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Michael Labib, AWS Specialist Solutions Architect
March 2017
Amazon ElastiCache Deep Dive: Best
Practices, Usage Patterns and Caching
©	2017,	Amazon	Web	Services,	Inc.	or	its	Affiliates.	All	rights	reserved.
Learning Objectives
§ Learn how to integrate Amazon ElastiCache in your workloads
§ Understand the benefits of an In-Memory data store
§ Learn how to apply various caching strategies in your
§ Hands on demonstration using Amazon ElastiCache
In-Memory Key-Value NoSQL Store
Redis and Memcached
Fully managed; Zero admin
Highly Available and Reliable
Hardened by Amazon
Redis – The In-Memory Leader
~200 commands + Lua scripting
In-memory data structure server
Utility data structures
strings, lists, hashes, sets, sorted
sets, bitmaps & HyperLogLogs
Atomic operations
supports transactions
Ridiculously fast!
<1ms latency for most commands
Highly Available
Open Source
Redis Data Structure Fundamentals
Redis Data Types - String
• Binary safe.
• Can contain a max value of 512 MB.
• Great for storing Counters, HTML, Images, JSON objects, etc.
Redis Data Types - Set
• A collection of unique unordered Strings values
• Great for Deduplicating and Grouping related information
• Can union, intersect and find differences between other SETS
value: 75 value: 1 value: 39 value: 63 value: 63
value: 63
Redis Data Types - Sorted Set
• A collection of unique Strings values ordered by score
• Great for Deduplication, Grouping and Sorting related information
• Get specific range and rank of elements based on score
value: mike
score: 50 score: 75
value: dan value: emma
score: 79
value: lina
score: 123
value: luke
score: 350
Redis Data Types - List
HEAD value 1 value 2 value 3 TAIL
• A collection of Strings stored in the order of their insertion
• Push and Pop from head or tail of the list or insert at specific value position
• Great for message queues and timelines
Redis Data Types - Hashes
Field 1 value 1
• A collection of unordered fields and values
• Great for representing objects
• Ability to Add, GET, and DEL individual fields by Key
Field 2 value 2
Field 3 value 3
Field 4 value 4
Redis Data Types & More!
Run Lua scripts Geospatial Queries! Pub / Sub
Amazon ElastiCache
Redis Multi-AZ with Automatic Failover
Open-Source Compatible
Fully Managed
Enhanced Redis Engine
Easy to Deploy, Use and Monitor
No Cross-AZ Data Transfer Costs
Extreme Performance at Cloud Scale
ElastiCache - Customer Value
Usage Patterns
Elastic Load
ü Better	Performance	- Microseconds	Speed		
ü Cost	Effective
ü Higher	Throughput	- ~	20M	/	RPS
# Write Through
def save_user(user_id, values):
record = db.query("update users ... where id = ?", user_id, values)
cache.set(user_id, record, 300) # TTL
return record
# Lazy Load
def get_user(user_id):
record = cache.get(user_id)
if record is None:
record = db.query("select * from users where id = ?", user_id)
cache.set(user_id, record, 300) # TTL
return record
# App code
save_user(17, {"name": “Big Mike"})
user = get_user(17)
# Write Through
def save_user(user_id, values):
record = db.query("update users ... where id = ?", user_id, values)
cache.set(user_id, record, 300) # TTL
return record
# Lazy Load
def get_user(user_id):
record = cache.get(user_id)
if record is None:
record = db.query("select * from users where id = ?", user_id)
cache.set(user_id, record, 300) # TTL
return record
# App code
save_user(17, {"name": “Big Mike"})
user = get_user(17)
