarity, Inequality
  • 5. 1. Intro to Functional Effects 5 World of Values Variables Remove Duplication In a Single Expression Functions Remove Duplication Across Multple Expressions Combinators Remove Higher-Order Duplication Across Expressions Testing Test Values for Equality, Similarity, Inequality
  • 6. 1. Intro to Functional Effects 6 World of Values Variables Remove Duplication In a Single Expression Functions Remove Duplication Across Multple Expressions Combinators Remove Higher-Order Duplication Across Expressions Testing Test Values for Equality, Similarity, Inequality
  • 7. 1. Intro to Functional Effects 7 World of Values Variables Remove Duplication In a Single Expression Functions Remove Duplication Across Multple Expressions Combinators Remove Higher-Order Duplication Across Expressions Testing Test Values for Equality, Similarity, Inequality
  • 8. 1. Intro to Functional Effects 8 World of Values Variables Remove Duplication In a Single Expression Functions Remove Duplication Across Multple Expressions Combinators Remove Higher-Order Duplication Across Expressions Testing Test Values for Equality, Similarity, Inequality Cases Packages Types Fields Input/Output Methods
  • 9. 1. Intro to Functional Effects 9 ● GO RUNNING
  • 10. 1. Intro to Functional Effects def monitor: Boolean = { if (sensor.tripped) { true } else false } 10
  • 11. 1. Intro to Functional Effects 11 sealed trait Alarm[+A] case class Return [A](v : A) extends Alarm[A] case class CheckTripped[A](f : Boolean => Alarm[A]) extends Alarm[A] case class Call [A](next: Alarm[A]) extends Alarm[A] val check: Alarm[Boolean] = CheckTripped(tripped => if (tripped) Call(Return(true)) else Return(false))
  • 12. 1. Intro to Functional Effects 12 ● GO RUNNING Execution (Interpretation)
  • 13. 1. Intro to Functional Effects 13 def interpret[A](alarm: Alarm[A]): A = alarm match { case Return(v) => v case CheckTripped(f) => interpret(f(sensor.tripped)) case Call(next) =>; interpret(next) }
  • 14. 1. Intro to Functional Effects 14 "A functional effect is an immutable data type equipped with a set of core operations that together provide a complete, type-safe model of a domain concern." — John A. De Goes
  • 15. 1. Intro to Functional Effects 15 For every concern, there is a functional effect Concern Effect Execution Optionality Option[A] null or A Disjunction Either[A, B] A or B Nondeterminism List[A] Option[A] Input/Output IO[A] throw or A
  • 16. 16 Optionality (The Painful Way) 1. Intro to Functional Effects
  • 17. 17 A functional effect for optionality Maybe[A] Succeeds with values of type A 1. Intro to Functional Effects
  • 18. 18 A functional effect for optionality Operation Signature Present A => Maybe[A] Absent Maybe[Nothing] Map (Maybe[A], A => B) => Maybe[B] Chain (Maybe[A], A => Maybe[B]) => Maybe[B] 1. Intro to Functional Effects
  • 19. 19 sealed trait Maybe[+A] case class Present[A](value: A) extends Maybe[A] case object Absent extends Maybe[Nothing] case class Map[A, B](maybe: Maybe[A], mapper: A => B) extends Maybe[B] case class Chain[A, B](first: Maybe[A], callback: A => Maybe[B]) extends Maybe[B] A functional effect for optionality 1. Intro to Functional Effects
  • 20. 20 sealed trait Maybe[+A] { self => def map[B](f: A => B): Maybe[B] = Map(self, f) def flatMap[B](f: A => Maybe[B]): Maybe[B] = Chain(self, f) } object Maybe { def present[A](value: A): Maybe[A] = Present[A] val absent: Maybe[Nothing] = Absent } A functional effect for optionality 1. Intro to Functional Effects