Write Through
1. Updated DB
2. SET in Cache
Lazy Load
1. GET from cache.
2. If MISS get from DB
3. Then SET in Cache
1) Install php, apache php memcache client
e.g. yum install php apache php-pecl-memcache
2) Configure “php.ini”
session.save_handler = memcache
"tcp://node1:11211, tcp://node2:11211"
3) Configure “php.d/memcache.ini”
memcache.hash_strategy = consistent
memcache.allow_failover = 1
4) Restart httpd
5) Begin using Session Data:
Auto Scaling group
For situations where you need an
external session store
• Especially needed when using ASGs
• Cache is optimal for high-volume
PHP Example
Session Caching
IoT Device Data
IoT Device
Hot Data
Data Lake
Cold Data
Lambda Trigger for IoT Rule
var redis = require("redis");
exports.handler = function(event, context) {
client = redis.createClient("redis://your-redis-endpoint:6379");
multi = client.multi();
multi.zadd("SensorData", date, event.deviceId);
multi.hmset(event.deviceId, "temperature", event.temperature,
"deviceIP", event.deviceIP,
"humidity", event.humidity,
"awsRequestId", context.awsRequestId);
multi.exec(function (err, replies) {
if (err) {
console.log('error updating event: ' + err);'error updating event: ' + err);
} else {
console.log('updated event ' + replies);
Lambda Trigger for IoT Rule
var redis = require("redis");
exports.handler = function(event, context) {
client = redis.createClient("redis://your-redis-endpoint:6379");
multi = client.multi();
multi.zadd("SensorData", date, event.deviceId);
multi.hmset(event.deviceId, "temperature", event.temperature,
"deviceIP", event.deviceIP,
"humidity", event.humidity,
"awsRequestId", context.awsRequestId);
multi.exec(function (err, replies) {
if (err) {
console.log('error updating event: ' + err);'error updating event: ' + err);
} else {
console.log('updated event ' + replies);
Transaction block start
• Sorted Set
• Hash
Transaction block end
Streaming Data
Hot Data
Aggregate, Sort,
Enrich, etc.
Streaming Data Enrichment
Streaming Data Analytics
(Spark Streaming)
Amazon Redshift
Spark Redis Connector
Data Lake
ElastiCache Redis with cluster mode
• Horizontal Scale of up to 3.5 TiB per cluster
• Up to 20 million reads per second
• Up to 4.5 million writes per second
• Enhanced Redis Engine within ElastiCache
• Up to 4x times failover than with Redis 2.8
• Cluster-level Backup and Restore
• Fully Supported by AWS CloudFormation
• Ability to resize your cluster
• Available in all AWS Regions
Redis 3.2 Support
Scaling with Redis Cluster
Redis Cluster – Automatic Client-Side Sharding
S4 S3
• 16384 hash slots per Cluster
• Slot for a key is CRC16 modulo {key}
• Slots are distributed across the Cluster
into Shards
• Developers must use a Redis cluster client!
• Clients are redirected to the correct shard
• Smart clients store a map
Shard S1 = slots 0 – 3276
Shard S2 = slots 3277 – 6553
Shard S3 = slots 6554 – 9829
Shard S4 = slots 9830 – 13106
Shard S5 = slots 13107 - 16383
Availability Zone A
slots 0 - 5454 slots 5455 – 10909
Redis Cluster
Redis Cluster – Architecture
slots 10910 – 16363
Availability Zone B Availability Zone C
slots 5455 – 10909
slots 5455 – 10909slots 0 - 5454 slots 0 - 5454
slots 10910 – 16363
slots 10910 – 16363
Redis Cluster – Multi AZ
A cluster consists of 1 to 15 shards
example: 3 shard cluster,
2 read replicas
Availability Zone A
slots 0 - 5454
Redis Cluster
Redis Cluster – Architecture
slots 10910 – 16363
Availability Zone B Availability Zone C
slots 5455 – 10909
slots 5455 – 10909slots 0 - 5454 slots 0 - 5454
slots 10910 – 16363
Each shard has a Primary Node
and up to 5 replica nodes
slots 5455 – 10909
slots 10910 – 16363
Availability Zone A
slots 0 - 5454 slots 5455 – 10909
Redis Cluster
Redis Cluster – Architecture
slots 10910 – 16363
Availability Zone B Availability Zone C
slots 5455 – 10909
slots 5455 – 10909
ReplicaReplica Primary
Each shard has a Primary Node
and up to 5 replica nodes
slots 0 - 5454 slots 0 - 5454
slots 10910 – 16363
slots 10910 – 16363
Availability Zone A
slots 0 - 5454
Redis Cluster
Redis Cluster – Architecture
slots 10910 – 16363
Availability Zone B Availability Zone C
slots 10910 – 16363
slots 10910 – 16363
Replica PrimaryReplica
Each shard has a Primary Node
and up to 5 replica nodes
slots 5455 – 10909 slots 0 - 5454
slots 5455 – 10909