  • 21. def interpret[Z, A](ifAbsent: Z, f: A => Z)(maybe: Maybe[A]): Z = maybe match { case Present(a) => f(a) case Absent => ifAbsent case Map(old, f0) => interpret(ifAbsent, f.compose(f0))(old) case Chain(old, f) => interpret(ifAbsent, a => interpret(ifAbsent, f)(f(a)))(old) } 21 A functional effect for optionality 1. Intro to Functional Effects
  • 22. 22 Core operations for functional effects Operation Signature Functional Type Class pure / point A => F[A] Applicative empty / zero F[Nothing] MonadPlus map (F[A], A => B) => F[B] Functor flatMap (F[A], A => F[B]) => F[B] Monad zip / ap [F[A], F[B]) => F[(A, B)] Apply 1. Intro to Functional Effects
  • 23. 23 For comprehension syntax for monadic effects 1. Intro to Functional Effects for { user <- lookupUser(userId) profile <- user.profile pic <- profile.picUrl } yield pic lookupUser(userId).flatMap(user => user.profile.flatMap(profile => => pic)))
  • 25. 25 The functional effect of optionality 2. Tour of the Effect Zoo sealed trait Option[+A] final case class Some[+A](value: A) extends Option[A] case object None extends Option[Nothing] Option[A]
  • 26. 26 The functional effect of optionality 2. Tour of the Effect Zoo // Core operations: def some[A](v: A): Option[A] = Some(a) val none: Option[Nothing] = None def map[A, B](o: Option[A], f: A => B): Option[B] def flatMap[B, B](o: Option[A], f: A => Option[B]): Option[B] // Execution / Interpretation: def fold[Z](z: Z)(f: A => Z)(o: Option[A]): Z Option[A]
  • 27. 27 The functional effect of optionality 2. Tour of the Effect Zoo for { user <- lookupUser(userId) profile <- user.profile pic <- profile.picUrl } yield pic Option[A]
  • 28. 28 The functional effect of failure 2. Tour of the Effect Zoo sealed trait Either[+E, +A] final case class Left[+E](value: E) extends Either[E, Nothing] case class Right[+A](value: A) extends Eitherr[Nothing, A] Either[E, A]
  • 29. 29 The functional effect of failure 2. Tour of the Effect Zoo Either[E, A] // Core operations: def left[E](e: E): Either[E, Nothing] = Left(e) def right[A](a: A): Either[Nothing, A] = Right(a) def map[E, A, B](o: Either[E, A], f: A => B): Either[E, B] def flatMap[E, A, B](o: Either[E, A], f: A => Either[E, B]): Either[E, B] // Execution / Interpretation: def fold[Z, E, A](left: E => Z, right: A => Z)(e: Either[E, A]): Z
  • 30. 30 The functional effect of failure 2. Tour of the Effect Zoo for { user <- decodeUser(json1) profile <- decodeProfile(json2) pic <- decodeImage(profile.encPic) } yield (user, profile, pic) Either[E, A]
  • 31. 31 The functional effect of logging 2. Tour of the Effect Zoo final case class Writer[+W, +A](run: (Vector[W], A)) Writer[W, A]
  • 32. 32 The functional effect of logging 2. Tour of the Effect Zoo Writer[W, A] // Core operations: def pure[A](a: A): Writer[Nothing, A] = Writer((Vector(), a)) def write[W](w: W): Writer[W, Unit] = Writer((Vector(w), ())) def map[W, A, B](o: Writer[W, A], f: A => B): Writer[W, B] def flatMap[W, A, B](o: Writerr[W, A], f: A => Writer[W, B]): Writer[W, B] // Execution / Interpretation: def run[W, A](writer: Writer[W, A]): (Vector[W], A)
  • 33. 33 The functional effect of logging 2. Tour of the Effect Zoo for { user <- pure(findUser()) _ <- log(s"Got user: $user") _ <- pure(getProfile(user)) _ <- log(s"Got profile: $profile") } yield user Writer[W, A]
  • 34. 34 The functional effect of state 2. Tour of the Effect Zoo final case class State[S, +A](run: S => (S, A)) State[S, A]
  • 35. 35 The functional effect of state 2. Tour of the Effect Zoo State[S, A] // Core operations: def pure[S, A](a: A): State[S, A] = State[S, A](s => (s, a)) def get[S]: State[S, S] = State[S, S](s => (s, s)) def set[S](s: S): State[S, Unit] = State[S, S](_ => (s, ())) def map[S, A, B](o: State[S, A], f: A => B): State[S, B] def flatMap[S, A, B](o: State[S, A], f: A => State[S, B]): State[S, B] // Execution / Interpretation: def run[S, A](s: S, state: State[S, A]): (S, A)