slots 0 - 5454 slots 5455 – 10909
Redis Failure Scenarios
Availability Zone A
slots 0 - 5454 slots 5455 – 10909
Redis Cluster
slots 10910 – 16363
Availability Zone B Availability Zone C
slots 5455 – 10909 slots 5455 – 10909slots 0 - 5454 slots 0 - 5454
slots 10910 – 16363 slots 10910 – 16363
Scenario 1: Single Primary Shard Failure
Availability Zone A
slots 0 - 5454 slots 5455 – 10909
Redis Cluster
Scenario 1: Single Primary Shard Failure
slots 10910 – 16363
Availability Zone B Availability Zone C
slots 5455 – 10909 slots 5455 – 10909slots 0 - 5454 slots 0 - 5454
slots 10910 – 16363
1. Promote Read Replica Node (~15-30s)
2. Repair Failed Node
slots 10910 – 16363
Availability Zone A
slots 0 - 5454 slots 5455 – 10909
Redis Cluster
Scenario 2: Majority of Primary Shards Fail
slots 10910 – 16363
Availability Zone B Availability Zone C
slots 5455 – 10909 slots 5455 – 10909slots 0 - 5454 slots 0 - 5454
slots 10910 – 16363slots 10910 – 16363
Availability Zone A
slots 0 - 5454 slots 5455 – 10909
Redis Cluster
slots 10910 – 16363
Availability Zone B Availability Zone C
slots 5455 – 10909 slots 5455 – 10909slots 0 - 5454 slots 0 - 5454
Mitigation: Redis enhancements on ElastiCache
• Promote Read Replica Nodes
• Repair Failed Nodes
slots 10910 – 16363slots 10910 – 16363
Scenario 2: Majority of Primary Shards Fail
How do I migrate from a non-clustered Redis
environment to a clustered Redis environment
on ElastiCache?
Migrating to a Cluster
1. Create new Cluster
2. Make snapshot of old CacheCluster
3. Restore snapshot to new Cluster
4. Update Client
5. Terminate old Cluster
S4 S3
< 3.2
How do change the number of Redis Shards I
have allocated?
1. Create new Cluster
2. Make snapshot of old CacheCluster
3. Restore snapshot to new Cluster
4. Terminate old Cluster
Resizing your Cluster
Architecting for Availability
• Upgrade to the latest engine version – 3.2.4
• Use Newer Instance types when possible (e.g. M4 vs M3)
• Set reserved-memory to 30% of total available memory
• Swap usage should be zero or very low. Scale if not.
• Put read-replicas in a different AZ from the primary
• For important workloads use 2 read replicas per primary
• Write to the primary, read from the read-replicas
• Take snapshots from read-replicas to support your RPO
• For Redis Cluster have odd number of shards.
Monitoring Your Cluster
Key ElastiCache CloudWatch Metrics
• CPUUtilization
• Memcached – up to 90% ok
• Redis – divide by cores (ex: 90% / 4 = 22.5%)
• SwapUsage low
• CacheMisses / CacheHits Ratio low / stable
• Evictions near zero
• Exception: Russian doll caching
• CurrConnections stable
• Setup alarms with CloudWatch Metrics
• Whitepaper:
ElastiCache Modifiable Parameters
• Maxclients: 65000 (unchangeable)
• Use connection pooling
• timeout – Closes a connection after its been idle for a given interval
• tcp-keepalive – Detects dead peers given an interval
• Databases: 16 (Default) for non-clustered mode
• Logical partition
• Reserved-memory: 0 (Default)
• Recommended
§ 50% of maxmemory to use before 2.8.22
§ 30% after 2.8.22 – ElastiCache
• Maxmemory-policy:
• The eviction policy for keys when maximum memory usage is reached
• Possible values: volatile-lru, allkeys-lru, volatile-random, allkeys-random,
volatile-ttl, noeviction
Caching Strategies
Java App Java App
Web Server Web Server
Database Cache
Demo workload topology: Customer Data
CustomerDB Primary CustomerDB Standby
Caching Strategies
1. Cache Database SQL ResultSet (Row)
When data retrieval logic is abstracted from the code consuming the ResultSet, caching the ROW can
be extremely effective and can be implemented against any RDBMS.
Data retrieval still requires extracting values from the ROW and does not further simplify data access;
It only reduces data retrieval latency.
ID First_Name Last_Name City
123Michael Labib Chicago
ResultSet Object (ROW) Key: Query, Value: CRS as byte array
Caching Strategies
2. Cache database values into custom format in a Redis String
ID First_Name Last_Name City
123Michael Labib Chicago
Key: 123, Value: firstNameString firstName = rs.getString(First_Name)
Very easy to implement. Cache any desired database fields and values into a Redis String. For example,
store your retrieved data into a JSON object stored in a Redis String.
Minor. Application code will leverage different types of Objects when retrieving data (i.e. Redis data
structures and database results when needed)
Caching Strategies
3. Cache serialized application object (e.g. Java Object )
ID First_Name Last_Name City
123Michael Labib Chicago
Value: Customer Object as byte array
String firstName = rs.getString(First_Name);
String lastName = rs.getString(Last_Name);
Utilize application objects in their native structure and data state when serialized.
Advanced application development use case.
Caching Strategies
4. Leverage advanced Redis Data Structures for cached data
ID First_Name Last_Name City
123Michael Labib Chicago
Key: CUSTOMER_ID:123, Value: rsHash
String firstName = rs.getString(First_Name);
rsHash.put(“firstName", firstName);
String lastName = rs.getString(Last_Name);
rsHash.put(“lastName", lastName);
jedis.hmset(“CUSTOMER_ID:123", rsHash);
In addition to reducing data retrieval latency, cache data into specific data structure that simplifies the
data access pattern.
Minor. Application code will leverage different types of objects when retrieving data (i.e. Redis data
structures and database results when needed)
Demo Steps: Database Setup
• Create CustomerDB with Database of choice
• Load sample data
• Create sample or use mock tool
• Set appropriate security groups to grant access to EC2 SGs hosting your applications
• Enable port 3306 for your IP to use DB editor for convenience
CREATE table Customer (
VALUES (1, 'Maria', 'Rodriguez', '', 'Female', 'Dallas', 'Texas', '63 8th Circle', 'United States');
Demo Steps: ElastiCache & EC2 Setup
• Create ElastiCache for Redis Cluster
• Test connectivity from EC2
• Set appropriate security groups to grant access to EC2 SGs hosting your applications
• Install Redis Client on the EC2 instances to command line Redis access
tar xvzf redis-stable.tar.gz
cd redis-stable
make && make install
src/redis-cli -h your-elasticache-redis-endpoint -p 6379
Demo: Example Java application
DAO Pattern
Demo: Data retrieval logic
Data retrieval details abstracted from consuming applications
1. Check cache first for requested data
2. If not available, retrieve the data from origin database
3. Cache any data not available previously set in cache for 5
4. Return results
§ Caching your data can greatly improve your data retrieval
§ There are various strategies you can implement to cache
your data, use the one that meets your needs
§ Caching your data can also greatly reduce your database
costs when architecting for scale

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롯데이커머스의 마이크로 서비스 아키텍처 진화와 비용 관점의 운영 노하우-나현길, 롯데이커머스 클라우드플랫폼 팀장::AWS 마이그레이션 A ...
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Semelhante a ElastiCache Deep Dive: Best Practices and Usage Patterns - March 2017 AWS Online Tech Talks

Fast Data at Scale - AWS Summit Tel Aviv 2017
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DAT305_Amazon ElastiCache Deep Dive
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DAT305_Amazon ElastiCache Deep DiveAmazon Web Services
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Unleash the Power of Redis with Amazon ElastiCache
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Semelhante a ElastiCache Deep Dive: Best Practices and Usage Patterns - March 2017 AWS Online Tech Talks (20)

Fast Data at Scale - AWS Summit Tel Aviv 2017
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DAT305_Amazon ElastiCache Deep Dive
DAT305_Amazon ElastiCache Deep DiveDAT305_Amazon ElastiCache Deep Dive
DAT305_Amazon ElastiCache Deep Dive
AWS re:Invent 2016: ElastiCache Deep Dive: Best Practices and Usage Patterns ...
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Unleash the Power of Redis with Amazon ElastiCache
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Fast Data at Scale with Amazon ElastiCache for Redis
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Making (Almost) Any Database Faster and Cheaper with Caching
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Making (Almost) Any Database Faster and Cheaper with Caching
AWS Webcast - Backup & Restore for ElastiCache/Redis: Getting Started & Best ...
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Getting started with Amazon ElastiCache
Getting started with Amazon ElastiCacheGetting started with Amazon ElastiCache
Getting started with Amazon ElastiCache
RedisConf17 - Doing More With Redis - Ofer Bengal and Yiftach Shoolman
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RedisConf17 - Turbo-charge your apps with Amazon Elasticache for Redis
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ElastiCache and Redis
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Big data with amazon EMR - Pop-up Loft Tel Aviv
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Amazon ElastiCache and Redis
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Amazon ElastiCache and Redis
DAT341_Working with Amazon ElastiCache for Redis
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Hands-On with Amazon ElastiCache for Redis - Workshop (DAT309-R1) - AWS re:In...