  • 36. 36 The functional effect of state 2. Tour of the Effect Zoo for { _ <- set(0) v <- get _ <- set(v + 1) v <- get } yield v State[S, A]
  • 37. 37 The functional effect of reader 2. Tour of the Effect Zoo final case class Reader[-R, +A](run: R => A) Reader[R, A]
  • 38. 38 The functional effect of reader 2. Tour of the Effect Zoo Reader[R, A] // Core operations: def pure[A](a: A): Reader[Any, A] = Reader[Any, A](_ => a) def environment: Reader[R, R] = Reader[R, R](r => r) def map[R, A, B](r: Reader[R, A], f: A => B): Reader[R, B] def flatMap[R, A, B](r: Reader[R, A], f: A => Reader[R, B]): Reader[R, B] // Execution / Interpretation: def provide[R, A](r: R, reader: Reader[R, A]): A
  • 39. 39 The functional effect of reader 2. Tour of the Effect Zoo for { port <- environment[Config].map(_.port) server <- environment[Config].map(_.server) retries <- environment[Config].map(_.retries) } yield (port, server, retries) Reader[R, A]
  • 40. 40 The functional effect of asynchronous input/output 2. Tour of the Effect Zoo final case class IO[+A](unsafeRun: (Try[A] => Unit) => Unit) IO[A]
  • 41. 41 The functional effect of asynchronous input/output 2. Tour of the Effect Zoo // Core operations: def sync[A](v: => A): IO[A] = IO(_(Success(v))) def async[A](r: (Try[A] => Unit) => Unit): IO[A] = IO(r) def fail(t: Throwable): IO[Nothing] = IO(_(Failure(t))) def map[A, B](o: IO[A], f: A => B): IO[B] def flatMap[B, B](o: IO[A], f: A => IO[B]): IO[B] // Execution / Interpretation: def unsafeRun[A](io: IO[A], k: Try[A] => Unit): Unit IO[A]
  • 43. 43 Option + Either 3. Vertical Effect Composition
  • 44. 44 3. Vertical Effect Composition final case class OptionEither[+E, +A](run: Either[E, Option[A]]) { def map[B](f: A => B): OptionEither[E, B] = ??? def flatMap[B](f: A => OptionEither[E, B]): OptionEither[E, B] = ??? } object OptionEither { def pure[A](a: A): OptionEither[Nothing, A] = lift(Some(a)) def lift[A](option: Option[A]): OptionEither[Nothing, A] = OptionEither(Right(option)) } Vertical composition of Option atop Either
  • 45. 45 3. Vertical Effect Composition final case class OptionT[F[_], +A](run: F[Option[A]]) { def map[B](f: A => B)(implicit F: Functor[F]): OptionT[F, B] = ??? def flatMap[B](f: A => OptionT[F, B])(implicit F: Monad[F]): OptionT[F, B] = ??? } object OptionT { def pure[A](a: A)(implicit F: Applicative[F]): OptionT[F, A] = lift(Some(a)) def lift[A](option: Option[A])(implicit F: Applicative[F]): OptionT[F, A] = OptionT(F.pure(option)) } Vertical composition of Option atop F[_]
  • 46. 46 3. Vertical Effect Composition def myCode[F[_]: Monad]: F[Result] = { // Introduce state effect locally: def inner: StateT[F, MyState, Result] = ??? // Eliminate state effect locally: } Monad transformers allow local effect introduction / elimination
  • 47. 47 3. Vertical Effect Composition "Monad transformers allow modular composition of separate functional effect types into a single functional effect, with the ability to locally introduce and eliminate effect types." — John A. De Goes
  • 48. 48 Option + Either + Writer + State + Reader 3. Vertical Effect Composition
  • 49. 49 type GodMonad[+E, +W, S, -R, A] = OptionT[ EitherT[ WriterT[ StateT[ Reader[R, ?], S, ?], W, ?], E, ?], ?] 3. Vertical Effect Composition
  • 50. 50 3. Vertical Effect Composition val effect: GodMonad[Throwable, String, Int, Config, Int] = OptionT( EitherT( WriterT( StateT( Reader(_ => 42))))) Monad transformers are extremely cumbersome to use directly!