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ElastiCache Deep Dive: Best Practices and Usage Patterns - March 2017 AWS Online Tech Talks

  • 1. 1 Michael Labib, AWS Specialist Solutions Architect March 2017 Amazon ElastiCache Deep Dive: Best Practices, Usage Patterns and Caching Strategies Amazon ElastiCache © 2017, Amazon Web Services, Inc. or its Affiliates. All rights reserved.
  • 2. Learning Objectives § Learn how to integrate Amazon ElastiCache in your workloads § Understand the benefits of an In-Memory data store § Learn how to apply various caching strategies in your applications § Hands on demonstration using Amazon ElastiCache 2
  • 3. In-Memory Key-Value NoSQL Store High-performance Redis and Memcached Fully managed; Zero admin Highly Available and Reliable Hardened by Amazon Amazon ElastiCache
  • 4. Redis – The In-Memory Leader Powerful ~200 commands + Lua scripting In-memory data structure server Utility data structures strings, lists, hashes, sets, sorted sets, bitmaps & HyperLogLogs Simple Atomic operations supports transactions Ridiculously fast! <1ms latency for most commands Highly Available replication Persistence Open Source
  • 5. Redis Data Structure Fundamentals
  • 6. Redis Data Types - String • Binary safe. • Can contain a max value of 512 MB. • Great for storing Counters, HTML, Images, JSON objects, etc. valueKey
  • 7. Key Redis Data Types - Set • A collection of unique unordered Strings values • Great for Deduplicating and Grouping related information • Can union, intersect and find differences between other SETS value: 75 value: 1 value: 39 value: 63 value: 63 Duplicate! value: 63
  • 8. Key Redis Data Types - Sorted Set • A collection of unique Strings values ordered by score • Great for Deduplication, Grouping and Sorting related information • Get specific range and rank of elements based on score value: mike score: 50 score: 75 value: dan value: emma score: 79 value: lina score: 123 value: luke score: 350
  • 9. Key Redis Data Types - List HEAD value 1 value 2 value 3 TAIL • A collection of Strings stored in the order of their insertion • Push and Pop from head or tail of the list or insert at specific value position • Great for message queues and timelines
  • 10. Key Redis Data Types - Hashes Field 1 value 1 • A collection of unordered fields and values • Great for representing objects • Ability to Add, GET, and DEL individual fields by Key Field 2 value 2 Field 3 value 3 Field 4 value 4
  • 11. Redis Data Types & More! Run Lua scripts Geospatial Queries! Pub / Sub
  • 13. Amazon ElastiCache Redis Multi-AZ with Automatic Failover Open-Source Compatible Fully Managed Enhanced Redis Engine Easy to Deploy, Use and Monitor No Cross-AZ Data Transfer Costs Extreme Performance at Cloud Scale ElastiCache - Customer Value
  • 16. Caching # Write Through def save_user(user_id, values): record = db.query("update users ... where id = ?", user_id, values) cache.set(user_id, record, 300) # TTL return record # Lazy Load def get_user(user_id): record = cache.get(user_id) if record is None: record = db.query("select * from users where id = ?", user_id) cache.set(user_id, record, 300) # TTL return record # App code save_user(17, {"name": “Big Mike"}) user = get_user(17) Amazon ElastiCache
  • 17. Caching # Write Through def save_user(user_id, values): record = db.query("update users ... where id = ?", user_id, values) cache.set(user_id, record, 300) # TTL return record # Lazy Load def get_user(user_id): record = cache.get(user_id) if record is None: record = db.query("select * from users where id = ?", user_id) cache.set(user_id, record, 300) # TTL return record # App code save_user(17, {"name": “Big Mike"}) user = get_user(17) Amazon ElastiCache Write Through 1. Updated DB 2. SET in Cache Lazy Load 1. GET from cache. 2. If MISS get from DB 3. Then SET in Cache
  • 18. 1) Install php, apache php memcache client e.g. yum install php apache php-pecl-memcache 2) Configure “php.ini” session.save_handler = memcache session.save_path= "tcp://node1:11211, tcp://node2:11211" 3) Configure “php.d/memcache.ini” memcache.hash_strategy = consistent memcache.allow_failover = 1 memcache.session_redundancy=3* 4) Restart httpd 5) Begin using Session Data: Auto Scaling group For situations where you need an external session store • Especially needed when using ASGs • Cache is optimal for high-volume reads PHP Example Session Caching
  • 19. IoT Device Data AWS IoT AWS IoT Device Amazon EC2 AWS Lambda Hot Data Amazon DynamoDB Longer Retention Data Lake Amazon S3 Amazon Glacier Cold Data Amazon Kinesis Firehose Amazon ElastiCache
  • 20. Lambda Trigger for IoT Rule var redis = require("redis"); exports.handler = function(event, context) { client = redis.createClient("redis://your-redis-endpoint:6379"); multi = client.multi(); multi.zadd("SensorData", date, event.deviceId); multi.hmset(event.deviceId, "temperature", event.temperature, "deviceIP", event.deviceIP, "humidity", event.humidity, "awsRequestId", context.awsRequestId); multi.exec(function (err, replies) { if (err) { console.log('error updating event: ' + err);'error updating event: ' + err); } else { console.log('updated event ' + replies); context.succeed(replies); client.quit(); } }); } AWS Lambda Amazon ElastiCache AWS IoT
  • 21. Lambda Trigger for IoT Rule var redis = require("redis"); exports.handler = function(event, context) { client = redis.createClient("redis://your-redis-endpoint:6379"); multi = client.multi(); multi.zadd("SensorData", date, event.deviceId); multi.hmset(event.deviceId, "temperature", event.temperature, "deviceIP", event.deviceIP, "humidity", event.humidity, "awsRequestId", context.awsRequestId); multi.exec(function (err, replies) { if (err) { console.log('error updating event: ' + err);'error updating event: ' + err); } else { console.log('updated event ' + replies); context.succeed(replies); client.quit(); } }); } AWS Lambda Amazon ElastiCache AWS IoT Transaction block start SET • Sorted Set • Hash Transaction block end
  • 24. Streaming Data Analytics Data Sources 1 Amazon Kinesis Streams Amazon EMR (Spark Streaming) Amazon S3 Amazon EC2 Amazon Redshift Spark Redis Connector Data Lake Amazon ElastiCache
  • 25. ElastiCache Redis with cluster mode
  • 26. Features • Horizontal Scale of up to 3.5 TiB per cluster • Up to 20 million reads per second • Up to 4.5 million writes per second • Enhanced Redis Engine within ElastiCache • Up to 4x times failover than with Redis 2.8 • Cluster-level Backup and Restore • Fully Supported by AWS CloudFormation • Ability to resize your cluster • Available in all AWS Regions Redis 3.2 Support Amazon ElastiCache
  • 28. Redis Cluster – Automatic Client-Side Sharding S5 S1 S2 S4 S3 Client • 16384 hash slots per Cluster • Slot for a key is CRC16 modulo {key} • Slots are distributed across the Cluster into Shards • Developers must use a Redis cluster client! • Clients are redirected to the correct shard • Smart clients store a map Shard S1 = slots 0 – 3276 Shard S2 = slots 3277 – 6553 Shard S3 = slots 6554 – 9829 Shard S4 = slots 9830 – 13106 Shard S5 = slots 13107 - 16383