  • 51. 51 3. Vertical Effect Composition Monad transformers cripple performance even with opaque types! F OptionT[F] StateT[EitherT[OptionT[F, ?], E, ?], S, ?] ...
  • 52. 52 3. Vertical Effect Composition StateT[EitherT[F, E, ?], S, ?] != EitherT[StateT[F, S, ?], E, ?] Monad transformers are extremely order-sensitive! n layers = n! possible orderings
  • 53. 53 3. Vertical Effect Composition def myCode[F[_]: Monad]: F[Result] = { // Cannot simply introduce / eliminate // monad state for deeper levels!!! def inner[G[_]: Monad](implicit G: MonadState[G, MyState, ?]): G[Result] = ??? inner[F] // Will not compile! } Tagless-final obliterates local effect introduction / elimination!
  • 54. 54 3. Vertical Effect Composition MonadError[StateT[EitherT[IO, MyError, ?], MyState, ?], MyError, ?] Due to encoding + compiler, transformers infer poorly!
  • 55. 55 3. Vertical Effect Composition Monad transformerr checklist Monad Transformers Intro / Elimination ✅ Type-Inference ❌ Order-Insensitive ❌ Encapsulated ✅ Ergonomic ❌
  • 57. 57 4. Intro to Effect Rotation sealed trait Either[+A, +B] case class Left [A](value: A) extends Either[A, Nothing] case class Right[B](value: B) extends Either[Nothing, B] Either is the simplest possible failure + success effect
  • 58. 58 4. Intro to Effect Rotation // Introduction: def fail[E](e: E): Either[E, Nothing] // Elimination: def catchAll[E, A](et: Either[E, A])(f: E => A): Either[Nothing, A] Either is the simplest possible failure + success effect Compile-time proof of elimination
  • 59. 59 4. Intro to Effect Rotation final case class REither[-R, +E, +A](run: R => Either[E, A]) Why stop with error effects?
  • 60. 60 4. Intro to Effect Rotation // Introduction: def environment[R]: REither[R, Nothing, R] = REither(r => Right(r)) // Elimination: def provide[R, E, A](r: R)(re: REither[R, E, A]): REither[Any, E, A] = REither[Any, E, A](_ => Introduction and elimination for the reader effect Compile-time proof of elimination
  • 61. 61 4. Intro to Effect Rotation final case class REither[-R, +E, +A](run: R => Either[E, A]) Naive encoding shares some overhead with transformers Dispatch + Boxing Overhead
  • 62. 62 4. Intro to Effect Rotation
  • 63. 63 4. Intro to Effect Rotation MTL[R, W, S, E, A]
  • 64. 64 4. Intro to Effect Rotation sealed trait MTL[-R, +W, S, +E, +A] { self => def map[B](f: A => B): MTL[R, W, S, E, B] = ??? def flatMap[..](f: A => MTL[R1, W1, S, E1, B]): MTL[R1, W1, S, E1, B] = ??? // Optimized interpreter for GADT: def run(r: R, s: S): (List[W], S, Either[E, A]) = ??? } Possible to eliminate overhead with "free" encodings
  • 65. 65 4. Intro to Effect Rotation object MTL { final case class Succeed[S, +A](value: A) extends MTL[Any, Nothing, S, Nothing, A] final case class Reader [R, S]() extends MTL[R, Nothing, S, Nothing, R] final case class RunReader[R, +W, S, +E, +A](r: R, mtl: MTL[R, W, S, E, A]) extends MTL[Any, W, S, E, A] final case class Error [S, +E](error: E) extends MTL[Any, Nothing, S, E, Nothing] final case class RunError[-R, +W, S, +E, +A](mtl: MTL[R, W, S, E, A]) extends MTL[Any, W, S, Nothing, Either[E, A]] final case class State [S, +A](f: S => (S, A)) extends MTL[Any, Nothing, S, Nothing, A] final case class RunState[-R, +W, S, +E, +A](s: S, mtl: MTL[R, W, S, E, A]) extends MTL[R, W, Unit, E, A] final case class Writer [+W, S](w: W) extends MTL[Any, W, S, Nothing, Unit] final case class RunWriter[-R, +W, S, +E, +A](mtl: MTL[R, W, S, E, A]) extends MTL[R, Nothing, S, E, (List[W], A)] final case class FlatMap[R, W, S, E, A, R1 <: R, W1 >: W, E1 >: E, B](first: MTL[R, W, S, E, A], k: A => MTL[R1, W1, S, E1, B]) extends MTL[R1, W1, S, E1, B] } Possible to eliminate overhead with "free" encodings
  • 66. 66 4. Intro to Effect Rotation Elimination laws for effect rotation Effect Type Type Elimination Examples Covariant Nothing Failure, Optionality, Writer Contravariant Any Reader Invariant Unit State
  • 67. 67 4. Intro to Effect Rotation Monad transformers versus effect rotation Monad Transformers Effect Rotation Intro / Elimination ✅ ✅ Type-Inference ❌ ✅ Order-Insensitive ❌ ✅ Encapsulated ✅ ❌ Ergonomic ❌ ✅
  • 69. 69 5. Practice of Effect Rotation ZIO[R, E, A] Reader Error Success
  • 70. 70 5. Practice of Effect Rotation Reader trait ZIO[R, E, A] { def provide(r: R): ZIO[Any, E, A] = ??? } object ZIO { def environment: ZIO[R, Nothing, R] = ??? def accessM[R, E, A](f: R => ZIO[R, E, A]): ZIO[R, E, A] = ??? }
  • 71. 71 5. Practice of Effect Rotation Error trait ZIO[R, E, A] { def either: ZIO[R, Nothing, Either[E, A]] = ??? } object ZIO { def fail(e: E): ZIO[Any, E, Nothing] = ??? def succeed(a: A): ZIO[Any, Nothing, A] = ??? }
  • 72. 72 5. Practice of Effect Rotation Option via Error ZIO[R, Unit, A]
  • 73. 73 5. Practice of Effect Rotation Option + Either via Error ZIO[R, Option[E], A]
  • 74. 74 5. Practice of Effect Rotation trait Ref[A] { def update(f: A => A): UIO[A] def modify[B](f: A => (B, A)): UIO[B] def get: UIO[A] def set(a: A): UIO[Unit] } Reader + Ref / TRef is the key to unlocking other effects!
  • 75. 75 5. Practice of Effect Rotation Writer via Reader trait Writer[W] { def writer: Ref[Vector[W]] } def write[W](w: W): ZIO[Writer[W], Nothing, Unit] = ZIO.accessM[Writer[W]](_.writer.update(_ :+ w).unit)
  • 76. 76 5. Practice of Effect Rotation State via Reader trait State[S] { def state: Ref[S] } def modify[S, A](f: S => (S, A)): ZIO[State[S], Nothing, A] = ZIO.accessM[State[S]](_.state.modify(f)) def update[S, A](f: S => S): ZIO[State[S], Nothing, Unit] = modify(s => (s, ())) def gets[S]: ZIO[State[S], Nothing, S] = modify(s => (s, s))
  • 77. 77 5. Practice of Effect Rotation God Monad type Fx[S, W] = State[S] with Writer[W] type GodMonad2[+E, W, S, -R <: Fx[S, W], A] = ZIO[R, Option[E], A]
  • 78. 78 5. Practice of Effect Rotation Effect rotation delivers resource / concurrent safety! Monad Transformers Effect Rotation ... ... ... Concurrent-Safe State ❌ ✅ Concurrrent Safe Writer ❌ ✅ Resource-Safe State ❌ ✅ Resource-Safe Writer ❌ ✅
  • 79. THANK YOU! Any questions? You should follow me on Twitter: @jdegoes And bookmark my blog: 79