  • 29. Availability Zone A slots 0 - 5454 slots 5455 – 10909 Redis Cluster Redis Cluster – Architecture slots 10910 – 16363 Availability Zone B Availability Zone C slots 5455 – 10909 slots 5455 – 10909slots 0 - 5454 slots 0 - 5454 slots 10910 – 16363 slots 10910 – 16363 Redis Cluster – Multi AZ A cluster consists of 1 to 15 shards example: 3 shard cluster, 2 read replicas
  • 30. Availability Zone A slots 0 - 5454 Redis Cluster Redis Cluster – Architecture slots 10910 – 16363 Availability Zone B Availability Zone C slots 5455 – 10909 slots 5455 – 10909slots 0 - 5454 slots 0 - 5454 slots 10910 – 16363 Shard ReplicaReplicaPrimary Each shard has a Primary Node and up to 5 replica nodes slots 5455 – 10909 slots 10910 – 16363
  • 31. Availability Zone A slots 0 - 5454 slots 5455 – 10909 Redis Cluster Redis Cluster – Architecture slots 10910 – 16363 Availability Zone B Availability Zone C slots 5455 – 10909 slots 5455 – 10909 Shard ReplicaReplica Primary Each shard has a Primary Node and up to 5 replica nodes slots 0 - 5454 slots 0 - 5454 slots 10910 – 16363 slots 10910 – 16363
  • 32. Availability Zone A slots 0 - 5454 Redis Cluster Redis Cluster – Architecture slots 10910 – 16363 Availability Zone B Availability Zone C slots 10910 – 16363 slots 10910 – 16363 Shard Replica PrimaryReplica Each shard has a Primary Node and up to 5 replica nodes slots 5455 – 10909 slots 0 - 5454 slots 5455 – 10909 slots 0 - 5454 slots 5455 – 10909
  • 34. Availability Zone A slots 0 - 5454 slots 5455 – 10909 Redis Cluster slots 10910 – 16363 Availability Zone B Availability Zone C slots 5455 – 10909 slots 5455 – 10909slots 0 - 5454 slots 0 - 5454 slots 10910 – 16363 slots 10910 – 16363 Scenario 1: Single Primary Shard Failure
  • 35. Availability Zone A slots 0 - 5454 slots 5455 – 10909 Redis Cluster Scenario 1: Single Primary Shard Failure slots 10910 – 16363 Availability Zone B Availability Zone C slots 5455 – 10909 slots 5455 – 10909slots 0 - 5454 slots 0 - 5454 slots 10910 – 16363 Mitigation: 1. Promote Read Replica Node (~15-30s) 2. Repair Failed Node slots 10910 – 16363
  • 36. Availability Zone A slots 0 - 5454 slots 5455 – 10909 Redis Cluster Scenario 2: Majority of Primary Shards Fail slots 10910 – 16363 Availability Zone B Availability Zone C slots 5455 – 10909 slots 5455 – 10909slots 0 - 5454 slots 0 - 5454 slots 10910 – 16363slots 10910 – 16363
  • 37. Availability Zone A slots 0 - 5454 slots 5455 – 10909 Redis Cluster slots 10910 – 16363 Availability Zone B Availability Zone C slots 5455 – 10909 slots 5455 – 10909slots 0 - 5454 slots 0 - 5454 Mitigation: Redis enhancements on ElastiCache • Promote Read Replica Nodes • Repair Failed Nodes slots 10910 – 16363slots 10910 – 16363 Scenario 2: Majority of Primary Shards Fail
  • 38. How do I migrate from a non-clustered Redis environment to a clustered Redis environment on ElastiCache?
  • 39. Migrating to a Cluster 1. Create new Cluster 2. Make snapshot of old CacheCluster 3. Restore snapshot to new Cluster 4. Update Client 5. Terminate old Cluster S5 S1 S2 S4 S3 Client Old < 3.2 Client
  • 40. How do change the number of Redis Shards I have allocated?
  • 41. 1. Create new Cluster 2. Make snapshot of old CacheCluster 3. Restore snapshot to new Cluster 4. Terminate old Cluster Resizing your Cluster
  • 42. Architecting for Availability • Upgrade to the latest engine version – 3.2.4 • Use Newer Instance types when possible (e.g. M4 vs M3) • Set reserved-memory to 30% of total available memory • Swap usage should be zero or very low. Scale if not. • Put read-replicas in a different AZ from the primary • For important workloads use 2 read replicas per primary • Write to the primary, read from the read-replicas • Take snapshots from read-replicas to support your RPO • For Redis Cluster have odd number of shards.
  • 44. Key ElastiCache CloudWatch Metrics • CPUUtilization • Memcached – up to 90% ok • Redis – divide by cores (ex: 90% / 4 = 22.5%) • SwapUsage low • CacheMisses / CacheHits Ratio low / stable • Evictions near zero • Exception: Russian doll caching • CurrConnections stable • Setup alarms with CloudWatch Metrics • Whitepaper:
  • 45. ElastiCache Modifiable Parameters • Maxclients: 65000 (unchangeable) • Use connection pooling • timeout – Closes a connection after its been idle for a given interval • tcp-keepalive – Detects dead peers given an interval • Databases: 16 (Default) for non-clustered mode • Logical partition • Reserved-memory: 0 (Default) • Recommended § 50% of maxmemory to use before 2.8.22 § 30% after 2.8.22 – ElastiCache • Maxmemory-policy: • The eviction policy for keys when maximum memory usage is reached • Possible values: volatile-lru, allkeys-lru, volatile-random, allkeys-random, volatile-ttl, noeviction
  • 47. Java App Java App Web Server Web Server Database Cache Customers AZ1 AZ2 Distributed Cache Demo workload topology: Customer Data CustomerDB Primary CustomerDB Standby
  • 48. Caching Strategies 1. Cache Database SQL ResultSet (Row) PRO When data retrieval logic is abstracted from the code consuming the ResultSet, caching the ROW can be extremely effective and can be implemented against any RDBMS. CON Data retrieval still requires extracting values from the ROW and does not further simplify data access; It only reduces data retrieval latency. SELECT * FROM x WHERE y ID First_Name Last_Name City 123Michael Labib Chicago ResultSet Object (ROW) Key: Query, Value: CRS as byte array
  • 49. Caching Strategies 2. Cache database values into custom format in a Redis String SELECT * FROM x WHERE y ID First_Name Last_Name City 123Michael Labib Chicago Key: 123, Value: firstNameString firstName = rs.getString(First_Name) PRO Very easy to implement. Cache any desired database fields and values into a Redis String. For example, store your retrieved data into a JSON object stored in a Redis String. CON Minor. Application code will leverage different types of Objects when retrieving data (i.e. Redis data structures and database results when needed)
  • 50. Caching Strategies 3. Cache serialized application object (e.g. Java Object ) SELECT * FROM x WHERE y ID First_Name Last_Name City 123Michael Labib Chicago Key: CUSTOMER_ID:123, Value: Customer Object as byte array String firstName = rs.getString(First_Name); customer.setFirstName(firstName); String lastName = rs.getString(Last_Name); customer.setLastName(lastName); PRO Utilize application objects in their native structure and data state when serialized. CON Advanced application development use case.
  • 51. Caching Strategies 4. Leverage advanced Redis Data Structures for cached data SELECT * FROM x WHERE y ID First_Name Last_Name City 123Michael Labib Chicago Key: CUSTOMER_ID:123, Value: rsHash String firstName = rs.getString(First_Name); rsHash.put(“firstName", firstName); String lastName = rs.getString(Last_Name); rsHash.put(“lastName", lastName); jedis.hmset(“CUSTOMER_ID:123", rsHash); PRO In addition to reducing data retrieval latency, cache data into specific data structure that simplifies the data access pattern. CON Minor. Application code will leverage different types of objects when retrieving data (i.e. Redis data structures and database results when needed)
  • 52. Demo Steps: Database Setup • Create CustomerDB with Database of choice • Load sample data • Create sample or use mock tool • Set appropriate security groups to grant access to EC2 SGs hosting your applications • Enable port 3306 for your IP to use DB editor for convenience CREATE table Customer ( CUSTOMER_ID INT ,FIRST_NAME VARCHAR(50) ,LAST_NAME VARCHAR(50) ,EMAIL VARCHAR(50) ,GENDER VARCHAR(50) ,CITY VARCHAR(50) ,STATE VARCHAR(50) ,ADDRESS VARCHAR(50) ,COUNTRY VARCHAR(50) ); INSERT into Customer (CUSTOMER_ID, FIRST_NAME, LAST_NAME, EMAIL, GENDER, CITY, STATE, ADDRESS, COUNTRY) VALUES (1, 'Maria', 'Rodriguez', '', 'Female', 'Dallas', 'Texas', '63 8th Circle', 'United States');
  • 53. Demo Steps: ElastiCache & EC2 Setup • Create ElastiCache for Redis Cluster • Test connectivity from EC2 • Set appropriate security groups to grant access to EC2 SGs hosting your applications • Install Redis Client on the EC2 instances to command line Redis access wget tar xvzf redis-stable.tar.gz cd redis-stable make && make install src/redis-cli -h your-elasticache-redis-endpoint -p 6379
  • 54. Demo: Example Java application uses uses implements implements <<interface>> <<interface>> DAO Pattern uses <<interface>> uses
  • 55. Demo: Data retrieval logic Data retrieval details abstracted from consuming applications 1. Check cache first for requested data 2. If not available, retrieve the data from origin database 3. Cache any data not available previously set in cache for 5 minutes 4. Return results Demo
  • 56. Summary § Caching your data can greatly improve your data retrieval speeds § There are various strategies you can implement to cache your data, use the one that meets your needs § Caching your data can also greatly reduce your database costs when architecting for scale 56